Defining Retrofit service

Retrofit turns your HTTP API into a Kotlin interface. Create an interface called JournalerBackendService inside the API package. Let's put some code in it:

    package com.journaler.api 
    import com.journaler.model.Note 
    import com.journaler.model.Todo 
    import retrofit2.Call 
    import retrofit2.http.* 
    interface JournalerBackendService { 
      fun login( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>, 
            @Body payload: UserLoginRequest 
      ): Call<JournalerApiToken> 
      fun getNotes( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String> 
      ): Call<List<Note>> 
      fun getTodos( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String> 
      ): Call<List<Todo>> 
      fun publishNotes( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>, 
            @Body payload: List<Note> 
      ): Call<Unit> 
      fun publishTodos( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>, 
            @Body payload: List<Todo> 
      ): Call<Unit> 
      fun removeNotes( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>, 
            @Body payload: List<Note> 
      ): Call<Unit> 
      fun removeTodos( 
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>, 
            @Body payload: List<Todo> 
      ): Call<Unit> 

What do we have in this interface? We defined a list of calls that will be able to execute the following:

Each has a proper annotation representing the HTTP method with the path. We also use annotations to mark the payload body and headers map.