Shorty the bouncer and frog-eyed Dixie did it
up in the buckbrush, on a bank of the Yuba.
The banks of the Yuba chirred, and pewees caught
a belly of mosquitoes; they made their bed.
He made her belly full and the gas tank empty
the night he drove her in his pity truck.
Bright was the moon and the name of the town
where he worked was Bryte, but he: not bright,
nor she, nor child, nor we who drove, hellions,
to Bryte and back, underage, bribing Shorty
with greenbacks and underage Dixie, so we could
fill our bellies with drink, drive back to Yuba City.
Town without Pity by Gene Pitney on the radio.
On the Radio by Donna Summer. Summer in the City.
Running on Empty. Hot Child in the City.
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.