MY PROFOUND THANKS TO NED COMSTOCK, BARBARA HALL, KRISTINE Krueger, MaryAnn Sena, Kathy Stein-Smith, and the staff of the Margaret Herrick Library.
I also wish to express my gratitude to Anthony Greco for supplying me with tapes of hard to obtain films; to Grover Crisp, Vice President, Asset Management & Film Restoration, Sony Pictures Entertainment, for DVDs of Columbia Pictures’ Cold War movies; to the two readers who provided fine suggestions and gently called attention to my mistakes; and to my wife, Katherine Restaino, who proofreads with an eye for detail that I wish I had.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge those victims of the blacklist I have been privileged to know and from whom I have learned much: Lester Cole, Louis Harris, Ring Lardner Jr., Sadie Ornitz, and Joan Scott. Marsha Hunt may not know this, but when I was writing The Star-Spangled Screen: The American World War II Film, I asked Lou Harris if he could see whether Lester Cole would send me his script of None Shall Escape, which starred Marsha Hunt and Alexander Knox. Lester sent me Marsha’s script. I now want to repay an old debt to an actress who suffered loss of employment owing to her political convictions.
I used to believe in the adage, “He that loves a book will never want for a faithful friend.” I now believe that “He or she who writes books will always need faithful friends.”