CEV Contemporary English Version

ESV English Standard Version

HCSB Holman Christian Standard Bible

KJV King James Version

LXX Septuagint (Old Greek Old Testament)

MT Masoretic Text (Standard Hebrew Old Testament)

NA27 Novum Testamentum Graece. Nestle-Aland, 27th ed.

NAB New American Bible

NASB New American Standard Bible

NJB New Jerusalem Bible

NKJV New King James Version

NLT New Living Translation

NRSV New Revised Standard Version

REB Revised English Bible

RSV Revised Standard Version

NIV Today’s New International Version

T/NIV Today’s New International Version/New International Version

TEV Today’s English Version

TNIV Today’s New International Version

UBS4 The Greek New Testament. United Bible Societies, 4th ed.


AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies

BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research

Bib Biblica

BR Biblical Research

BSac Bibliotheca sacra

BT The Bible Translator

BZ Biblische Zeitschrift

CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly

CTJ Calvin Theological Journal

CurBS Currents in Research: Biblical Studies

EvQ Evangelical Quarterly

ExpTim Expository Times

GTJ Grace Theological Journal

HTR Harvard Theological Review

Int Interpretation

JBL Journal of Biblical Literature

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

JSNT Journal for the Study of the New Testament

JTS Journal of Theological Studies

NovT Novum Testamentum

NRTh La nouvelle revue théologique

NTS New Testament Studies

RevBib Revue biblique

RevExp Review and Expositor

RevQ Revue de Qumran

SBL Society of Biblical Literature

SBLSP Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers

SJT Scottish Journal of Theology

SPhilo Studia philonica

TJ Trinity Journal

TynBul Tyndale Bulletin

TZ Theologische Zeitschrift

WTJ Westminster Theological Journal

ZNW Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche


BDAG W. Bauer, F. W. Danker, W. F. Arndt, and F. W. Gingrich, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1999

BDF F. Blass, A. Debrunner, and R. W. Funk, A Greek Grammar of the New Testament

DLNTD Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Development. Edited by R. P. Martin and P. H. Davids. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1997

L&N Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains. Edited by J. P. Louw and E. A. Nida. 2nd ed. New York, 1989

LSJ H. G. Liddell, R. Scott, H. S. Jones, and R. McKenzie, A Greek-English Lexicon

MHT A Grammar of New Testament Greek, by J. H. Moulton (vol. 1), W. E. Howard (vol. 2), and N. Turner (vols. 3–4)

MM J. H. Moulton and G. Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament

OTP J. H. Charlesworth, ed., Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

PG Patrologia graeca (= Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca). Edited by J.-P. Migne. 162 vols. Paris, 1844–64

Str-B H. Strack and P. Billerbeck, Kommentar zum Neuen Testament

TCGNT B. M. Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament

TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Edited by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. 10 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964–76


AB Anchor Bible

ACCS: NT Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament

AnBib Analecta biblica

ANTC Augsburg New Testament Commentary

BU Biblische Untersuchungen

BZNW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft

CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series

HNT Handbuch zum Neuen Testament

JSNTSup Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement Series

KEK Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (Meyer-Kommentar)

LCL Loeb Classic Library

LNTS Library of New Testament Studies

MNTC Moffatt New Testament Commentary

MTS Marburger Theological Studies

NCBC New Century Bible Commentary

NIBCNT New International Biblical Commentary: New Testament

RNT Regensburger Neues Testament

SB Sources bibliques

SBLDS Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series

SNTSMS Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

TNTC Tyndale New Testament Commentary

WBC Word Biblical Commentary

WUNT Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament


Barn. Barnabas

1-2 Clem. 1-2 Clement

Did. Didache

Herm. Mand. Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate

Herm. Sim. Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude

Herm. Vis. Shepherd of Hermas, Vision

Ign. Eph. Ignatius, To the Ephesians

Ign. Magn. Ignatius, To the Magnesians

Ign. Phld. Ignatius, To the Philadelphians

Ign. Trall. Ignatius, To the Trallians

Mart. Pol. Martyrdom of Polycarp

Pol. Phil. Polycarp, To the Philippians


Ann. Tacitus, Annales

Claud. Suetonius, Divus Claudius

Cyr. Xenophon, Cyropaedia

Diatr. Epictetus, Diatribai (Dissertationes)

Enn. Plotinus, Enneades

Ep. Seneca, Epistulae morales

Eth. Nic. Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics/Ethica nichomachea

Hist. Herodotus, Histories/Historiae

Inst. Quintilian, Institutio oratoria

Inv. Cicero, De inventione rhetorica

Mem. Xenophon, Memorabilia

Mor. Plutarch, Moralia

Off. Cicero, De officiis

Onir. Artemidorus, Onirocritica

Onom. Pollux, Onomasticon

Rhet. Aristotle, Rhetoric/Rhetorica


1 Apol. Justin Martyr, 1 Apology/Apologia I

Civ. Augustine, The City of God/De civitate Dei

Dial. Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho/Dialogus cum Tryphone

Epist. Jerome, Epistulae

Haer. Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies/Refutatio omnium haeresium

Hist. eccl. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History/Historia ecclesiastica

Hom. Heb. Chrysostom, Homiliae in epistulam ad Hebraeos

Mart. Tertullian, To the Martyrs/Ad martyras

Pan. Epiphanius, Refutation of All Heresies/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)

Peregr. Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinus/De morte Peregrini

Pud. Tertullian, Modesty/De pudicitia

Vir. ill. Jerome, Lives of Illustrious Men/De viris illustribus


Ag. Ap. Against Apion/Contra Apionem

Ant. Jewish Antiquities/Antiquitates judaicae

J.W. Jewish War/Bellum judaicum

Life The Life/Vita


Bar Baruch

1-2 Esd 1-2 Esdras

1-4 Macc 1-4 Maccabees

Jdt Judith

Sir Sirach/Ecclesiasticus

Sus Susanna

Tob Tobit

Wis Wisdom of Solomon

Apos. Con. Apostolic Constitutions and Canons

As. Mos. Assumption of Moses

Ascen. Isa. Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 6–11

1 En. 1 Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse)

2 En. 2 Enoch (Slavonic Apocalypse)

3 En. 3 Enoch (Hebrew Apocalypse)

2 Bar. 2 Baruch (Syriac Apocalypse)

3 Bar. 3 Baruch (Greek Apocalypse)

4 Ezra 4 Ezra

Jos. Asen. Joseph and Aseneth

Jub. Jubilees

L.A.B. Liber antiquitatium biblicarum (Pseudo-Philo)

L.A.E. Life of Adam and Eve

Let. Aris. Letter of Aristeas

Liv. Pro. Lives of the Prophets

Mart. Isa. Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 1–5

Mart. Pet. Paul Martyrdom of Peter and Paul

Pss. Sol. Psalms of Solomon

Sib. Or Sibylline Oracles

T. Benj. Testament of Benjamin

T. Dan Testament of Dan

T. Iss. Testament of Issachar

T. Jos. Testament of Joseph

T. Jud. Testament of Judah

T. Levi Testament of Levi

T. Mos. Testament of Moses

T. Reu. Testament of Reuben

T. Sim. Testament of Simeon


Abraham On the Life of Abraham/De Abrahamo

Agriculture On Agriculture/De agricultura

Alleg. Interp. Allegorical Interpretations/Legum allegoriae

Cherubim On the Cherubim/De cherubim

Confusion On the Confusion of Tongues/De confusione linguarum

Creation On the Creation of the World/De opificio mundi

Decalogue On the Decalogue/De decalogo

Dreams On Dreams/De somniis

Drunkenness On Drunkenness/De ebrietate

Embassy On the Embassy to Gaius/Legatio ad Gaium

Eternity On the Eternity of the World/De aeternitate mundi

Flaccus Against Flaccus/In Flaccum

Flight On Flight and Finding/De fuga et inventione

Giants On Giants/De gigantibus

Good Person That Every Good Person Is Free/Quod omnis probus liber sit

Heir Who Is the Heir?/Quis rerum divinarum heres sit

Joseph On the Life of Joseph/De Iosepho

Migration On the Migration of Abraham/De migratione Abrahami

Moses On the Life of Moses/De vita Mosis

Names On the Change of Names/De mutatione nominum

Planting On Planting/De plantatione

Posterity On the Posterity of Cain/De posteritate Caini

Prelim. Studies On the Preliminary Studies/De congressu eruditionis gratia

QE Questions and Answers on Exodus/Questiones et solutiones in Exodum

QG Questions and Answers on Genesis/Questiones et solutiones in Genesin

Rewards On Rewards and Punishments/De praemiis et poenis

Sacrifices On the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel/De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini

Sobriety On Sobriety/De sobrietate

Spec. Laws On the Special Laws/De specialibus legibus

Unchangeable That God Is Unchangeable/Quod Deus sit immutabilis

Virtues On the Virtues/De virtutibus

Worse That the Worse Attacks the Better/Quod deterius potiori insidari soleat


Gen. Apoc. Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGenar)

1QH Thanksgiving Hymns

1QM War Scroll

1QpHab Pesher Habakkuk

1QS Rule of the Community

1QSa Rule of the Congregation (Appendix a to 1QS)

1QSb Rule of the Blessings (Appendix b to 1QS)

4QAmramb 4Q Visions of Amramb (4Q533)

4QBerf 4QBlessingsf (4Q280)

4QCatenaa Midrash on Eschatologya (Catena)

4QDeut32 4QDeuteronomy32 (4Q44)

4QFlor Midrash on Eschatologyb (4QFlorilegium)

4QShirShabba–b Songs of the Sabbath Sacrificea–b = 4Q400–4Q401

4QTest 4QTestimonia

11QMelch 11QMelchizedek (11Q13)

CD Cairo Genizah copy of the Damascus Document


Frg. Tg. Fragmentary Targum

Gen. Rab. Genesis Rabbah

Tg. Neof. Targum Neofiti

Tg. Onq. Targum Onqelos

Tg. Ps.-J. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan