Pods by themselves are not very useful, since it is not very efficient to have more than a single instance of our application running in a single pod. Provisioning hundreds of copies of our application on different pods without having a method to look for them all will get out of hand really quickly.
This is where deployments come into play. With deployments, we can manage our pods with a controller. This allows us to not only decide how many we want to run, but we can also manage updates by changing the image version or the image itself that our containers are running. Deployments are what you will be working with most of the time. With deployments as well as pods and any other objects that we mentioned before, they have their own definition inside a YAML file:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
deployment: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
Let's start exploring their definition.
At the beginning of the YAML, we have more general fields, such as apiVersion, kind, and metadata. But under spec is where we will find the specific options for this API Object.
Under spec, we can add the following fields:
- Selector: With the Selector field, the deployment will know which pods to target when changes are applied. There are two fields that you will be using under the selector: matchLabels and matchExpressions. With matchLabels, the selector will use the labels of the pods (key/value pairs). It is important to note that all the labels that you specify here will be ANDed. This means that the pod will require that it has all the labels that you specify under matchLabels. matchExpressions is rarely used, but you can learn more about by reading our recommended books in the Further reading section.
- Replicas: This will state the number of pods that the deployment needs to keep running via the replication controller; for example, if you specify three replicas, and one of the pods dies, the replication controller will watch the replicas spec as the desired state and inform the scheduler to schedule a new pod, as the current status is now 2 since the pod died.
- RevisionHistoryLimit: Every time you make a change to a deployment, this change is saved as a revision of the deployment, which you can later either revert to that previous state or keep a record of what was changed. You can consult your history with kubectl rollout history deployment/<name of deployment>. With revisionHistoryLimit, you can set up a number stating how many records you want to save.
- Strategy: This will let you decide how you want to handle any update or horizontal pod scale. To overwrite the default, which is rollingUpdate, you need to write the type key, where you can choose between two values: recreate or rollingUpdate. While recreate is a fast way to update your deployment, it will delete all the pods and replace them with new ones, but it will imply that you will have to take into consideration that a system downtime will be in place for this type of strategy. The rollingUpdate, on the other hand, is smoother and slower, and is ideal for stateful applications that can rebalance their data. The rollingUpdate opens the door for two more fields, which are maxSurge and maxUnavailable. The first one will be how many pods above your total amount you want when performing an update; for example, a deployment with 100 pods and a 20% maxSurge will grow up to a maximum of 120 pods while updating. The next option will let you select how many pods in the percentage you are willing to kill in order to replace them with new ones in a 100 pod scenario. In cases where there is 20% maxUnavailable, only 20 pods will be killed and replaced with new ones before continuing to replace the rest of the deployment.
- Template: This is just a nested pod spec field where you will include all the specs and metadata of the pods that the deployment is going to manage.
We have seen that, with deployments, we manage our pods, and they help us maintain them in a state that we desire. All these pods are still in something called the cluster network, which is a closed network in which only the Kubernetes cluster components can talk to one another, even having their own set of IP ranges. How do we talk to our pods from the outside? How do we reach our application? This is where services come into play.