Gooseberry and elderflower layer pudding



900g (2lb) green gooseberries (fresh or frozen), topped and tailed

3 elderflower heads

600g (1lb 5oz) caster sugar

50g (2oz) unsalted butter

12 slices of white bread, crusts removed

225ml (8fl oz) milk

450ml (16fl oz) double cream

4 large eggs, lightly beaten

1 tsp vanilla essence

15g (½oz) soft light brown sugar

Cream or crème fraîche, to serve

PUT THE GOOSEBERRIES, ELDERFLOWERS AND 450g (1lb) of the caster sugar in a medium saucepan and stir very gently over a medium heat until the gooseberries have split open. Remove the elderflowers and discard them.

BUTTER THE BREAD and arrange four slices, butter-side down, in a single layer in a 20cm (8in) square, ovenproof baking dish. Spread about a third of the gooseberry mixture over the bread, then top with another four pieces of bread, butter-side down. Add another third of the gooseberry mix, then top with the final four slices of bread, again butter-side down, to complete the layers. Keep the final third of the gooseberry mixture for serving.

IN A BOWL, WHISK TOGETHER the milk, cream, eggs, vanilla essence and remaining 150g (5oz) of caster sugar, then pour this over the top of the pudding. Sprinkle the brown sugar over the top, and allow the pudding to rest for an hour.

PREHEAT THE OVEN TO 180°C (350°F), Gas Mark 4. Place the baking dish in a large roasting tin and pour water into the tin to come halfway up the sides of the dish. Bake in the oven for 1 hour or until the top of the pudding is golden brown. Serve warm with the reserved gooseberry mixture and cream or crème fraîche.