Producer Support Estimate (PSE): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policy measures that support agriculture, regardless of their nature, objectives or impacts on farm production or income. It includes market price support, budgetary payments and budget revenue foregone, i.e. gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on: current output, input use, area planted/animal numbers/receipts/incomes (current, non-current), and non-commodity criteria.
Market Price Support (MPS): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures that create a gap between domestic market prices and border prices of a specific agricultural commodity, measured at the farm gate level. MPS is also available by commodity.
Producer Single Commodity Transfers (producer SCT): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policies linked to the production of a single commodity such that the producer must produce the designated commodity in order to receive the payment. This includes broader policies where transfers are specified on a per-commodity basis. Producer SCT is also available by commodity.
Group Commodity Transfers (GCT): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policies whose payments are made on the basis that one or more of a designated list of commodities is produced, i.e. a producer may produce from a set of allowable commodities and receive a transfer that does not vary with respect to this decision.
All Commodity Transfers (ACT): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policies that place no restrictions on the commodity produced but require the recipient to produce some commodity of their choice.
Other Transfers to Producers (OTP): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policies that do not require any commodity production at all.
Consumer Single Commodity Transfers (consumer SCT): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from (to) consumers of agricultural commodities, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policies linked to the production of a single commodity. Consumer SCT is also available by commodity.
Consumer Support Estimate (CSE): The annual monetary value of gross transfers from (to) consumers of agricultural commodities, measured at the farm gate level, arising from policy measures that support agriculture, regardless of their nature, objectives or impacts on consumption of farm products. If negative, the CSE measures the burden (implicit tax) on consumers through market price support (higher prices), that more than offsets consumer subsidies that lower prices to consumers.
General Services Support Estimate (GSSE): The annual monetary value of gross transfers arising from policy measures that create enabling conditions for the primary agricultural sector through development of private or public services, institutions and infrastructure, regardless of their objectives and impacts on farm production and income, or consumption of farm products. The GSSE includes policies where primary agriculture is the main beneficiary, but does not include any payments to individual producers. GSSE transfers do not directly alter producer receipts or costs or consumption expenditures. GSSE categories are defined in Box 2.
Total Support Estimate (TSE): The annual monetary value of all gross transfers from taxpayers and consumers arising from policy measures that support agriculture, net of the associated budgetary receipts, regardless of their objectives and impacts on farm production and income, or consumption of farm products.
Percentage PSE (%PSE): PSE transfers as a share of gross farm receipts (including support in the denominator).
Percentage SCT (%SCT): Is the commodity SCT expressed as a share of gross farm receipts for the specific commodity (including support in the denominator).
Share of SCT in total PSE (%): Share of Single Commodity Transfers in the total PSE. This indicator is also calculated by commodity.
Producer Nominal Protection Coefficient (producer NPC): The ratio between the average price received by producers (at farm gate), including payments per tonne of current output, and the border price (measured at farm gate). The Producer NPC is also available by commodity.
Producer Nominal Assistance Coefficient (producer NAC): The ratio between the value of gross farm receipts including support and gross farm receipts (at farm gate) valued at border prices (measured at farm gate).
Percentage CSE (%CSE): CSE transfers as a share of consumption expenditure on agricultural commodities (at farm gate prices), net of taxpayer transfers to consumers. The %CSE measures the implicit tax (or subsidy, if CSE is positive) placed on consumers by agricultural price policies.
Consumer Nominal Protection Coefficient (consumer NPC): The ratio between the average price paid by consumers (at farm gate) and the border price (measured at farm gate). The Consumer NPC is also available by commodity.
Consumer Nominal Assistance Coefficient (consumer NAC): The ratio between the value of consumption expenditure on agricultural commodities (at farm gate) and that valued at border prices.
Percentage TSE (%TSE): TSE transfers as a percentage of GDP.
Percentage GSSE (%GSSE): Share of expenditures on general services in the Total Support Estimate (TSE).
Definitions of categories
Category A1, Market price support (MPS): Transfers from consumers and taxpayers to agricultural producers from policy measures that create a gap between domestic market prices and border prices of a specific agricultural commodity, measured at the farm gate level.
Category A2, Payments based on output: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers from policy measures based on current output of a specific agricultural commodity.
Category B, Payments based on input use: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on on-farm use of inputs:
Variable input use that reduces the on-farm cost of a specific variable input or a mix of variable inputs.
Fixed capital formation that reduces the on-farm investment cost of farm buildings, equipment, plantations, irrigation, drainage, and soil improvements.
On-farm services that reduce the cost of technical, accounting, commercial, sanitary and phyto-sanitary assistance and training provided to individual farmers.
Category C, Payments based on current A/An/R/I, production required: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on current area, animal numbers, revenue, or income, and requiring production.
Category D, Payments based on non-current A/An/R/I, production required: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on non-current (i.e. historical or fixed) area, animal numbers, revenue, or income, with current production of any commodity required.
Category E, Payments based on non-current A/An/R/I, production not required: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on non-current (i.e. historical or fixed) area, animal numbers, revenue, or income, with current production of any commodity not required but optional.
Category F, Payments based on non-commodity criteria: Transfers from taxpayers to agricultural producers arising from policy measures based on:
Long-term resource retirement: Transfers for the long-term retirement of factors of production from commodity production. The payments in this subcategory are distinguished from those requiring short-term resource retirement, which are based on commodity production criteria.
A specific non-commodity output: Transfers for the use of farm resources to produce specific non-commodity outputs of goods and services, which are not required by regulations.
Other non-commodity criteria: Transfers provided equally to all farmers, such as a flat rate or lump sum payment.
Category G, Miscellaneous payments: Transfers from taxpayers to farmers for which there is a lack of information to allocate them among the appropriate categories.
Note: A (area), An (animal numbers), R (receipts) or I (income).
Definitions of labels
With or without current commodity production limits and/or limit to payments: Defines whether or not there is a specific limitation on current commodity production (output) associated with a policy providing transfers to agriculture and whether or not there are limits to payments in the form of limits to area or animal numbers eligible for those payments. Applied in categories A – F.
With variable or fixed payment rates: Any payments is defined as subject to a variable rate where the formula determining the level of payment is triggered by a change in price, yield, net revenue or income or a change in production cost. Applied in categories A – E.
With or without input constraints: defines whether or not there are specific requirements concerning farming practices related to the programme in terms of the reduction, replacement, or withdrawal in the use of inputs or a restriction of farming practices allowed. Applied in categories A – F. The payments with input constrains are further broken down to:
Payments conditional on compliance with basic requirements that are mandatory (with mandatory);
Payments requiring specific practices going beyond basic requirements and voluntary (with voluntary).
Specific practices related to environmental issues.
Specific practices related to animal welfare.
Other specific practices.
With or without commodity exceptions: defines whether or not there are prohibitions upon the production of certain commodities as a condition of eligibility for payments based on non-current A/An/R/I of commodity(ies). Applied in Category E.
Based on area, animal numbers, receipts or income: defines the specific attribute (i.e. area, animal numbers, receipts or income) on which the payment is based. Applied in categories C – E.
Based on a single commodity, a group of commodities or all commodities: defines whether the payment is granted for production of a single commodity, a group of commodities or all commodities. Applied in categories A – D.
Per cent change in PSE: Per cent change in the nominal value of the PSE expressed in national currency. The per cent change is calculated using the two most recent years in the series.
Contribution of MPS to per cent change in PSE: Per cent change in nominal PSE if all variables other than MPS are held constant.
Contribution of price gap to per cent change in the PSE: Per cent change in nominal PSE if all variables other than gap between domestic market prices and border prices are held constant.
Contribution of quantity produced to per cent change in the PSE: Per cent change in nominal PSE if all variables other than quantity produced are held constant.
Contribution of budgetary payments (BP) to per cent change in PSE: Per cent change in nominal PSE if all variables other than BP are held constant.
Contribution of BP elements to per cent change in PSE: Per cent change in nominal PSE if all variables other than a given BP element are held constant. BP elements include Payments based on output, Payments based on input use, Payments based on current A/An/R/I, production required, Payments based on non-current A/An/R/I, production required, Payments based on non-current A/An/R/I, production not required, Payments based on non-commodity criteria and Miscellaneous payments.
Per cent change in Producer Price: Per cent change in Producer Price (at farm gate) expressed in national currency. The per cent change is calculated using the two most recent years in the series.
Per cent change in the Border Price: Per cent change in Border Price (at farm gate) expressed in national currency. The per cent change is calculated using the two most recent years in the series.
Contribution of Exchange Rate to per cent change in Border Price: Per cent change in the Border Price (at farm gate) expressed in national currency if all variables other than Exchange Rate between national currency and USD are held constant.
Contribution of Border Price expressed in USD to per cent change in Border Price: Per cent change in the Border Price (at farm gate) expressed in national currency if all variables other than Border Price (at farm gate) expressed in USD are held constant.
The general GSSE definition is complemented in Annex 1.A1 by more specific implementation guidelines, provided under the different categories in the GSSE classification.
More detailed information on the indicators, their use and limitations is available in the OECD’s Producer Support Estimate and Related Indicators of Agricultural Support: Concepts, Calculation, Interpretation and Use (the PSE Manual) available on the OECD public website (
Agricultural knowledge and innovation system
Agricultural knowledge generation: Budgetary expenditure financing research and development (R&D) activities related to agriculture, and associated data dissemination, irrespective of the institution (private or public, ministry, university, research centre or producer groups) where they take place, the nature of research (scientific, institutional, etc.), or its purpose.
Agricultural knowledge transfer: Budgetary expenditure financing agricultural vocational schools and agricultural programmes in high-level education, training and advice to farmers that is generic (e.g. accounting rules, pesticide application), not specific to individual situations, and data collection and information dissemination networks related to agricultural production and marketing.
Inspection and control
Agricultural product safety and inspection: Budgetary expenditure financing activities related to agricultural product safety and inspection. This includes only expenditures on inspection of domestically produced commodities at first level of processing and border inspection for exported commodities.
Pest and disease inspection and control: Budgetary expenditure financing pest and disease control of agricultural inputs and outputs (control at primary agriculture level) and public funding of veterinary services (for the farming sector) and phytosanitary services.
Input control: Budgetary expenditure financing the institutions providing control activities and certification of industrial inputs used in agriculture (e.g. machinery, industrial fertilisers, pesticides, etc.) and biological inputs (e.g. seed certification and control).
Development and maintenance of infrastructure
Hydrological infrastructure: Budgetary expenditure financing public investments into hydrological infrastructure (irrigation and drainage networks).
Storage, marketing and other physical infrastructure: Budgetary expenditure financing investments to off-farm storage and other market infrastructure facilities related to handling and marketing primary agricultural products (silos, harbour facilities – docks, elevators; wholesale markets, futures markets), as well as other physical infrastructure related to agriculture, when agriculture is the main beneficiary.
Institutional infrastructure: Budgetary expenditure financing investments to build and maintain institutional infrastructure related to the farming sector (e.g. land cadastres; machinery user groups, seed and species registries; development of rural finance networks; support to farm organisations, etc.).
Farm restructuring: Budgetary payments related to reform of farm structures financing entry, exit or diversification (outside agriculture) strategies.
Marketing and promotion
Collective schemes for processing and marketing: Budgetary expenditure financing investment in collective, mainly primary, processing, marketing schemes and marketing facilities, designed to improve marketing environment for agriculture.
Promotion of agricultural products: Budgetary expenditure financing assistance to collective promotion of agro-food products (e.g. promotion campaigns, participation on international fairs).
Cost of public stockholding: Budgetary expenditure covering the costs of storage, depreciation and disposal of public storage of agricultural products.
Miscellaneous: Budgetary expenditure financing other general services that cannot be disaggregated and allocated to the above categories, often due to a lack of information.
All Commodity Transfers |
Consumer Support Estimate |
Group Commodity Transfers |
General Services Support Estimate |
Market Price Support |
Nominal Assistance Coefficient |
Nominal Protection Coefficient |
Other Transfers to Producers |
Policy Evaluation Model |
Producer Support Estimate |
Single Commodity Transfers |
Total Support Estimate |
Gross Domestic Product – GDP (USD billion in PPP): OECD National Accounts, Gross domestic product, USD, current PPPs, current prices. Latest year benchmarked from Economic Outlook projections. For EU member countries, data come from EUROSTAT. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) data for Emerging Economies not available in the OECD database.
Population (million): OECD.Stat, National accounts, Main aggregates, Population and employment by main activity, OECD.Stat, Demography and Population, Population statistics, Historical population data and projections (1950-2050) for latest years not available in National accounts database. UN World population prospects, 2017 Revision for Emerging Economies not available in the OECD database. EUROSTAT for the European Union.
Land area (thousands km2): FAO, Land use database, Land area (000 ha) recalculated to thousands km2. Land area excludes water areas.
Agricultural area (AA) (thousand ha): FAO, Land use database, Agricultural area. EUROSTAT for the European Union.
Population density (inhabitants/km2): OECD.Stat, Regions and cities, Regional demography, Population density and regional area. UN World population prospects, 2017 Revision, Population density by region, subregion and country, 1950-2100 (persons per square km) for countries not available in OECD database. For EU members calculated from EUROSTAT population and area.
GDP per capita (USD in PPP): OECD.Stat, National accounts, Main aggregates, Gross domestic product (output approach), per head, USD, current prices, current PPPs. EU countries, EUROSTAT, GDP and main components - Current prices. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) data for Emerging Economies not available in OECD database.
Trade as % of GDP: Trade data from UN COMTRADE Database. Customs data; Average trade: (exports+imports)/2. EU does not account for intra-EU trade.
Agriculture share in GDP (%): OECD.Stat, Country statistical profiles; Value added in agriculture; hunting and forestry; fishing as % of total value added. EU countries: EUROSTAT, Gross value added - Agriculture and fishing - % of all branches (NACE). World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) for countries not available in OECD database.
Agriculture share in employment (%): OECD.Stat, Employment by activities and status (ALFS), employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing as a share of the employment in all activities (ISIC rev.3, A-B and A-X; ISIC rev.4, A and A-U). EUROSTAT for the EU corresponds to the share of employed persons, aged 15 years and over, in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing in total NACE activities. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing as a share of total employment, and national data for countries not available in OECD database.
Agro-food exports in total exports (%): UN COMTRADE Database. Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products. Agro-food codes in H0: 01, 02, 04 to 24 (excluding 1504, 1603, 1604 and 1605), 3301, 3501 to 3505, 4101 to 4103, 4301, 5001 to 5003, 5101 to 5103, 5201 to 5203, 5301, 5302, 290543/44, 380910, 382360.
Agro-food imports in total imports (%): UN COMTRADE Database. Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products.
Crop in total agricultural production (%): Share of value of total crop production (including horticulture) in total agricultural production. National data.
Livestock in total agricultural production (%): Share of value of total livestock production in total agricultural production. National data.
Share of arable land in AA (%): FAO, Land use database, arable land in percentage of agricultural area.
TFP annual growth (%): USDA Economic Research Service, International Agricultural Productivity Database, October 2017. It presents agricultural Total Factor Productivity indexes, using primarily FAO data supplemented by national data. Agricultural TFP indexes are estimates by country and for groups of countries aggregated by geographic region and income class. The European Union single area was recalculated from individual countries data and weights. As reported by USDA, the October 2017 data release no longer used the Hodrick-Prescott filter to smooth the output series. The agricultural output index was replaced by the FAO index of gross agricultural output. Further new input cost shares from Rada, Liefert, and Liefert (2017) were introduced and applied to all former Eastern European Soviet Union States and Russian Federation in the post-1991 periods. As a result of these methodological changes, the reported values have changed considerable as compared to previous releases. The full documentation of the revision is available at:
Nitrogen balance (Kg/ha): Balance (surplus or deficit) expressed as kg nitrogen per hectare of total agricultural land. OECD aggregate for nitrogen balance is calculated as the ratio between the total surplus and the total agricultural land area in the OECD area. European Union as a single area was calculated as the Gross Nitrogen Balance in the EU area over the Utilised agricultural area of the EU.
OECD (2017), Agri-environmental indicators,
Phosphorus balance (Kg/ha): Balance (surplus or deficit) expressed as kg phosphorus per hectare of total agricultural land. OECD aggregate for phosphorus balance is calculated as the ratio between the total surplus and the total agricultural land area in the OECD area. European Union as a single area was calculated as the Gross Phosphorous Balance in the EU area over the Utilised agricultural area of the EU.
OECD (2017), Agri-environmental indicators,
Agriculture share of total energy use (%): Share of agricultural consumption over total final consumption (TFC).
IEA (2017), "World energy balances", IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database),
Agriculture share of GHG emissions (%): OECD (2017), “Greenhouse gas emissions by source, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)”. European Union as a single area was calculated from UNFCCC data for Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU area over the total GHG emissions in EU area.
OECD (2017), Agri-environmental indicators,
UNFCCC (2017), website of the UNFCCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory Database,
Share of irrigated area in Agricultural Area (AA) (%): Share of irrigated area in total agricultural area. FAO data for Emerging Economies not available in OECD database.
OECD (2017), Agri-environmental indicators,
Share of agriculture in water abstractions (%): Share of agriculture in total freshwater abstractions. European Union as a single area was calculated as the total abstractions for agriculture in the EU area over the total freshwater abstractions in the EU area.
OECD (2017), Agri-environmental indicators,
Water stress indicator: The indicator refers to the intensity of use of fresh water resources. It is expressed as gross abstraction of freshwater as percentage of total available renewable freshwater resources. European Union was treated as a single area. OECD (2017), "Water: Freshwater abstractions", OECD Environment Statistics (database),
Real GDP growth (%): OECD.Stat, Country statistical profiles, real GDP growth. EU countries: Eurostat, GDP volumes, percentage change over previous period. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) data for Emerging Economies not available in OECD database.
Inflation rate (%): OECD Analytical DataBase (ADB), Annual average rate of change in Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICPs), EUROSTAT for the European Union, World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) for Emerging Economies not available in ADB.
Unemployment rate (%): OECD Analytical DataBase (ADB), labour force statistics. ILO estimates and projections, Unemployment rate by sex and age for emerging countries. EUROSTAT for the European Union.
Agro-food exports (USD billion), 1995 to 2016: UN COMTRADE Database. Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products.
Agro-food imports (USD billion), 1995 to 2016: UN COMTRADE Database. Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products.
Composition of agro-food trade, 2016: UN COMTRADE Database, Agro-food definition in HS classification (see above) combined with the Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) to generate breakdowns into type of commodities (Primary or Industrial commodities) and type of destination (Consumption or Industry).
TFP annual growth (%): USDA Economic Research Service, International Agricultural Productivity Database, October 2017. It presents agricultural Total Factor Productivity indexes, using primarily FAO data supplemented by national data. Input growth is the weighted-average growth in quality-adjusted land, labour, machinery power, livestock capital, synthetic NPK fertilisers, and animal feed, where weights are input (factor) cost shares. Special breakdown created to dissociate primary factors (land, labour, machinery and livestock) from intermediate input growth. Output growth corresponds to Gross agricultural output for each country.
Agricultural TFP indexes are estimates by country and for groups of countries aggregated by geographic region and income class. The European Union single area was recalculated from individual countries data and weights.
As reported by USDA, the October 2017 data release no longer used the Hodrick-Prescott filter to smooth the output series. The agricultural output index was replaced by the FAO index of gross agricultural output. Further new input cost shares from Rada, Liefert, and Liefert (2017) were introduced and applied to all former Eastern European Soviet Union States and Russian Federation in the post-1991 periods. As a result of these methodological changes, the reported values have changed considerable as compared to previous releases. The full documentation of the revision is available at:
Australian dollar |
Brazilian real |
Canadian dollar |
Chilean peso |
Colombian peso |
Swiss frank |
Chinese yuan renminbi |
Costa Rican colon |
Euro |
Israeli shekel |
Icelandic krona |
Japanese yen |
Korean wong |
Kazakh tenge |
Mexican peso |
Norwegian krone |
New Zealand dollar |
Philippines peso |
Russian rouble |
New Turkish lira |
Ukrainian hryvnia |
United States dollar |
Vietnamese dong |
South African rand |