
“So, how was your day, girls? What new and exciting things did high school have to offer?” Mrs Parker asked as she dished out two steaming plates of lasagne.

“Mum, you can just ask how the trials went,” groaned Grace. She knew her mum was purposely avoiding the subject because she knew how nervous Grace had been.

“I don’t think Grace would’ve learnt a thing at school today. She was too busy stressing – just for a change,” said Mia sarcastically.

“Oh, Gracie, I’ve told you not to overthink it. How did you go, anyway?” asked Mrs Parker.

“She was amazing, as usual,” said Mia.

“I was okay, Mum. Mrs Peters seemed happy. Mia and Stell were great, but of course Stella was angry at herself for missing a whole three goals.”

“That poor girl, she’s too hard on herself. She could shoot blindfolded while standing on one leg. Now, since you guys had such a big day and trialled so well, I’ll let you eat in front of the TV this one time. But don’t tell your father, Gracie!” Mrs Parker joked. Grace’s dad always insisted they eat as a family at the dining table, but he had footy training on Friday nights.

“Your secret’s safe with me!” Grace laughed back.

“Thanks Mrs Parker, but do you think we’ll be able to hear the TV above all the noise?” asked Mia.

From the back of the house came the sound of guitars being tuned and banging drums.

“Actually, yeah, why are the Kings practising tonight, Mum? It’s not Wednesday,” Grace said, frowning. She couldn’t wait to relax and eat dinner in front of the TV, but Mia was right – they’d struggle to hear it over the noise of her brother’s band.

“Oh, they have big plans for this year, apparently – they’re going to start getting together twice a week. Who am I to stop them when they play so beautifully together,” said Grace’s mum.

“Wait … does that mean Sebastian King is currently in your house singing his sexy little heart out?” Mia whispered to Grace, while Grace’s mum had her back to them.

“I guess so,” Grace replied, not impressed by her friend’s enthusiasm.

“Why have I never been here before when they’ve practised?” Mia moaned.

“Well, we used to have training on Wednesdays and that’s when they usually get together. Maybe they did that on purpose so you wouldn’t be here to drool over them,” Grace teased.

“They sound so good! Even better than I remember,” said Mia.

The “Kings of Linwood”, as they had named themselves, had won last year’s Battle of the Bands competition run by high schools in the area. They had performed a bunch of songs at the local hall for a crowd of high school students. It wasn’t as big a deal as it sounded. Grace had heard people say they probably won because of their looks. Grace thought it was more likely because of the lack of talent in their competition. But she had to admit they were getting a bit better. They had used the $1000 prize money to buy a few new amps and other equipment to help with their sound and they were slowly starting to bring everything together. For a group of four fifteen-year-olds, she guessed they weren’t too bad.

“Let’s go and watch them play!” Mia pleaded.

Grace shook her head, wondering how much longer Mia was going to keep up this boy-obsessed act. “Are you crazy? The new Riverdale episode just came out; I’ve got a date with the couch!” said Grace.

She couldn’t think of anything worse than watching her brother and his band strut around pretending they were superstars. Plus, she was exhausted from the trials. She just wanted to put her feet up and relax.

“Pleeeeeeease,” Mia begged.

“Hey, I’m not stopping you. Go for your life!” Grace teased, knowing full well her friend wouldn’t dare go and watch them by herself. Despite all her bravado, Mia was still the same old Mia who wouldn’t know what to say to a boy if she was stuck alone with one.

“Grrr, you’re so annoying. Fine, let’s watch Riverdale . . . I just hope Archie takes off his shirt this week!” Mia’s focus instantly shifted to their favourite TV show.

“I just hope Betty and Jughead stay together!” Grace chimed in.

The two girls ate their lasagne and watched Riverdale in silence, tired from such a big day and engrossed by the drama unfolding in front of them. To Grace’s relief, Mia didn’t bring up the band or boys for the rest of the night.

“See you tomorrow, Gracie! Thanks again for dinner, Mrs Parker – it was amazing as usual!” Mia said with a smile.

“You know you’re always welcome here, Mia. Say hi to your mum and dad for me,” Kathy Parker replied as Mia walked towards the front door.

“Bye, loser!” Grace joked as Mia strutted out the door, blowing kisses melodramatically.

Thirty seconds after they’d said goodbye, Grace’s phone buzzed.

Mia: Next time the boys r playing at yours we are watching them!

Grace: Have fun with that!

Mia: Ur such a party-pooper, just becoz u looove Sebastian

Grace: Ew, I’ve known him so long he’s practically my brother

Mia: Your HOT brother who has a crush on u

Grace: SHUT UP

Mia: Admit it, u think he’s hot

Grace: That’s my brother ur talking about

Mia: He’s not ur brother, and he’s hot. Ur actual brother is hot 2 though

Grace: OMG stop this conversation is sooo over.

Mia: Grrr ur so boring

Grace: And ur sooooo annoying. Goodnight.

Mia: Goodnight MRS King