Why Develop
Inviting intuition into your life brings many benefits. It can help you:
• Have greater clarity.
• Feel more confident.
• Banish stress and anxiety.
• Be free to help yourself and others.
• Fearlessly trust your intuitive messages.
• Experience increased peace and happiness.
• Know how to tap into your intuition when you wish.
• Be guided by your higher self for better life decisions.
So take a leap of faith and invite intuition to play a bigger role in your life. Commit to following your higher guidance, and reap the rewards for the rest of your life. You can trust your intuition completely. Whether you struggle with a relationship, need to make a career change, are thinking of moving, or need to make important financial decisions, it always has your best interests at heart.
Intuition can teach you to have faith in yourself and your information versus giving your power away to the authority of others. The more you let yourself have and use your intuition the more you can cultivate well-being and trust in yourself, your capabilities, and guidance. It helps you take a higher perspective on life and gives you confidence in making your own decisions regardless of the desires and opinions of others.
Intuition transcends the intellect. It provides information in an instant, compared to logic, which weighs the pros and cons and leads from one idea to the next via linear thinking. The intellect can be the hardest body level to tame. If you have strong training in logic, you might pass your intuitive signals through your mind and analyze them until you lose sight of the original message. Intuition helps you draw from a broader scope of experience and open your mind to wider possibilities rather than be limited by cultural programming.
The more you listen to your intuition, the less internal conflict there is. Intuition helps you rise above your emotions. The aspects of the ego (such as greed, selfishness, the need to accumulate or dominate, self-hatred, self-judgment, and feelings of worthlessness) cease to drive your personality. Instead, you can reflect and act on your true feelings and desires; leading to peace and calm. Intuition also helps you tune in to your body so you can take better care of it. This leads to greater emotional satisfaction.
Listening to your intuition gives you awareness of your life purpose. Your gentle inner voice can lead you on a path of healing and growth by helping you let go of expectations and past experiences. So they cease to cloud your decisions and judgment. Your clairsentience helps you work with your body. Your clairvoyance gives you clarity. Your knowingness increases your certainty. Using your gifts opens a path to a happier, more insightful and better fulfilled you.
Intuition is Spiritual Communication
Intuition is spiritual communication and is an expression of love. When it is embraced and allowed, energy flows. When energy flows there is change, healing, and expansion. To withhold the flow of intuition is to lower your frequency, invite limitation, and prevent evolvement. You are an eternal spiritual being and your intuition helps you, the temporal self, to commune with you, the greater all-encompassing self.
Intuition is how we communicate as spirit. There are different ways of doing this and Part Two will explain them in detail. Each style of intuitive communication is uniquely valuable and confers specific advantages. You can emphasize and develop the ones that benefit you most, depending on your focus this lifetime. In the meantime, below are ten types of communication that intuition brings.
1. Divine
You are a part of the oneness of all creation. Some people call this God, but there are many other names used to describe it, including Supreme Being, Cosmic Consciousness, Trusted Source, and The Great All That Is. Wherever you see any of these terms mentioned in this book, feel free to substitute your preferred word to describe a higher power.
Your intuition enables you to commune with and receive information from your personal God, through your own concept of what God is. As God is all things, this means you have access to all knowledge, unless you have a limited concept of God. You are connected with everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in all places throughout creation. All can be known by you from your unique perspective through intuition.
2. Your Soul and Higher Self
You are so much more than your physical body. You are a multidimensional being of love and light that creates in multiple realities. Names for the greater aspects of your consciousness are spirit, soul, over-soul, and higher self. Your wisdom is vast and beyond logic. Your intuition helps you to know your own answers and receive your information from your unique perspective. It can be a great guiding force in your life. You can access whatever you need to know to assist you on your life journey at any time, any place, anywhere.
3. Multidimensional Self
Imagine what it would be like if you could tell a past version of you that everything was going to be alright. Or ask a future version of you to suggest the most joyful and expedient path to the desired outcome. If you wish, you can use your intuition to visit your past lives, ask what they learned from their Earthly experiences, and claim their skills and abilities to use in your life.
4. Angels and Guides
Everyone wonders about angels, guides, and ascended masters and wants to receive their guidance. They are always available to you. With your intuition, you will be able to see, hear, and feel them and know they are indeed present. You can consult them in your daytime experiences on the Earth plane, and travel with them in your nighttime adventures through the astral plane and other realities.
5. Dearly Departed
Perhaps your main reason for developing your intuition is because you want to connect with your loved ones after they pass. Your cherished partner and parents are not within reach through your physical senses, but they can be contacted when you use your intuition. Or maybe you want to investigate paranormal phenomena, and spending the night in a haunted house is your greatest ambition. If you develop your intuition, you will be able to detect the ghostly goings-on.
6. Other People
I am sure you have felt frustrated when you can’t get through to someone no matter how hard you try. As spirit, we don’t communicate through verbal language and body cues, we communicate through intuition. You can use your intuition to speak to people as spirit instead of the usual physical communication process. Sometimes this works much better as it can bypass their resistance and blocks. You can also tell when you are being lied to and see through people’s facades.
7. Plants and Animals
Animals and plants communicate through a type of intuition. If you want your plants to grow faster, to understand why they are stunted, or find out where they should be planted to thrive, then your intuition can help you tune in to what is going on. Instead of projecting human characteristics onto your pets, you would be able to tune in to them directly and know how they are doing and what they need from you to be happy. You could also check in with pets who are sick to find out what they need, and speak to the ones who have passed.
8. Nature Spirits
Your intuition can also open you up to the Devic kingdom. These are the nature spirits that watch over all forms of nature, including mountains, waterfalls, forests, meadows, volcanoes and more. They are wonderful helper beings in service to our planet and focused on the ecology of the natural world. Every plant and tree has a nature spirit who watches over it and tends to its needs. They go by many different names. Some examples are fairies, elves, and dryads. Earth is a living being and you can also communicate with the spirit of Mother Earth using your intuition.
9. Body
You are not your physical body. You are the spirit that created it. Yet the body does have an innate consciousness. You can develop your intuition in a way that will allow you to listen to its needs to ensure it has what it requires for health and vitality. For instance, your intuition will tell you what to eat for more energy or to heal a physical issue. It can help you understand why your body is depressed or afraid and more.
10. Galactic Beings
We are not living on the only inhabited planet. There are many highly evolved groups of benevolent beings who are available to share their wisdom and assist us in our growth. Some of them look at us as though we were their children and grandchildren. They have been through what we are going through and know what works and what doesn’t. Communicating with star beings can be an amazing experience and can help you with your spiritual growth. Some of these beings are from other dimensions and realities. Some are from higher dimensions and act as guides and teachers.
Intuition is your spiritual communication system. It can help with everything and it’s meant to be as much a part of your life as your physical senses. Your intuition allows you to connect with your personal God, your higher self, your body, other bodies, and more. You can rise above physical concerns and take a spiritual perspective. You can choose to listen to your intuition versus your intellect, emotions, or ego. Yet, what are your unique reasons for tuning in to your intuition? If you are not sure, spend some time now to get clearer.
Pick up your notebook and write about your reasons for wanting to develop your intuition. For instance, write about what intuition benefits excite you most, with whom you wish to communicate, and what you most want to use your intuition for.
There are many possibilities for whom you can connect with using your intuition. It’s good to know who you want to talk to and why so that you can be discerning and focus your intention on that. Just as there are all sorts of humans, there are many beings more than willing to talk to you, although you might not want to talk to all of them. Some are benevolent and of a high vibration, others are not in alignment with source. Review the ten types of communication above and decide which ones most resonate with you. Find out whether you most want to develop your intuition to talk to your personal God and higher self, your guides, pets, friends, family, aliens, or spirits.
Also reflect on how you want to use your abilities. Are you mostly interested in being a medium, psychic, or spiritual counselor? Or do you wish to develop your full potential in your chosen field? I know doctors, lawyers, office workers, translators, realtors, nurses, environmental stewards, and CEOs who developed their intuition so they can focus on their path and make a difference. List what excites you about developing your intuition. Then go one step further and visualize how you want to apply it in your life. Let your passion and excitement flow.
Holding the frequency of excitement while visualizing what you want is part of the formula to consciously create your reality. It’s like ordering a pizza. The universe is your pizza delivery guy and he always brings what you order. The frequency you vibrate at determines what you get so you don’t get anchovies on your pizza when you prefer olives.
Once you know why you want to develop your intuition and who you want to interact with, you can now figure out where you are on the intuition development path. If you are early on in the path, you may be having the occasional awareness that happens randomly. Or you might be having dreams that are relevant to your earthly life. As you progress along the path, you can connect at will versus having random occurrences, and everything is much clearer, more obvious, and less fuzzy. Eventually, you will operate it at will, turn it on and off if you wish, as well as decide what to tune in to and what not to tune in to, so that you can confidently use it to help others.
Take stock of where you are now with your intuition. Ask the following questions and make notes in your notebook as you go along:
• How and when do I currently use my intuition?
• When don’t I use it, and if not, why not?
• When I am aware of my intuition, do I always follow it?
• If I am ignoring my intuition, why am I doing so?
• Where is my energy going if not serving my passion?
Consider your daily life: your home, job, family, friends, health, fitness, finances, and other personal goals as well. I meet lots of people who can tune in to their intuition and follow its guidance, but who still wish to improve. If this is you, rest assured your goals are within reach.
The exercises in this book will help you, but finding a good teacher is essential; someone who has been where you are and can prevent you from stumbling along blindly. When you are very clear on why you want to develop your intuition, we can delve deeper into the mystery of spiritual communication.