Lemon layer pudding
2 eggs
180g (6½oz) caster sugar
Finely grated zest and juice of 2 unwaxed lemons
60g (2oz) unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing
Custard, to serve
For the suet pastry
240g (8½oz) self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
Pinch of salt
120g (4oz) vegetable suet
GREASE A 1.1-LITRE (2-pint) pudding basin. To make the suet pastry, sift the flour and salt into a large bowl and mix in the suet. Add enough cold water to form a soft dough.
ROLL OUT HALF OF THE PASTRY on a floured surface and use it to line the greased basin. Divide the rest of the pastry roughly into two, and roll these pieces out to make layers of pastry that graduate in size for the middle and top of the pudding.
TO MAKE THE FILLING, beat together the eggs, sugar, lemon zest and juice and melted butter. Pour half of this mixture into the lined basin, add the central layer of pastry, pour in the remaining mixture and top with the final layer of pastry. Cover securely with a lid or foil and steam for 2½–3 hours. Turn out and serve with custard.