What happens if he stands you up for the date? Even if you don’t want to, you must still go out. Keep a list of fun places that will have lots of men, like a singles lounge or dance club. Stay for an hour or so. If you look gorgeous, all of that male attention will be very flattering and take your mind off of the ill-mannered no-show.
While you’re there, tell no one that you were stood up. Keep a brave face. Simply put in an appearance and have a good time. Tell anyone who asks that you just wanted to check it out. Who knows? Maybe it was meant to be and you were stood up so you could meet Mr. Handsome somewhere else that night. As they say, when one door closes, another opens. If you’ve already spent the time and money to get ready for an exciting evening, you may as well share your greatness with the world. It never hurts to let a man admire your pretty face. Besides, staying home and feeling sorry for yourself can be devastating.
While it’s definitely rotten when a man stands you up, you must accept that which the universe wills. There’s no sense in feeling rejected. Dating is like math: it either adds up on both sides or it doesn’t. Why should you feel badly about yourself when he’s the one who didn’t have the decency to call?
Don’t bother calling or texting him with anything ill-tempered or angry . . . or even nice. Hard-to-get girls don’t wear anger well. It’s completely contrary to their nature. You will feel strong and empowered by not letting him get the best of you. Nor should you be weak and text that you hope he’s ok.
If these affirmations fail to comfort you, then the worst-case scenario will keep you from contacting him. Picture him sitting with his friends, smirking at your text, laughing about how upset you are. It’s best to act like you didn’t even remember there was a date planned.
It should go without saying that the relationship is over. Even if he tries to set plans later, don’t see him. He doesn’t see you as his long-term girlfriend or future wife. If he did, you wouldn’t have been alone that night. Seeing him will only set you back and get you possibly stood-up again. He might give you a thousand excuses, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice . . . well, you know the rest.
1. If you’re stood up for a date, all of the following are true except:
a) You should text to ask why he didn’t show. You simply have to know.
b) You’d never text him because you’re too busy moving on.
c) You head to the nearest singles event. It’s no use feeling sorry for yourself.
d) Never see him again. If he doesn’t take you seriously, why bother?
e) You remain calm. These things happen in life. You’ll find someone soon.
2. You were all ready to go, but got stood up. You do everything except:
a) Take out your handy list of places to meet single men.
b) Show up at a singles event and tell no one that you were stood up.
c) Remain positive. You’re going out. Maybe your future husband will be there.
d) Tell your girlfriend what happened—while you’re on your way out, of course!
e) Get into your pajamas and call it a night. Dating is just killer.
3. The date who stood you up texts, “Hi, beautiful,” a week later. You:
a) Text him a few colorful words about what he did to you.
b) Delete his text. You’ve moved and don’t care what he has to say.
c) Respond to his text because you’re dying to know what happened.
d) Tell him not to contact you anymore.
e) Ask to see him. You’re a ball of nerves and need closure.
Answers: 1) A; 2) E; 3) B
1. Google events in your area that you can attend. Keep this list updated and handy.
2. Have you ever been stood up for a date? How did you react? Did you text him? Would you do anything differently?
3. Write down the benefits of going out even after you’re stood up. Include your goals for your romantic life and why you’ll keep going, despite romantic letdowns.