There are simply too many people to list when it comes to acknowledging those who have influenced my teaching, a list that would include every one of the thousands of students with whom I’ve shared a classroom, as well as the teachers and colleagues who have influenced my approach. Education is a collaborative enterprise, and this book wouldn’t exist without all of the people with whom I’ve crossed paths over the years.
While all of the experiences in this book are stamped with my imprint, a number of them have specific roots with others, and I want to acknowledge them here. At the same time, I want to encourage others to feel free to take these experiences and remake and recombine them in any way they see fit.
The instructions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich originates from my third grade teacher, Mrs. Goldman, who was the first to introduce me to writing experiences and the rhetorical situation.
“Where Did You Go? (Sense Memory) was inspired by my graduate school professor at McNeese St. University, Robert Olen Butler, whose book From Where You Dream: The Process of Writing Fiction offers much more insight into the role sense memory plays in writing.
“You Did What?” (Adventure Report) originated with my college professor at the University of Illinois, Philip Graham.
“Are You Trying to Make Me Angry?” (Conflict Letter) and “How Can I Help You Help Me?” (Solution Letter) originated with Dr. Marlene Preston, my faculty supervisor at Virginia Tech.