1 ALSG1st Australian Logistic Support Group, based at Vung Tau
1 ARU1st Australian Reinforcement Unit, based at Nui Dat
1 ATF1st Australian Task Force, based at Nui Dat
AATTVAustralian Army Training Team Vietnam
AK-477.62-mm, automatic Kalishnikov assault rifle
AnzacAustralian and New Zealand Army Corps
ARAAustralian Regular Army
armoured personnelcarrier the M113, a 10-tonne, tracked vehicle
ARVNArmy of the Republic of Viet Nam, the South Vietnamese Regular army
ATFAustralian Task Force, Nui Dat
avgasaviation gasoline
B-52strategic US jet bomber
base wallaha soldier who works in a base or rear area
BHQBattalion Headquarters
C-117a Super DC-3, twin-engined, 24-seater transport aircraft
C-123Provider, a twin-engined, short-range, tactical transport aircraft
C-130Hercules, a four-engined, medium-range transport aircraft
Cariboutwin-engined, De Haviland RAAF short-haul transport aircraft
ChinookCH-47, twin-rotor, medium-lift helicopter
Claymore mineM18A-1, Claymore, a directional anti-personnel mine that contained 1.25 pounds of HE (high explosive) and 500 steel ball bearings
CMFCitizen Military Forces, once called Militia, the forerunners to today’s Army Reserve
COCommanding Officer, usually a lieutenant colonel in rank
CPCommand Post
D 445 a Viet Cong Local Force battalion that operated in Phuoc Tuy Province
Dentcapsdental civil aid projects/programs conducted under the Army’s Civil Affairs program in Vietnamese outlying villages
DMZdemilitarised zone
Dustoffdedicated helicopter for casualty evacuation
F-4Phantom jet bomber
FTDFull-time duty; reservist soldiers who served full time in the ARA
GPSGlobal Positioning System, a satellite-based navigation aid
gruntslang for infantryman
HMASHer Majesty’s Australian Ship, Royal Australian Navy
LZlanding zone
M-16 mine‘Jumping Jack’, an anti-personnel mine that once tripped was blown into the air about a metre before detonating
M-16 rifle5.56-mm American automatic and semiautomatic rifle
Medcapmedical civil aid projects/programs conducted under the Army’s Civil Affairs program in outlying Vietnamese villages
Military Crossan officers’ decoration for gallantry
Military Medala soldiers’ decoration for bravery
National Servicetwo-year full-time service, usually in the Army
NCONon-Commissioned Officer, soldiers above the rank of Private soldier and below the rank of commissioned officers
NVANorth Vietnamese Army
OCOfficer Commanding, usually a sub-unit commander and major in rank (Aust.) or captain (US) or lieutenant (ARVN)
OTUthe Officer Training Unit at Scheyville, near Sydney: a National Service officer training institution
piastrethe basic currency unit of Viet Nam during the war, now known as the Dong
PIRPacific Islands Regiment, the army of Papua New Guinea when under Australia’s Protectorate
Pogoacronym (unsubstantiated) for ‘personnel on garrison operations’, see base wallah
Portseathe Officer Cadet School, Portsea, Victoria; a 12-month commissioning course
Post Exchangea duty-free store and commissary for soldiers
POWprisoner of war
Psyopspsychological operations, designed to lower enemy morale, and gain support for the Allied forces
PTSDpost traumatic stress disorder
R&Crest and convalescence leave, a short break from duties taken in Viet Nam
R&Rrest and recuperation (but usually recreation) leave, taken for 5–7 days outside Viet Nam
RAARoyal Australian Artillery
RAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
RAAMCRoyal Australian Army Medical Corps
RAEMERoyal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
RANRoyal Australian Navy
RAPRegimental Aid Post, a unit’s medical centre
RARRoyal Australian Regiment, straight leg infantry
reoa reinforcement soldier
RMCRoyal Military College, Duntroon, Canberra
RMORegimental Medical Officer, the unit doctor
RQRRoyal Queensland Regiment
RSLReturned and Services League
SASSpecial Air Service
SEALUS Navy Special Forces, acronym for Sea Air and Land forces
SLR7.62-mm, semi-automatic self-loading rifle, also known as the FN
SO3Staff Officer Grade 3, usually a captain-ranked staff position
SRVSocialist Republic of Vietnam
Stokes littera wire-framed stretcher used to winch casualties into helicopters
TAORTactical Area of Responsibility, an area assigned to a unit or sub-unit to patrol
Tracker Platoona group using Labrador dogs to track the Platoon enemy, formed out of the Anti-Tank, which had limited use in the jungles of South Viet Nam
uc dai loi the formal Vietnamese expression for Australia. Colloquially translated, it refers to the ‘Great Continent’ or ‘Great South Land’
USMCthe United States Marine Corps, the forces from the Department of the US Navy designed to establish a bridgehead on a beach for later military operations by the Army
VCViet Cong, a term invented by the Americans in the late 1950s to rename the Communist Viet Minh, which they considered too nationalistic
VDvenereal disease
Viet Minha contraction of Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi, the term applied to the Vietnamese resistance fighters from the First Indochina (French) War
Wallaby Airlinesa nickname given to the RAAF 35 Squadron and the Caribou short take-off and landing aircraft, owing to the squadron insignia on the tailplane