17: On and Up

Those who have been in mountain mists too thick 1

for eyes to pierce, then seen them thinning down

to let the sun show as a small, pale disc,

know how the setting sun appeared to me 4

as the thick fog dispersed. Shorn of bright rays

it hung above the sea, while far below

dim shadows hid the shores. As we walked on 7

imaginary visions mastered me,

visions of ancient anger and past wrong,

so great that I believe no trumpet blast, 10

or stormy thunderclap, however strong

could have recalled my eyes to where I was.

Procne appeared, changed to a swallow’s form 13

for punishing unfaithful Tereus

by feeding him their son, baked in a pie.

Then I beheld another fantasy 16

of Haman, fierce and scornful, hanging high,

thus rightly punished by an angry king

for outrage against Jewish Mordecai. 19

Lastly I saw a daughter’s wild despair

at sight of mother who had hanged herself

22 because the man her daughter was to wed,

Prince Turnus, had been slaughtered in a fight.

As sleep is broken when a sudden light

25 strikes through a dream, a brightness wakened me

whiter, more dazzling than the sun at noon.

On looking round to see just where I stood

28 a gentle voice said, “Here is your ascent.”

This drove away all other thought, but though

longing to look upon the speaker’s face

31 its brightness baffled me. My leader said,

“This angel showing us the upward way

without us asking, hides in his own light.

34 Accept his courtesy. Climb upstairs now.

We cannot move at all when it is night.”

My foot was on the uphill path’s first step

37 when a wing brushed my face, a soft voice said,

“Blest are peacemakers, free of sinful wrath.”

As we went up, the setting sun’s last rays

40 were slanting steep. On each side stars appeared.

“O strength!” I inward groaned, “Why disappear?”,

for as we reached the highest step my weight

43 felt heavier than stone. We both sank down

like boats left high and dry upon a beach.

I listened and heard nothing, asked at last,

46 “Dear Master, say what sin is purging here?

Our legs can’t move. Don’t let that stop your tongue.”

He answered thus: “Sloth prevents energy

achieving what it should, so here you’ll see 49

how healthy active love must be restored.

Listen and pluck good fruit from our delay.

Since love is God’s creative force, all things 52

(time, space, star, sun, earth, insect, human child)

keep going by God’s love. Love has two kinds:

the natural, and of the mind. Mistakes 55

are never natural. Only minds can err,

loving wrong things, or good ones with too much

or with too little force. Thus love brings both 58

good deeds and deeds requiring punishment.

When we attend to God, the Source of All,

our desires are kept in proper measure. 61

We are not then seduced by sinful pleasure,

until we look away and therefore stray.

As none can harm the source of what they are 64

(trying to wound the sun would be as mad)

the only law of God that we can break

is that which says, Love neighbour as yourself, 67

the rule for Jews that Moses carved in stone

and God when born as Man gave to us all.

And so the only evil folk can love 70

is harming other folk in three main ways

you know by having seen them punished below:

first, trying to excel by doing down 73

those by our side – perversions born of pride.

Second, by fear of losing wealth or fame

76 when those nearby do well – envy’s the name.

Lastly, when insult, real or by mistake

inflames blind anger hungry for revenge.

79 You know these states of lamentable love.

Think now of those you’ll see lamenting here

who loved true good with insufficient zeal,

82 and higher still you’ll find three kinds of grief

endured for not loving the best stuff well.

I leave you to work these out for yourself.

85 My son, believe me, I have said enough.”