Chapter Nine
Lying there on his bed with his stomach, SonOfMan booted his laptop, inserted his modem and waited. Then he checked his inbox for a message.
Re; There is.
Unfortunately we are unable to come to an alternative arrangement regarding the payment conditions of your publication.
‘In The World of Eve’ is a quite extraordinary very ambitious work of considerable scope and great fascination. And in the case of this book, the payment to cover the publication would be £4,800. This would usually be paid in four equal instalments as follows;-
£1,200 on signing the contract.
£1,200 on your approval of the edited manuscript.
£1,200 on your approval of the page proofs.
£1,200 on printing.
The book would be presented flat bound, with a reinforced gloss paperback cover and a full colour cover design. The total publication process takes approximately six months from signing the contract to receiving your complimentary Author’s advance copies.
We believe this book could also find a readership in the USA, so we would publish both in USA and the UK if we proceed.
Incidentally, if you pay the whole amount in one payment at the beginning, you can deduct 10% from the total.
If our programme meets with your approval please let us know, and we will be pleased to prepare and send you a contract for the publication of the book.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Moriho
Group Publication Director.
Athena Press Limited.
Jesus Christ, could success be so close like this and still far?
£4,800! Approximately one point three million naira in his country’s currency! How could their programme meet with his approval when his national service programme was just fetching nine thousand five hundred naira as monthly Alawi? Now the whole top-rated recommendation and acceptance of his book as publishable by this topflight publisher, situated at the Great Britain, had become a mere blind alley!
When SonOfMan saw their publication system, he had belief that his works merited publication, and that he would be pleased to work with them on publishing at least one of his books. He had believed that the quantum leap was a ticket of rip-roaring break through, and then he had thought if his book had a rosy potential, a help, which they would gain afterwards, could come—and he had written to them based on that with the subject, ‘There is’.
But there is. Yeah, there was really a way out. A cherry compromise synonymous to dues-ex-machine. A benefit of a staff of Dominus Vobiscum Investments Ltd, a financial institution he was an agent, that was equivalent to dues-ex-machine. He was sure about this, because it was enshrined there on page 8 of the abridged profile of this institution he was a bona-fide representative.
Next SonOfMan wrote;-
Jamike WyiWorri,
Ezimagu Nunya Isuikwuato,
Abia State.
The CEO,
Dominus Vobiscum Investment Ltd,
Enugu State.
I’m humbly applying for a loan of one million two hundred thousand naira to enable me finance the publication of a book of international recognition.
My name is Jamike WyiWorri, a representative at Owerri branch. I have a book that have been sanctioned okay for publication by the editorial department of Athena Press Limited, London, Queen’s House, 2 holly Road, Twickenhan, TWI 4GE9 (with registered No. 4308545, and registered office, 1 South Street Chichester, West Sussex, P109 IEH). After going through the book they placed the cost at 4,800 pounds.
I shall refund the loan immediately I have the launching and receiving of royalties of the book. I promise to abide to any agreement I shall have with the firm.
Thanks in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Jamike WyiWorri.