
Like many of the authors of the Campaign Series books, I am indebted to the numerous current and retired service personnel who gave their time willingly and often enthusiastically. Lieutenant Colonel Russell Linwood, a sniping instructor and weapons enthusiast, dedicated many weekends to reading copies of my manuscript and providing valuable advice. I owe Russell an apology for the numerous late-night phone calls and emails seeking answers to technical questions or just to ‘chew the fat’ over some obscure sniping issue. John Land, Manager of the Infantry Centre Museum was, as always, an excellent resource for a photograph of a rare weapon or for a ‘sanity check’ of weapons and munitions facts. Several snipers, from the Second World War through the Korean War to modern operations, were extremely helpful in describing just how the sniper operated in these conflicts. One in particular, who cannot be named since he continues to serve, provided access to his valuable library of images and was always available and willing to provide advice and assistance. Jason, I am sorry I could not give you the full credit you deserve, but I am grateful for your constant advice and assistance throughout the writing of this book. Numerous gun collectors and enthusiasts also sent me images, stories and encouragement, including Brad Hedges and Peter Bruem. Finally, a chance encounter on a tour of Gallipoli led to a remarkable discovery. One of the men I was guiding over the old battlefield shared my interest in military history and, of all things, sniping. Having mentioned that I was thinking of writing a book on the subject of Army snipers, Donald Leys offered me access to his grandfather’s papers. His grandfather, Sergeant David Mortimer of the 14th Battalion, had served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front and was one of the first Australians to attend the British Army’s School of Scouting, Observation and Sniping in 1916. Mortimer’s notebook from that course was a treasure trove of information on how British and Australian snipers operated on the Western Front. This is the only known primary source covering the operations of Australian snipers on the Western Front in the First World War. Don, I will always be in your debt.

Glenn Wahlert
