Title Page







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Cape Wrath © 2002 Paul Finch

Cover artwork by David J Howe

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Then came Ivar, Great Ivar, also called ‘Slayer’ and ‘Boneless’. Ivar, destined to add the crown of York to his crown of Dublin, but also to bring great murder and pillage to all the lands of the English.

The son of Ragnar, who was flung to Aella’s adders, Ivar brought vengeance on all the Christian kings of Britain. Three of them he gave up in heathen rites. Their hearthmen he laid waste in bloody battle, their fair women he raped and enslaved and fed to his crews like meat to the dogs.

Ivar of the berserk rages, also called ‘shape-shifter’, ‘wolf-spirit’, and seer, it was said, with the single eye of Odin. His conquests and devastations ran like fire through England, ’til only the kingdom of Wessex held against him. This too he might have had, but White Olaf, Ivar’s brother-in-arms, crossed the wide sea to Norway, and Ivar went unto the lands of the Gaels, already burned and sacked by him, yet ripe now for more.

Boneless Ivar was the terror of this age.


Monastic Chronicle of the Farnes, 870 AD