Intuition and the
Second Chakra
This chapter covers the intuition of the second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana. This energy center connects you with your physical body and creative energies used in self-expression and procreation. You sense your body’s emotional, vibrational feedback throughout your life via this chakra.
The second chakra is the human relational chakra. It governs your ability to listen to your body’s emotional and sexual signals, as well as those from other people. You are spirit. You have created a body. If you wish to follow your higher guidance, these two aspects need to communicate and work as an aligned partnership. The physical body has an intrinsic consciousness of its own (emotions, sex drive, intellect, physical senses). It is like a wild horse that spirit must tame, that is if spirit (higher guidance) is going to direct the life journey, which is done through the psychic senses.
The human form has an innate consciousness that responds on a vibrational level to its environment. It may respond with an emotion such as joy, delight, happiness, fear, anger, guilt, or shame, or have a sexual attraction to another body. In the nonphysical state, there is no sexuality or emotionality as we know it, there is no time and space and all exists simultaneously. Life on Earth gives you a chance to see the consequences of your creativity in a more focused way. The aspect of you that is incarnate experiences itself in time, space, and duality, where it takes time for the results of your actions to show up. Put another way, you get to experience the results of your action sequentially instead of simultaneously.
Most humans are trapped in the body consciousness levels, where the body’s innate nature controls the experience. People get caught in emotional and sexual dramas, and intellectual loops. These things stop them from accessing their higher guidance. Clairsentience is the psychic ability that allows spirit to “read” the emotional states being expressed by the physical body. Spirit and body are meant to align in partnership and not fight against each other.
Most people use their clairsentience to check out how other people feel. This happens at a young age when you ask yourself, “Is Mummy sad?” “Is Daddy mad?” “Am I safe?” However, its primary purpose is to help you develop a relationship with your own body. If you don’t use it for that, you may feel overwhelmed because you are busy dealing with other people’s emotional energy.
Remember, you are an eternal being of pure consciousness. You have projected an aspect of your consciousness into a physical body to experience Earth reality. If your body likes your current choices, it will tell you by responding with a higher vibration emotion. If not, it will let you know through an unpleasant feeling. Your role is as an awakened presence offering guidance. When you listen and respond to your body, it will trust you. Then your body personality will align with you and your life purpose.
There is a single intuitive ability covered in this chapter: Clairsentience.
Clairsentience helps you comprehend your body’s emotions. You use it to relate and respond to your body’s reality. Clairsentience is often referred to as being an empath. A simple way to think about it is your emotions are sending you feedback about yourself, your situation, and other people. Clairsentience is the intuitive sense that allows you to pick up on that. If you have ever had a gut feeling, then you’ve experienced clairsentience. In fact, most people use clairsentience every day without realizing it, especially as it also lets you sense how other bodies are feeling. You may already be using it to tune in to family, peers, and colleagues. Next time you sense how a friend feels without them telling you, pause and notice this type of intuition.
Your body emits a range of emotional frequencies to respond to your experiences. In essence, there are two main states, positive or negative, meaning all emotions feel good or bad. You can embody high vibrational states by healing your body. You can also catch your body spiraling down the emotional scale and work with it to feel better. Emotions are your feedback loop. They are a guidance system that helps you make course corrections. They are communications from your finite body to you, the eternal being.
Imagine your body is a sensing device you placed on the end of a line and dropped into the ocean. It tells you if the water is warm or cool, if the current is strong or weak, even what kind of fish are present. If it sends a high vibration signal, all is well. If not, the opposite is true. By sensing into your body, you can find out if you need to modify your life circumstances to accommodate its preferences. Perhaps it is grumpy as you have been working too hard and it wants to sleep or exercise. Or it’s anxious because of a difficult relationship. The body is a pleasure-seeking device. It naturally wants to go to higher vibrational states that feel good. It prefers not to feel pain and needs you to move it to a better feeling emotion by being responsible for it. If you do not, it will figure out a way to cope, but that could involve drugs, alcohol, sex, television, or other distractions.
As the body operates in time and space, it may take time to process its experiences, so it is helpful if you can be patient. Even if you can’t make an immediate adjustment to disturbing circumstances, you can acknowledge what your body is saying and tell it how you plan to change. If it is frustrated at being stuck in traffic, you can play soothing music rather than create a downward emotional spiral by allowing negative thoughts. If you are grieving a loss, then give your body time and space to adjust, rather than denying your feelings so you can get on.
If you ignore your body’s signals of unhappiness, it will take matters into its own hands. It won’t trust you. It may even kick you out of the body causing you to you feel unfocused. Then if it can’t sort things out through ego, emotional tantrums, or the intellect, it will shout louder by developing a physical disease instead of an emotional dis-ease. If you are exposed to people who invade your space, your body will respond by being afraid, angry, or sad. By listening to its signals, you can decide to own your space and remove yourself from the unpleasant situation. If you are in an unpleasant job or unhealthy relationship but not ready to leave, then explain your reasons to your body and find ways to help it cope with it when things get bad.
The body responds emotionally to thoughts. Dissonant thoughts impose on the body’s view of reality. Your worries and negative thoughts seem real to the body, even if they only exist in your mind. Thoughts can even cause feelings of pleasure at the expense of another person. This is why the mind, body, spirit relationship is important—so that spirit can heal the damaged ego.
While the main purpose of clairsentience is for you to communicate with your body, many people use it to be hyper-vigilant around others in order to stay safe. Being sensitive to the emotions of others is a common issue. Empathic people feel overwhelmed because they do not own their personal space. Their confusion is because their emotions are mixed with the emotions of others. Clairsentience can help you discern which body the feelings you are experiencing are coming from. You can use it to become familiar with different energy signatures so you know if this is Mum, Dad, or me.
As we have seen, there are many challenges to consciously using this ability as it deals with the strongest pulls of the physical body. Most people live their lives being pulled into emotional dramas or sexual attractions. Meditation is important for owning your space and accessing intuition. To master clairsentience means that you the spirit must take charge of your body; you must learn how to deal with the body’s animal nature and let go of other people’s energy.
My Clairsentience Experiences
These days I am very neutral because I focus my consciousness in my sixth chakra, and have been doing so for over twenty years. Before I knew how to do that though, my life was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride. This was usually due to not having a relationship, breaking up from a relationship, or feeling misunderstood in one. As a child in my nuclear family of four, there were often angry outbursts and people storming off. I recognize now that as a family we were so merged energetically that we each could feel the others disturbed energies. In the work I do now, I see this is very common and occurs in most families.
It is a major challenge for most people on a spiritual path to clear their parents’ energy from their space. In fact, it took me years to gain seniority over this. I remember when my teacher told me that I needed to make separations from my family I was outraged and thought she was instructing me to hate my family. I didn’t understand the concept of owning my space at all. Owning your space is not a rejection of those you love. It is a gift to release their energy and give it back to them so they can use it to create their own life. It is a blessing to be able to own your energy field and use your own energy free and clear to create the life you truly want.
Given the work I do, it’s very important for me to do my daily energy hygiene and clear the foreign energy from my space. Otherwise, I can end up feeling emotions that belong to my clients. Though I have seniority over this because of my use of my sixth chakra, it can still be uncomfortable to channel an emotion that doesn’t make sense in my reality. When this happens, it is usually because there is something inside me that matches the client’s experience, so I use it as a way to direct my personal healing process that day.
Your Clairsentience Experiences
Business people validate clairsentience when they follow their gut instincts about a business deal. Counselors do it when they get a split-second instinct that helps a suicidal patient. Parents do it when they sense something amiss with their child. If you rely on your gut feelings, this is a sign that you too are using your clairsentience. If you have this ability, it might be easy for you to put yourself in other people’s shoes. You are likely sensitive to the emotions of others without them saying how they feel—so your friends rely on you to be empathic when they are experiencing emotionally heightened situations.
The flip side is you can end up feeling other’s pain in sympathy for them. You can be an emotional sponge, and feel overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, some of them yours and some of them from others. You can feel excited or fearful and not know why. Or you can experience aches, pains, and other unpleasantness with no apparent cause. Crowds can leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained.
When your space is invaded with other people’s emotional energy, it can be hard to express your own emotions, make decisions, and put yourself first, and sometimes it can put your body into fear and cause you to lack emotional control. This ability has many challenges, but seniority with it is most helpful in building a strong, healthy partnership with your physical body. It can be very helpful to learn how to make energetic separations from others. Then you can feel confident and clear, and be more discerning about your own energy versus that of others.
Marika’s Emotional Challenges
Other people left Marika feeling drained. Emotionally expressive people confused and overwhelmed her. She had issues setting boundaries with friends, family, and boyfriends. This resulted in many emotional outbursts and arguments. Marika was empathic and wanted to explore how it could enhance her life. I taught her some meditation techniques, and we worked extensively on her second chakra to help her let go of the past and foreign energy.
She had picked up programming from her parents to please others and put their needs first. By clearing out limits caused by the pain of feeling unworthy and unimportant, we were able to unblock and activate her clairsentience. She used it to communicate with her body so she could heal her relationship with it. She began to understand the difference between love and sex, merging and togetherness, as well as how to own her energetic space from others.
Her challenge became a gift when she mastered her second chakra. She now uses her clairsentience to help women with their reproductive and sexual health. Marika became a doula to help women during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She is sensitive to the needs of mother and baby and has developed expertise in shamanism and healing to soothe health issues that come up. She also studied Chinese medicine.
Trang’s Stress Relief
Trang had a high-stress job in a mental health facility treating clients living with severe mental illness. The high demands of the job left her feeling physically restless, drained, and overwhelmed. She also experienced severe monthly migraine headaches causing her to miss work, which affected her productivity. Mentally, she found it increasingly difficult to organize her thoughts and communicate her ideas, which became an ongoing source of sadness and frustration for her.
After taking my Unlock Your Intuition psychic development course and practicing the techniques taught in this book, Trang became aware of the negative energies that had accumulated in her energetic field over the years. The subsequent release of these negative energies helped her to gain clarity and feel more at peace. Her anxiety slowly melted away and in its place, she felt confident and empowered.
Trang is now able to relax, pursue her passions, and enjoy life. She no longer suffers from monthly migraine headaches, and the migraine attacks have been reduced to approximately one to two times a year. She is also able to utilize the skills learned in the class to remain calm and neutral even when confronted with challenging situations at work. Her intuitive skills became heightened, allowing her to trust her own inner guidance. By taking my intuition development class, she discovered how to access information that aids in her self-awareness and drastically improves the quality of her life.
Sharon’s Anxiety Marker Disappeared
Sharon took my intuition development class while receiving neurophysiological treatments from her anxiety doctor. She had experienced anxiety her whole life. It stemmed from many things, including being attacked by a dog as a child. After one or two classes, she told me she had an appointment with her anxiety doctor. After he finished the testing, he looked at the numbers then told her she had erased one of her markers for trauma. He said her brain had become very plastic and was responding quickly. The only thing she did differently in her life to explain the change was to meditate using the techniques presented in this book. She said it was interesting to see a positive indicator in black and white and have a doctor comment on it.
Sharon became so passionate about energy healing that she has been training to be a healer herself. She has used bioenergy healing to relieve even more of her anxiety symptoms and to help her husband heal from irritable bowel syndrome. Sharon says her road to healing has been one of many incremental steps, and she knows she is headed in the right direction, as she continues on her healing path. Anxiety has had such an impact on Sharon’s life, she hopes that sharing her experiences of different approaches and their results will help other anxiety sufferers.