My first heartfelt thanks go to Elize, my fiancée, for her constant support and love. I dedicate my life’s work to you.
I would also like to thank all my colleagues, members of the justice system, friends and family for their contribution to my success. There are too many people to mention by name, and of course there is the possibility of leaving someone out.
Being a member of the South African Police Service has been much more than just a profession to me. It has been my passion. Being responsible for justice in a country burdened with the second highest crime levels in the world has kept me awake and alert at all times – and 100% accountable to each and every citizen of South Africa who expects and deserves to be protected and served. It has also given me an attitude of zero tolerance towards criminals, regardless of the crime.
My decision not to study theology but to join the police force instead is one that I have never regretted. I may not be on a pulpit, but whether I’m in my office, at a crime scene or talking to the family of a victim, I am guided by the same principles of compassion and commitment, and of making our communities and our country a safer place to be.
Finally, my thanks to Hanlie Retief for taking the initiative and for her dedication in writing this book.