I have to start by thanking my husband, Sam, for being patient with me when I’m lost in the world of my characters and for the hours (even the ones when you’re just pretending to listen) spent beach walking and talking (mostly me) about my books. And by thanking Rocky, for being the best writing companion and furbaby I could have ever wished for. I love my boys immensely.
Thank you to:
Little Jenny, for being happy to traipse around Williamsburg with me and for hours spent listening to country music when we’re getting ready to out, whether you want to or not (keep rollin’ and strollin’).
Jenny P, for sharing our crush on Elvis and for all the giggles in New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville, despite the snow (and for eating as much BBQ food as me without judgment).
Helena, for totally getting my obsession with The Beatles and not moaning about the snail pace at which we walked around The Beatles Story.
Nicola, Katie, Clair, Jen and Jenna, for sharing tales of your children’s blunders, and to your gorgeous babies for giving you stories to share with me.
To all the friends and family I haven’t mentioned by name, who give words of encouragement, ask about my WIP and show more understanding than I probably deserve when I’m rubbish at keeping dates and replying to messages. I couldn’t write about relationships and friendships without having yours.
Geoff at Abbey Road Studios for answering an abundance of questions about music production, and to Howard for putting us in touch.
Girlfriends wouldn’t be a published book without some very important and amazing people in the book world. Huge thanks to my agent, Tanera Simons, who championed this book from the first draft, and to the wider team at Darley Anderson for all their efforts.
I owe a massive thank you to my editor at Canelo, Emily Bedford, who fell in love with this book and understood the characters from the beginning. Without your expertise, Girlfriends would be a very different book. To the wider team at Canelo – editors, artists, marketeers – thank you so much for completing the Girlfriends jigsaw.
Needless to say, I adore country music, so last but by no means least, thank you to all the country musicians who give blood, sweat and tears to share their stories in music and lyrics, so that I could write mine.