Semolina pudding
750ml (1 pint 6fl oz) milk
100g (3½oz) semolina
½ tsp ground cinnamon, plus extra for sprinkling
30g (1oz) unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
100g (3½oz) caster sugar
2 egg yolks
Jam or honey, to serve (optional)
PREHEAT THE OVEN TO 180°C (350°F), Gas Mark 4 and thoroughly grease a shallow, ovenproof baking dish. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat until hot but not boiling.
REMOVE THE PAN FROM THE HEAT and slowly add the semolina, whisking all the time with a balloon whisk to avoid lumps. Return the pan to the heat and bring slowly to the boil, stirring constantly so that the mixture remains smooth.
REMOVE FROM THE HEAT, stir in the cinnamon, butter, sugar and egg yolks and mix well. Pour into the greased dish and sprinkle with a little more ground cinnamon. Bake in the oven for 35–40 minutes. Serve the pudding on its own or with a generous spoonful of jam or honey.