This book exists because our University of Toronto Press editor, Mat Buntin, shared our vision and our enthusiasm for this topic. Mat guided the manuscript through blind reviews and provided important feedback throughout the writing process, and we are grateful for his wise direction.
In the process of writing this book, we had numerous prospective, current, and recently completed PhD students across a number of disciplines review chapters and provide feedback. We also consulted with colleagues across the social sciences and humanities to identify how different disciplines conformed to or varied from the general PhD practices we discuss in this book. Further, the University of Toronto Press engaged seven individuals who served as blind peer reviewers for either the proposal and early chapters, the full manuscript, or both. We thank all of these individuals for their constructive suggestions and feedback.
We thank our respective families, Troy, Katie, and Zoƫ Berdahl, and Ruth, Alida, and Emma Malloy, for their continual support of our own careers.
Finally, as this book is about mentorship and preparing the next generation of PhD students for their future careers, we wish to acknowledge our own mentors: Roger Gibbins (for Loleen) and Graham White (for Jonathan). These two scholars taught us by example the importance of nurturing new scholars, of seeing opportunities for personal agency, and of exemplifying both professionalism and compassion. They taught us how to work our careers. This book intends to continue their legacies.