The Global Origami Movement
Most people who fold paper for entertainment, decoration or fun consider origami a craft. There is also a growing segment focused on using origami to advance the understanding of science, math and engineering. A third cadre of origami enthusiasts is focused on “artful” folding, which has suddenly captivated a diverse and expanded audience. Never before have folded pieces of paper been appreciated as jaw-dropping art, exhibited not just at annual origami conventions (now held in several countries), but also at major art museums around the world. This global audience is now engaged in a healthy dialogue about folded art, providing the critical evaluation and response so important to the development and maturation of any art form.
Artful folding can, and does, provide a lifetime of enjoyment to many, but the advancing folder often experiences technical and artistic challenges. This can result in failure, and lead to disappointment or discouragement. Until the reasons for failure are identified, they cannot be corrected. Most origami books merely present diagrams to show how to fold a project, analogous to sheet music studied by a budding musician. While notation alone may get you through a song, it is invaluable to hear it performed properly, and even more helpful if you hear it performed artfully. Rapid progress can happen when you work with a qualified instructor. Similarly, many origami artists would benefit greatly by studying with a teacher — someone to guide his or her progress toward a better performance.
Since modern origami artistry is so new, there are relatively few resources or instructors who are qualified, willing and available to help other folding artists identify and overcome the most persistent and predictable problems. We have worked with hundreds of artists, and have used that experience to select each project to develop or improve a specific aspect of paper folding skill and artistry. By working through these lessons, you will be improving critical folding techniques, exploring origami design styles, and gaining insights into origami’s instrument: the paper itself. In short, these are the things that must come together in the head and hands of today’s expressive paper folding artist.
In addition, our demonstrations on the accompanying video will help you understand the lessons well beyond what a collection of diagrams alone can do. We suggest that you watch a video lesson for the first time without folding, and then watch it again, this time with paper in hand, advancing the video lesson step-by-step at your own pace. Study and practice your origami artistry as if you were studying music. These lessons will help you diagnose the areas where you need more work. Assign yourself a new lesson each week. We hope that you will soon memorize, and then enjoy practicing the most applicable lessons. We wish you a most rewarding journey along your path to becoming a “better performer” — a more artful folder!
“Munich Orchids and Alexander Aztec Swallowtails” — Handmade Origamido papers by Alexander, original origami by LaFosse.