29: Revelation

1 She sang like one in love, “blessèd are they

whose sins are purified”. Like woodland nymph

seeking or shunning shade among the trees

4 she walked upstream, and on the other side

I also walked, fitting my steps to hers.

Less than a hundred paces further on

7 the banks curved equally in such a way

we both faced east again. She called to me,

“Look, brother – listen!” for upon us dawned

10 far greater brightness through each branch and leaf,

and with it such sweet melody rang out

I blamed Eve for her eating of that fruit

13 which stopped me knowing such delights before.

So on I went, experiencing joys

that grew as brightness grew, while melody

16 became a hymnal and triumphant choir.

O holy virgins who inspire all art,

if sleepless toil and pain and poverty

19 have been my part in seeking for your aid,

I beg from all of you again, but most

Urania, muse of celestial things,

to fix in verse thoughts difficult to think. 22

On the far brink ahead I seemed to see

the golden trunks of seven stately trees,

but as I neared their place, saw them to be 25

majestic candlesticks, linked at the base.

As voices sang hosannas each one flamed

bright as midsummer moons. Awestruck, I gazed 28

at Virgil who looked back, just as amazed.

Staring again on these high things, I saw

their stems approach slow as a new-made bride 31

down a cathedral aisle. The lady said,

“Why love big lights more than their followers?”

I saw behind men clad in purer white 34

than seen on Earth. I paused and saw the stream

reflect my left side mirror-like. Above

I saw each flame staining the air behind 37

with the bright colours sunshine paints through rain,

which left a rainbow flag or canopy

ten paces wide, whose end I could not see. 40

Twenty-four elders walked in pairs beneath.

With wreaths of lilies on their heads they sang,

“Hail, loveliest of Adam’s daughters who 43

in paradise is now divinely blessed.”

They passed, and flowers filled the further bank

while brightness grew as four great beasts arrived, 46

crowned with green leaves and having six wings each,

wings spotted with gold eyes like peacocks’ tails,

49 but these were watchful eyes. Ezekiel

in the Old Testament tells how these came

from freezing cold through cloud, storm, flame, with more

52 of how they look than I have time, reader,

to tell in rhyme. He says they have four wings.

Saint John’s Apocalypse agrees with me.

55 Between the beasts a chariot, two-wheeled,

moved on behind a griffin with two wings

raised high beyond my sight. They neatly clasped

58 the central green band of the canopy,

nor cut the three bright colours on each side.

The griffin’s eagle-half was all of gold,

61 the lion-half pure white with mingled red.

Rome never gladdened hero-emperors

with such a car, more vivid than the sun

64 when Phaeton plunged its horses down the sky.

Three nymphs danced in a ring by the right wheel.

One glowed so vivid red that in a fire

67 she’d be invisible. The second seemed

all emerald, the third like fallen snow.

Red and white led the dance alternately,

70 but red sang, and according to her voice

she and the other two moved fast or slow.

At the left wheel four nymphs in purple dress

73 also rejoiced in dancing, and were led

by she who had three eyes within her head.

Behind these groups appeared two ancient men

in gravity and dignity alike 76

but differently clad. One wore the garb

of he whose kindly art can heal the sick –

Hippocrates. One seemed the opposite, 79

holding a sword so sharp, bright, threatening

I shuddered, though between him and me

flowed the deep stream. Four elders followed these 82

with humble looks, and last of all came one

whose face was keen, though walking in his sleep.

The garments of these seven final men 85

were white, like the first twelve. Their brows were crowned,

not with white lilies, but with rosy wreaths

so red their heads all seemed to be aflame. 88

The car came opposite me and stopped

with thunderclap that halted all the rest.

The rainbow flag above them ceased to flap. 91