
Chapter 10

Intuition and the
Fifth Chakra

This chapter provides an explanation of the intuitive information flowing through the fifth chakra, also called the throat chakra, or Vishuddha. The fifth chakra, located in the cleft of the throat, allows a wide range of spiritual communication. I call it the spiritual chatterbox, as much communication takes place through this energy center. When you own it as spirit, you get to decide who to talk with as well as when and how you do it. You can discern your guides and other out-of-body beings and listen only to trusted voices.

When you don’t own it as spirit, life will get confusing. Too many vibrations and voices will overwhelm you. You may be confused about which is your authentic inner voice versus the many external signals being picked up by your clairaudience and telepathic channels. You may lack confidence, fail to speak up for yourself, or even inadvertently express someone else’s information. At the extreme side of this, you could believe you are crazy. This chapter will help you distinguish the various forms of fifth chakra communication.

While the fifth chakra is the communication chakra, all intuition is a form of communication. It is energy in motion and it always stimulates change. The change can include action but also new realizations and shifts in consciousness. Nothing can change if you don’t communicate.

Psychic abilities covered in this chapter are inner voice, clairaudience, broadband and narrow band telepathy, and pragmatic intuition.

Inner Voice

If you talk to yourself, please don’t be embarrassed. You are consciousness and your body is your vehicle for experiencing physicality. Your inner voice is you the eternal self, talking to your body personality. It is that still quiet voice inside that lets you hear your higher guidance. The inner voice sounds like you. It is a Trusted Source of information. It is the way you can receive answers from higher aspects of your own consciousness.

How clearly you can receive your inner voice depends on how strongly you identify with your illusory self and how much you open to the voices of others. Your ego is a construct of beliefs and behaviors that were created to protect you from pain. Unfortunately, your ego may be the dominant force governing your life. It is like a bandage covering the wounded child within. It might trick you into thinking it is your inner voice. You can tell the difference if you remember that your inner voice is always supportive. It will never criticize, judge, or say you are not good enough. It does not boast or compete or have you believe you are better than others.

External voices from other egos can make you unclear about your beliefs, desires, and information. Listening to them will feel confusing. If you listen to your inner voice, you will know what is right and true for you. You can ask your inner voice questions and listen for its answer. In time, you can learn which voices come from your brain, which come from other people who wish to influence you, and which come from your eternal essence. You can also learn the difference between your body’s emotions, which are a communication from your body to your spirit, and your inner voice, which is a communication from spirit to your body-personality.

My Inner Voice Story

The way I tell the difference between my inner voice and the other voices flowing through my fifth chakra relates to the location of the communication. I don’t know if it works like this for everyone, but I will share how it is for me in case it strikes a note. I experience my inner voice near my voice box. It sounds like me and it is aligned with the stream of consciousness that is me. I experience my clairaudience near my ears, and telepathy by my sinuses and sternum. I consciously adjust my fifth chakra to tune in or tune out, depending on which ability I want to use.

It wasn’t always like this, and I experienced a lot of confusion earlier in my life. Other voices drowned out my inner voice and I had a lot of uncertainty about what I wanted to do. Many of the decisions I made were based on what other people wanted as opposed to what my inner voice was telling me. I gave my power away to the other voices. When my fifth chakra started opening up, I also experienced a lot of symptoms, especially a constant Morse code–like signal that was quite bothersome.

Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual awakening, described in his book The Power of Now, is a testament to the power of the inner voice. The shocking realization that he had two voices conversing with each other caused a schism in his reality and thrust him into a rapid spiritual awakening. He spent the next few years reassembling. It doesn’t have to happen in such an extreme way. For me, things got clearer and calmer gradually over a timeframe of years, without there being a crisis of consciousness.

Follow Your Inner Voice

There is a voice inside you that sounds just like you. This is your inner voice. It is a voice you can always trust. It is always supportive and gives appropriate guidance that will feel right to you. Once you recognize it, it can be hard to miss, but easy to ignore, unless you make a practice of paying attention to it. There can be so many other voices to filter out, including your ego, intellect, and other people’s voices.

When we argue, the ego can have a tendency to be righteous. When your inner critic or outer judge is activated, they can override the inner voice. The intellect can be a handy tool if you’re solving a problem, but if you limit yourself only to logic, and ignore the inner voice, you might not see all your options.

Let’s look at some examples of how the inner voice might show up in your life. If you are physically attracted to someone, your inner voice might agree or disagree, but either way it is giving you a spiritual perspective on the situation. Your inner voice could guide you to make good financial decisions, or lead you to a windfall. It could help you make good career decisions, help you buy a new home, or offer guidance about a health condition.

If you are a spontaneous person who can act in the moment, you could be following your inner voice. If you can go against the pressure of expert opinions, or other people’s recommendations when making big life decisions, you are also paying heed. If you still feel confident when a professional contradicts your inner voice, congratulations! However, if you need to seek a second opinion, or worse give your power away, then you do not trust your inner voice yet.

Blogger Discovers His Inner Voice

I read a blog article where the writer realized there were multiple voices in his head all speaking at once. He noticed different layers in his mind all conversing on different topics. After searching among them for a while, he identified a main voice that felt like him. He noticed he had control over it, whereas the other voices had a life of their own. Once in a while, his main voice wondered if the others could be quieted, but then he drifted off into thoughts about his relationship, his job, or the weather. Then a strange thing happened, the main voice shouted to the others to be quiet. They kept going regardless, making him feel frustrated.

He wanted peace inside his head but felt powerless to attain the meditative state he desired. Some days later, he was busy working, when all the voices suddenly stopped and for the first time ever he had a quiet mind. It was such an alien feeling it frightened him. Gradually, he learned how to cultivate this state of being. He discovered there was one main voice that he could hear and control once the din was quieted. This was his inner voice. Nowadays, he is able to focus his mind and ask questions directly to his inner voice. He receives verbal answers that are usually succinct and to the point. By listening, he knows he is on the right track.

Another acquaintance of mine believes all this spiritual stuff is poppycock. Yet even he has an inner voice. He is a very successful investor. Whenever he encounters a property that will make money, a trusted voice encourages him to purchase it. He has done very well by listening to his inner voice.


If you think hearing disembodied voices means you are crazy, think again, it may just mean that you are clairaudient. Clairaudience simply means clear hearing and is an intuitive ability to perceive vibrations transmitted by beings without bodies, including spirit guides, angels, and other out-of-body entities, as well as people who do have a physical form. It allows for communication without the limits that time and space impose. So you can even use it to communicate with friends and family over long distances.

When my guides communicate with me, I hear voices speaking to me using language. Yet it is not like hearing physical voices. I also hear the music of the spheres from the angelic realm, but it isn’t like earthly music. These are not physical sounds in the same way that you experience with your physical ears. They are more subtle, but they are real and can be distinguished from ordinary noises.

If you have ever experienced inexplicable sounds or people saying your name when no one was there, you may have been tuning in to your clairaudience. Clairaudience can frighten people, causing them to ignore or resist it, or fear madness. Hopefully, your experiences won’t scare you, but if they do, don’t despair. You can learn to screen out disturbing, unhelpful messages and listen only to Trusted Sources such as your angels and guides. After all, it would be a shame not to use this fantastic and fun communication ability.

My Clairaudience Awakening

My clairaudience has been a comfort during challenging times. Many years ago I hurt my back and had to stay in bed for three weeks. As I was recovering, I would take short walks and sometimes my back would give out and I wasn’t sure I could make it home. Each time it happened, beautiful angelic music filled my consciousness and I felt reassured I would be fine. On another occasion, I was asleep in my hotel room on a business trip in Germany. I was woken by an angel singing at the end of my bed. While I don’t know why it was there, it was a profoundly moving experience because of the beautiful music. There was no message, but I cried and as my tears flowed in some way I was healed from past hurts.

It has also been a curiosity. Once I heard the soap opera of an unknown gay man’s life for months. I heard every thought and knew his every circumstance. Eventually, I realized what this background noise was and adjusted my clairaudience to stop receiving his frequency. Nowadays, I use it as a tool to talk to my spirit guides, especially my healing guides. I find it most helpful to listen to my healing guides’ suggestions while my clairvoyance is focused on looking at and working on a client’s energy.

Listening to Your Clairaudience

If you can hear sounds that other people cannot hear, close your eyes, think of someone, and hear their voice clearly, or play your favorite music in your head, using your imagination, then congratulations, you have been experiencing your clairaudience. If you suffer from ringing or tapping in the ears, it could be a sign that your clairaudience is starting to wake up. Although if concerned, you might want to see your doctor.

A common first experience of clairaudience is to hear someone say your name when you are drifting off to sleep, beautiful music when you are relaxing, or a voice warning you not to do something or reassuring you things will be alright. Other signs are if your memories include vivid sounds or if you sometimes talk in your head to friends and relatives about situations you have in common.

Even if you haven’t had experiences you can put your finger on, if you use phrases such as, “I hear you,” “sounds good,” or “wake up and hear the music,” that might suggest you are mainly auditory in both your psychic and physical senses. Other signs would be if sounds affect your mood; if, when you read a book, you hear the sounds of the scenes in your imagination; or, when planning for a future event, you hear what you and other people will say. Also, when you hear the words other people are thinking, that too can be your clairaudience.

Clairaudience and Musical Gifts

I believe there is a connection between the gift of clairaudience and musical genius so will share two stories that illustrate this. Luciano wrote to me about how he was hearing voices. He also heard original music in his head. This disturbed him as he was an academic and wanted a logical explanation. I told him he was receiving music from spirit. He learned about clairaudience and his fifth chakra. Now he has embraced a newfound gift as a musician and says he has a mystical muse, although he still wants it to make sense.

Debra Love was musical from a young age. She heard songs in her head that did not yet exist in the world. This made her feel different and she didn’t know what to make of her experiences. At ten, she learned to play guitar. As an adult, she entered mainstream music and became an entertainer. She listened to the music in her head and began to write and record these songs. People who listened felt uplifted. The songs were pure and innocent and had the essence of the angels.

She was always very aware of the energy around her, including benevolent angelic guides and other less beneficial energies. She learned to use the power of her voice to clear the lower energies from her space. The angelic pop songs she wrote inspired Debra to explore healing and spirituality. She took a quantum-based healing course and became a certified healer. This propelled her into a period of intense growth. Lack of purpose was replaced by a realization that everything is energy. She realized she was a divine vessel, and setting frequencies and vibration was her gift.

The first song she channeled was called “Love.” Since then, she has been given chakra attunements, devotional mantras, chants, and albums of songs that awaken and raise the frequency of the listener. She was guided to alter the frequency she tunes her instruments to. The standardized tuning is A equals 440 hertz. Debra uses A equals 432 hertz. This is a multidimensional frequency that helps elevate the human body to its highest expression of the divine self. Debra is constantly creating new divinely inspired music. She says it is a devotional process that includes healthy, clean, balanced living, which maintains her frequency at a level that allows such high vibrations to be birthed through her into the material realm.

Broadband and Narrow Band Telepathy

I wonder if the following experiences sound familiar to you. You have such a close relationship with your child, sibling, parent, or partner, you often know what they are thinking. You know when your friend, who lives on the other side of the world, is thinking about you. You’re in a meeting at work and you can tell what your colleagues think of your ideas without them uttering a word.

Star Trek’s Mr. Spock and other popular characters from film and TV are not the only ones capable of telepathy. It is a form of intuition we can all access with knowledge and practice. Telepathic experiences tend to occur with someone close. They are possible with pets and your preverbal toddler. There are even scientific studies that support the existence of telepathy in humans, plants, and animals.

Telepathy is the ability to communicate through vibration without the spoken word and without body signals or sign language. You can send and receive spiritual information this way. The term is derived from the Greek words tele (distant) and patheia (feeling). You can use this ability to communicate spiritual information or perceive the vibrational signals of others. Telepathy is possible if the participants are close or far away.

There are two distinct forms of telepathic communication. Broadband telepathy is nonverbal communication with groups. Broadcasters or those speaking to crowds can be brilliant telepaths without realizing it. Narrow band telepathy involves communication with one or two individuals. Next time you become aware your dog wants a walk, you might be communicating this way.

Personal Experiences of Telepathy

Growing up I had a cat I loved very much. We were so close we could talk using mind pictures. One night I was lying in bed when I sensed she was in distress. I could see an image of one of her front legs being swollen, and felt she was unable to walk. I jumped out of bed and went to the back door to call her inside and see what was wrong. Once she arrived, at first glance she looked fine. When I looked closer, I realized her front leg was stuck through her collar and she couldn’t walk properly. I untangled her, relieved she wasn’t injured. I remember another time when she was ill and not eating. I sent the picture of her lapping up some milk and eventually she complied.

My first conscious experiences of telepathy occurred in childhood. My brother, father, and I used to play at sending thought waves to each other and guess what the other one was sending. It was a great game and we had a lot of fun with it. I played a similar game with friends to guess which colored pieces of paper one of them had hidden inside a box. As an adult, I have also used telepathy to ask plants where they wanted to be situated in my garden. When I follow my insight, the plants thrive.

Validating Your Telepathy

If you had the experience of being able to tell what someone else was thinking, having the same thoughts at the same time as those you are close to, having a habit of voicing what others are thinking, or tuning in to loved ones who are far away and instinctively know how they are, you have experienced telepathic communication. Some other traits that help identify a strong gift in this area include, being skilled at helping the tongue-tied express what they want to say, having a strong instinct about babies and their needs, or being able to easily understand and respond to your pets.

Telepaths often have a depth of understanding of others that most people don’t share. They can pick up the consensus in a room of people who are debating a topic or read between the lines when someone is talking or lying. They are fabulous at nonverbal communication, and make great speakers because they can reach most people in a crowd by communicating beyond words. Their most common phrase is, “I was just thinking that” or “I knew you were going to say that.” Telepathy involves receiving and sending. It can be easy for telepaths to influence and persuade others. Sometimes, they are vulnerable to foreign thoughts and have impulse to act out of character. If you identify with this description, you are telepathic.

Bruce is No Longer Scared to Speak

Bruce Starr is a fun, entertaining radio host. His Intuition Blueprint showed a strong focus on all aspects of communication, especially broadband telepathy. However, his telepathy was not operating at full potential at the time I did his blueprint. I discovered he was harboring the fear of death when it came to expressing how he felt.

Bruce lives in the United States but had lived in Central America for nearly ten years. In the country where he lived, the powers in charge were trying to control freedom of speech. He told me that he left the country after twenty television and radio journalists were murdered with none of the crimes solved. I believe he made the right decision as twenty-five more media journalists were murdered after he left. I worked with Bruce to help him learn how to let go of his fear of his past circumstances. We used the techniques in this book to reassure his body that he was no longer under threat and that it was now safe to fully express his beliefs. He has regained his confidence and has rebuilt his relationship coaching and speaking business as well as his public life as a presenter on radio and television.

Jimmy Found Purpose with Animals

Jimmy loathed his corporate job and needed a change. His Intuition Blueprint showed he was a capable communicator. During our Intuition Blueprint session, it emerged he had an affinity for animals. I saw he could help people understand their pets or livestock by being an animal trainer, intuitive, healer, or communicator. He even had prior lives where he mastered this ability, so he had the potential to be great at it in this life too. There was also a guide who had agreed to help him further develop his abilities. His goal for this life included using his skills in a more global way. Perhaps he could help raise awareness of how we impact plants and animals in the environment through our behavior and advocate for better balance.

The assistance Jimmy received previously did not help as the information was intellectual, not intuitive. He attended one-day workshops but lacked support to integrate or practice what he learned. Left alone, he invalidated his experiences. What helps people most is having someone to encourage them to keep going and validate that what they are tuning in to is real. Jimmy was delighted with his blueprint as it affirmed what he loved more than anything. He took a training program and is developing a coaching program to connect people with animals. He hopes to also help in pet bereavement services.

Pragmatic Intuition

If you’ve had the experience of knowing who was calling before answering your ringing phone, or if you could leave that parking spot three blocks away because you knew you could get one right outside the door, then you have experienced pragmatic intuition. A classic example of this form of intuition is bringing an umbrella on a sunny day or sunglasses on a rainy day, only to be vindicated by a change in weather later on. If you have had these surprisingly common experiences, it may not have been just a lucky guess. Pragmatic intuition is a form of intuition dealing with practical affairs. It helps you act on your information for practical gain.

Experiencing your pragmatic intuition is not necessarily about making a huge leap forward, having an amazing spiritual experience, or making an ingenious breakthrough. Instead, it feels more like plain old common sense. It helps with practical matters, such as short-term goals, next steps, and decision making. When there are a few variables at play in your immediate reality, pragmatic intuition can help you decide quickly and move forward with ease. If you use this type of intuition, you probably believe you are a practical person with good judgment. If you are not practical, it might just be that you have a fear of making decisions and are ignoring your pragmatic intuition, or that you have developed a pattern of doing what others say instead.

Saved by Pragmatic Intuition

One day I was scheduled to attend an outdoor celebration. On the morning of the event, the weather was bad and I decided not to go. This is unlike me, as I normally honor my commitments. Later that day, I heard that two trees had fallen onto the tents and the other participants had narrowly escaped injury. The wind made it impossible for the tents to stay in place so the event was canceled. My pragmatic intuition saved my day. If I had gone, my tent might have been under one of the falling trees.

On another occasion, I had an appointment at an office downtown. My boyfriend dropped me off and was supposed to wait in the waiting area. When I got out, though, he was nowhere to be found. After waiting a few minutes, I decided to walk. I instinctively turned right out of the building, then a right on the next street, and right again. There was a convenience store on my left as I turned, and I instinctively walked in. My boyfriend was there! This was an area of town we were both unfamiliar with. Neither of us had been at that office or store before. My pragmatic intuition led me there.

Your Pragmatic Intuition

Pragmatic intuition is a kind of everyday intuition that we often call by other names. If you are a very organized person, great at time management, always prepared for every eventuality, with an innate sense of how to get the best from people, you might be using this form of intuition to help you. You also might be using it if you tend to implement practical decisions versus procrastinating, immediately know what is possible given what is available to you, can easily separate what is possible from a pipe dream, and can readily condense group opinions into a practical course of action.

If you are a pragmatic intuitive, when life gets messy you can deal with it in a practical fashion. Your friends tend to come to you for advice on how to deal with stuff. Pointers that pragmatic intuition is at play in your life include having an uncanny ability to know who is calling when the phone or doorbell rings. Other signs this is in your nature include being able to figure out how to do practical things, such as change a tire, without instructions, or being the one who is relied on in an emergency situation. Pragmatic intuition can also help you get around more easily. For instance, being easily able to find your friends when you get separated, and changing your route while driving to avoid heavy traffic.

Other Pragmatic Intuition Examples

A mum I know uses her pragmatic intuition to be well prepared when she takes her baby out. I’m sure many other busy parents unconsciously use their pragmatic intuition to help them get through their schedule. I read about another mother who learned about pragmatic intuition from her toddler. Her son was attending a daycare center. He had just turned two years old so it was time for him to graduate to the toddler room, but he was hesitant and cried. She rationalized it, until she discovered that other parents were removing their kids from the toddler room. She realized he had intuited there was an issue, and she took practical steps to find a new location where he would feel safe.
