One by one appear the luminary pills

that flaw the blank black provinces of space.

Here lies my madder self, my nettled self,

spanning barbed goat grass, catchweed.

I might have assumed shearlings huddled

at the land’s broad flexion. I might have expected

some creature to adhere in kind, to straddle

its mate, not for all the closeness of the moor,

but that it open, beyond one soul’s duration.

& counted upon, certainly, the ambient gleam

of encroaching hamlets, now that their grainy noise

imprints the nerves of any living thing.

The self is such a bore with what it knows.

And maddening what a body can allow.

The weather has changed little,

but it has changed irrevocably.

Come, crude sun, and I will avert my gaze.

Hurl me over your shoulder.

Strewn dag. Cracked feed. Little lamb.