Winning After Fighting
The first method of winning a fight is by engaging in combat with an adversary in order to seek victory.  This is considered the lowest level in terms of skill, even though those who are proponent for fighting would view it as the ultimate tests of their martial skills.  This is often the case with new students in karate who are eager to test what they have learned in class to an actual street fight, believing it would provide some validation of their training or effectiveness of their techniques.  But what the young students (young in terms of experience) in karate does not realize is, there is no victor in such fighting scenarios.  Ultimately someone will be injured, if not both parties, and the repercussion could be detrimental possibly resulting in arrest or lawsuits, regardless of who may have initiated the fight.  Victory is never certain. 
Winning after fighting is typical of the impulsive response based on the animal instinct that resides in human beings.  The skill level is not just about the physical ability, but also the mental state of the person.  As an example, children can easily be provoked into fighting over simple matters, since their mental maturity level to rationalize conflict has yet to be refined – animal instinct takes over.  However, the mental maturity of an adult can seemingly resolve conflicts without resorting to violence.  Although in some cases even adults with poor judgement behave in similar manner to the maturity level of children.  The desire to win after fighting then makes it the lowest skill level.