Chapter 9: Deploying and Configuring Kubernetes

  1. There are several ways to install Kubernetes, from auto provisioning tools like kubeadm  and kubespray, to a totally manual installation. You can find more about the installation methods going to the following link:
  2. A kubeconfig file contains all the necessary information to communicate and authenticate  with the API server.
  3. You can create SSL certificates with several tools, in this book we used cffssl. But you can also use openssl and easyrsa.
  4. Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) is the managed Kubernetes solution provided by Microsoft for their public cloud Azure.
  5. Azure CLI can be used in either operating system as it is a Python-based command line interface.
  6. You can either create a resource group via Azure CLI, PowerShell, or the Azure GUI.
  7. You can find the different ways of installing etcd in the following link: