Intuition and the
First Chakra
This chapter explains intuition governed by your first chakra, also called the root or base chakra and Muladhara. The first chakra is your connection to physical reality. It governs survival of the physical body and your relationship with planet Earth. This energy center helps you interact with the low vibrational frequencies of solid matter. This includes being aware of your environment, and assuring survival and maintenance of a healthy body. This survival instinct is a type of intuition. We will also discuss the feet chakras because they relate to your connection with Earth energies.
A purpose of planet Earth is to sustain life in physical form. We can learn many things by observing how she balances nature. She supports our expansion and provides a playground for us to transform ourselves. We raise the vibration on Earth when we ground via the first chakra. By anchoring light in the material plane, we light up the world. A planet of awakened humans is a planetary body with a very high vibration. Ungrounded humans can’t do this, as they are not consciously present in their bodies. The energy we anchor to Earth by grounding “fertilizes” life and maintains the health of our world and flow of life.
Our bodies are crystalline. Being mainly water and minerals, we can absorb, generate, and transmit electrical charges. Essentially, we are transmitters and receivers of energy. Just think how rubbing your hands together can generate static electricity, or the school science experiment where you hold hands to complete an electrical circuit and switch on a light. You step down higher vibration energies through your chakra system all the way to the first chakra, which connects you with physical reality.
All of us together form an interconnected matrix of transmitters and receivers who channel the energies that form our mass reality. The aspect of you that deals with Earth plane reality is referred to as the lower self or body personality. You are unique and have unique information accessible through all your chakras. As you explore your first chakra, you may encounter fears and blocks. You can work with your body to clear them until you can operate it without disruption and bring yourself fully here to create your life consciously as spirit. We are the opposite of astronauts, who journey from Earth to the stars. We come from the stars to Earth, take on a physical mantle, and learn to navigate unfamiliar terrain while wearing our Earth suits.
The intuitive abilities covered in this chapter are Body Survival Instinct and Earth Reality Instinct.
Body Survival Instinct
Your first chakra channels survival information, including a template for healthy cells and organs. When injury, pain, and discomfort trigger survival signals, information on how to respond is available through your first chakra. There is a kind of innate intuition within your cells in that they respond to your thoughts and beliefs. You can actually believe yourself healthy or sick. Your DNA will respond to your intentions to be fit, energized, and well. A great way to heal your body is to own your space so that your energy and information is flowing freely through it. Anchoring the light of your consciousness to physical reality is necessary for you to be an awakened human.
The survival instinct refers to your ability to ensure your survival needs are met. That means your basic life needs such as air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, and sleep. Depending on the location in space and time for your incarnation, different information might be channeled. Living in the desert is different that living in the Arctic. A concrete jungle is a different environment compared to the actual jungle. It follows that a hunter gatherer has a higher focus on physical survival than a wealthy royal, as would someone born with a chronic health condition versus someone who is born healthy and strong.
Your first chakra is associated with the gonads and contains information concerned with the survival of the species. Your second chakra also relates to reproduction, but more from the perspective of sexual expression. Your conception, gestation, and birth can impact how you use your first chakra through your lifetime. A loving conception and easy birth may result in the belief that the physical world is safe and fun. Sexual abuse and a complicated labor may cause you to believe the physical world is very frightening. It can be important for you to heal this trauma so that you can access your survival instinct free from limiting beliefs.
When you are first born, you aren’t capable of surviving without your mother. You rely on mother’s instincts until you can fend for yourself. The relationship with your parents can color your interaction with the world in a positive or negative way, as can the political, religious, and cultural environment that surrounds you. They all program their followers with survival-based beliefs such as codes of dress, vows of poverty, tithing income, fear of eternal damnation, no contraception, no medical intervention, male and female roles, and what days to go to work. Governments levy taxes to provide for safety in the form of emergency services, health care, old-age pensions, benefits for single mothers, and welfare for the unemployed. Cultural groups tell the history of wars and the common enemy. Relatives tell you about things that run in the family.
You have your own innate survival information, but if you do not own it, you can end up creating your life through pain, punishment, and other limitations. You also have a unique concept of the divine. Any authority that intervenes with that relationship interferes with the expression of your first chakra, and your unique information on how to live your life in physical reality. Meditation is a great way to get clear on your information and to let go of concepts that come from outside of you. As the age-old tenet says, “The Truth Shall Set You Free.” For only then will you be free to choose your unique path.
My Survival Stories
I have had many near escapes from disaster. When I was a scientist, I worked at a research station in Ecuador. There was a civil uprising while I was there; all the roads were blockaded, people were kidnapped, cars were torched, bombs exploded in hotels. The army refused to help us. We could not leave and missed our flight home. The high altitude made me dizzy and made my nose bleed. Altogether, it was a miserable situation. By the time the uprising was over, we were surviving on rice and ketchup.
On another occasion, I contracted enterocolitis, followed by a bad reaction to the drugs the Ecuadorian doctor prescribed. The ordeal lasted over a week and culminated in an emergency situation on the flight home. Luckily, a Dutch surgeon onboard treated me, though not before he made me sign a waiver that he wasn’t responsible if he killed me by injecting the incorrect dose of a drug from the plane’s medical kit. I came to peace that I might die in that moment. At least that seemed better than continuing to suffer.
I’ve also had a string of near disasters while scuba diving. There was the time my dry suit valve stuck open on a deep wreck dive, launching me to the surface like a cannon ball. Or the time when sunshine turned to a storm while we were in the water, making it almost impossible to get back to land. Or the time when the dive boat couldn’t see us drifting out to sea on a strong current, leaving us no choice but to climb onto some rocks and be rescued. Or my very first open-water dive, where I was left alone at the bottom of a 25-meter gravel pit, never having done an ascent and without the proper equipment to do it. Luckily, I was eventually rescued.
In reviewing all these stories, I’ve realized they all come from the time in my life before I knew how to meditate and before I healed myself by clearing foreign energy, expectations, and limiting beliefs. I have altered my vibration significantly since then, and I haven’t attracted a survival emergency in years. I no longer do things based on peer pressure or demands from authority figures, all of which played a significant role in the list of stories above.
Your Story
Review your life so far and reflect on your unique survival instinct. You might have stories like mine. Or you may discover information about your relationship with money, health, home, and career, as these all relate to survival. Whenever you identify a limit, ask where it came from. You might have picked it up from your parents, siblings, teachers, or peers. Then reflect on whether it is in agreement with your personal truth.
As mentioned, the people who had the biggest influence over your belief system were your parents or the people who brought you up. As an adult, you may still be operating from your mother’s or father’s beliefs about how to survive. If these were limiting beliefs, then they will limit your ability to meet your basic needs and create what you want for yourself as an adult.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs you might resonate with: Life is a struggle. You have to work hard to earn money to survive. You must compete against others to get more. Women earn less than men and do more work. Women must look pretty and use their sexuality to survive. Your intellect, emotions, or sexuality is what matters most to survive. We must all look and act the same and create our lives in the same way. You are responsible for the survival of your group. Survival of the family is more important than that of the individual. Women and children first, men must sacrifice themselves.
Some or all of the above might apply for you, and you might come up with some other ones. Make a note of them all and use the techniques you will learn in Part Three to help you release them.
Alanna’s Survival Challenge
Alanna was being harassed at work. She was depressed as she wished her colleagues would accept her. She thought that if she knew what motivated them she could change them. Although it was difficult to hear at first, Alanna eventually realized the only person she could change was herself. She used the techniques in this book to release self-judgment and cultivate acceptance of herself and others.
As she changed her internal environment, her external environment shifted. Soon she had created a new job where her colleagues were friendlier. However, her troubles were not over and she soon faced another challenge. She became embroiled in a situation where she was broke and could lose her home. She had no one to help and went on welfare. Luckily, she remembered to use the techniques.
Alanna focused on clearing everything within that had attracted her misfortune. Her situation changed once again. As she shifted inside, she attracted more stability. As she described, “I had to surrender to the universe and quickly manifest a better situation. Now I know what it’s like to surrender and truly trust in my manifestation. I ‘saw’ the perfect person I could live with and unexpectedly ran into her. Actually, it was like I knew I would in a way.”
Earth Reality Instinct
Your feet chakras allow communication between you and the planet. They draw vital forces from the planetary body and circulate them within your physical and energy bodies. Your physical body is a cell in the larger body of Earth. Just as your cells are inter-dependent with your body systems, your physical body relies on the planet for health and well-being.
Connecting to Earth through your feet chakras embeds you in Earth’s reality matrix and allows an energetic exchange with Earth’s energy grids. You can discharge energy into and receive energy from Earth through your feet chakras. When these chakras are not functioning well, you won’t feel connected in the here and now. When open to Earth energy, you are plugged into planetary conditions. You can ride the waves of change and adjust to global and local energy shifts.
This is especially important in this time of rapid change in our world. You are alive at a time when the planet’s energy has been shifting exponentially. You chose to be here now, as this time-space reality offers an unprecedented opportunity for evolvement. Knowing about Earth energy helps you make the most of it. By running Earth’s energy through your feet chakras, you attune your creativity to the creative impulses on the planet. You ensure your life is in balance and that whatever you manifest is in alignment with Earth.
Wherever you go on Earth, you integrate local energy within your system and add your unique energy signature. Earth uses your gift to create, maintain, and evolve the natural environment. Nature shares local Earth energy so you can make adjustments and be in balance with what surrounds you.
The feet chakras are closely associated with your first chakra. You can ground to Earth through your feet chakras and first chakra. This creates a very stable foundation for physical existence and can be comforting for the body. When grounded, you anchor light. Part of your purpose as an awakening human is to anchor your unique frequency of light on Earth. When plugged into Earth and source, you help raise the frequency of the planet, shine a light on the world, and connect with other bright sparks through the planetary grid.
My Earth Walk
Many world traditions talk about Earth’s energy grids. The Australian aborigines go on a walkabout along ancient songlines, while European pilgrims travel ley lines to visit sacred sites. Chinese walk on dragon lines; Americans walk on spirit lines. I like to think about all the places I have visited on my Earth walk. I have lived and worked in six countries and traveled to a much larger number for work and leisure.
I am sitting in my native England as I write this with its soft undulating landscape and layers of history. My village has been inhabited for 8,500 years and is one of the oldest in the United Kingdom. It certainly feels very different from the wide open spaces of Canada where I currently reside. My favorite energy site is Copán in Honduras; it is a place where I felt cradled in the hand of God. My least favorite site is a high-altitude desert in Ecuador, where I felt I might die if I remained there too long.
Your Earth Walk
My feet have touched Earth in many places, assimilating her transformative energies and magnetic currents. My feet chakras have amplified and regulated the quality and intensity of Earth energy into my personal energy field with every step. Yours have done the same. Take a moment to consider all the places you have been on our planet. Remember what the energy was like in these different locales, and recall which were your most and least favorite energy spots and why.
Guardians of Earth
I met a man after giving a talk on intuition. He had won a psychic reading session with me. It was one of the most interesting readings I have ever given. It turned out he was part of a group who worked with the energy grids of Earth to keep it balanced and healthy. The group he worked with were aware of research that was harming the natural cycles and weather patterns, and they were doing energy work to counterbalance the damage.
Sarah, a client of mine, was living in the far north near a mountain range where ancient legend said there was a special location that contained information for the benefit of humanity. The local indigenous population knew of its existence and that they were its wisdom keepers. Unfortunately, some of the knowledge had been lost during the time when foreigners invaded their land.
Sarah became aware of past lives when she and her son had been ancestors of these people. She was able to recall the knowledge from her Akashic Record through meditation and past-life sessions with me and is now working with the local First Nations community to unlock the secrets of this ancient repository of knowledge. She has become dedicated to creating the necessary space for open communication and for validating its importance.