The last step before we upload the release to the Google Play store is to generate a signed APK. Open your project and choose Build | Generate Signed APK:
Choose the main application module and continue by clicking on Next:
Since we don't have the key store yet, we will create a new one. Click on Create new... as follows:
Populate the data and click on OK. Click on Next and enter your master password if asked. Check both signatures and choose the complete flavor to build. Click on Finish:
Wait until the build is ready. We will also update our build.gradle so the build is signed each time we build a release:
... android { signingConfigs { release { storeFile file("Releasing/keystore.jks") storePassword "1234567" keyAlias "key0" keyPassword "1234567" } } release { debuggable false minifyEnabled false signingConfig signingConfigs.release proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
'' } } ...
If it's easier for you, you can run the build process from the terminal as follows:
$ ./gradlew clean $ ./gradlew assembleCompleteRelease
In this example, we assembled the release build for the Complete application flavor.