Abraham stood in the center of his tent, the side flaps opened to allow the members of the camp to gather near and watch this momentous occasion. His son, Sarah’s son, rested in Eliezer’s arms, balanced on his knees, while Sarah and Lila stood close by to watch. The miracle still amazed him, that Sarah should bear him a son in his old age. Who would have thought? Yet God had promised.

He picked up a flint knife from a low table to his right, his gaze sweeping the crowd before coming to rest again on his wife and son. The child squirmed in Eliezer’s lap, and Abraham could not stifle a soft chuckle that the boy had already brought them so much joy. And now their joy would be complete as he made his son of promise a son of the covenant as well.

A slight commotion near the edge of the tent made him look up. Hagar caught hold of Ishmael’s hand and pulled him against her as the boy tugged her nearer to watch. Abraham met his son’s gaze with a smile and a nod. The servants nearby made room for them both, and Abraham didn’t miss the guarded look of relief in Hagar’s dark eyes. She had no reason to fear. Abraham could love both sons with ease.

Stepping closer to Eliezer, he nodded to his trusted steward to unwrap the boy’s body, exposing his soft flesh. Abraham marveled again at the perfection in one so small, then quickly, so as to cause little pain, he removed the foreskin from his son’s future manhood.

The boy’s lip quivered, followed by a lusty cry. Abraham smiled at Eliezer even as tears filled his eyes, knowing the covenant had been given to humble men and remind them where their dependence must lie. He held up a hand to Sarah as she moved forward, intending to bandage and comfort her son.

“Wait for the blessing, beloved.”

She paused mid-step, clearly distressed with each pitiful cry, but she did not move again. He looked from her to their son again, blinking at the image the boy made. How like a sacrifice—so helpless, so dependent on those who cared for him. Was this what circumcision was to show him? He’d been a grown man during his own circumcision, as had all of the men in his household, all old enough to feel the pain and understand the reasons. But this child, only eight days old, did not know the reason such pain had been inflicted on him, did not understand the covenant, the obedience and surrender this sacrifice required.

Oh, Adonai, my heart yearns that Isaac should know You. Set Your blessing on him. Make Your face shine upon him.

He glanced up, catching Sarah’s impatient look and hearing Isaac’s cries, and looked beyond them both to the edge of the trees where the Lord had come last year to renew the promise. And there He stood again. As He had promised to return, so He waited beneath the shade of the oak’s spreading limbs. Abraham felt the pull of Adonai’s gaze as warmth and love poured through him, invigorating him with sudden, overpowering joy.

“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ruler of all things great and small, who has sanctified us with Your goodness, who has given us Your righteousness.” He held his hands aloft toward the angel of the Lord. “And you, my son, shall be named Isaac, for God has kept His promise and blessed your parents with laughter.”

Sarah stepped forward and touched his upraised arm. “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears it will laugh with me.” She hurried forward then, laid strips of linen over Isaac’s exposed, bleeding skin, then quickly bound him and lifted him from Eliezer’s knees.

“Behold our son, Isaac!” Abraham said, smiling.

“Amen!” The crowd spoke as one and then burst into laughter, some cheering, others dancing.

And Abraham and Sarah laughed.