Support Services for Parents

A large number of parent support associations for ADHD exist throughout the United States and Canada. In addition, there are a number of smaller local or regional groups. Since the contacts for these groups change so frequently, I suggest that you start by contacting one of the national organizations, which maintain current records of all the various support groups. They will be glad to refer you to the group closest to your home. Parents should be aware of the fact that the fast-changing nature of the Internet may mean that some of the Internet addresses listed here are no longer in existence by the time they read this book. Also, others may have changed their Internet site address, requiring some extra effort in searching the Internet for their actual website. I regret any inconvenience such changes may create.

The largest national association is Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), which has more than 500 such support associations affiliated with it from almost every state and province. To find the support group nearest you, visit CHADD’s website: or

Another national parent support association is the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA). Visit ADDA’s website:

ADHD-Europe is a joint effort among national and regional ADHD organizations in Europe to promote the dissemination of information and support to those who live or are in contact with persons who have ADHD. The organization advocates with the European institutions and community for its members on the topic of ADHD, with a view to affecting policy and improving existing legislation on issues connected to ADHD. More information can be found at their website:

The national support group for ADHD in Canada is the Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada (CADDAC).

Some support groups serving the United Kingdom and Europe should also be mentioned here. is a group that promotes awareness of ADHD in both children and adults with practical suggestions for families in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

Newsletters on ADHD can be obtained from CHADD and ADDA, as well as from several other sources. See the “Periodicals” section of “Suggested Reading and Videos” for a list of newsletters.

As I have noted in the Preface to this book, the rapidly increasing availability of the personal computer and the astonishing growth of the Internet have created an explosion of information on every conceivable topic in recent years, and ADHD is no exception. As I have also noted in the Preface, however, considerable caution about the quality of what is available via this new medium is in order. Please be careful about the information about ADHD you receive over the Internet in bulletin boards, chat rooms, and even many websites (especially commercial ones). The “facts” about ADHD that can be found in many of these locations are often unscientific, inaccurate, sensationalized, or merely thinly veiled sales pitches for various unproven remedies for ADHD. Having said this, I do recommend some Internet resources here for you to pursue.

A group called Attention Deficit Disorder in Europe provides useful information on ADHD in a number of different languages at its website:

ADHD Information Services (ADDISS) provides information, support, and training resources on ADHD in the United Kingdom: