Chapter 3

Your Energy Field

We are now embarking on a journey through your spiritual system. Starting here, I will introduce you to the human energy field, which is your personal creative universe and is also known as the aura.

• The aura is an energy bubble surrounding your body.

• It is multidimensional in nature.

• It emanates from your chakras.

• It defines your personal space.

• It is your creative universe.

• You are meant to be the master of this universe.

• You determine what will be created through it.

The aura has been called the “fingerprint of God” because it contains all the information about you. I like to think of it as a global positioning device because by being aware of your aura, you can tell where you are, in a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sense. Being able to read the aura has been a powerful tool in my energy practice because it helps me very quickly get to the core of any matter, whether my client is asking about intuition development, life purpose, health, romance, abundance, career, or anything else.

I will start this chapter by sharing my information about the aura, which has been accumulated over many years of experience observing thousands of energy fields. When I first started out, I read my own aura as a daily practice. It helped me get to know myself deeply, validate myself, and see what I wanted to change and heal. I believe everyone can benefit by learning to read their own energy field. This will become possible for you when you develop your intuition.

Characteristics of the Aura

The aura is a vibrational field of energy. It can be observed intuitively as clouds of fast-moving or slow-moving colors. The vibrational field emanates from energy centers called chakras as inter-penetrating layers of energy. These layers relate to the chakras, vibrate at different frequencies, and can be seen separately by an experienced intuitive. Everyone has their own unique energy composition. Each auric layer relates to your specific circumstances. There is no correct color for your aura, nor is there only one color. It is your coat of many colors. The aura is in constant flux. It is always changing depending on your reality and how you process experiences. It is your unique energy signature as you exist right here, right now.

My favorite analogy for teaching about the aura is to reference the cuttlefish in its natural habitat. These marine cephalopods change their patterns and colors when they have different experiences. Patterns of light flutter across the surface of their skin to ward off predators, attract mates, express mood, help blend in with surroundings, and communicate with other cuttlefish. If you haven’t seen one, search for a video online and watch it. Even though you can see the cuttlefish with your physical eyes, and you can only see the aura with your inner eye, this analogy can help you get a general idea before you develop your clairvoyance and see it for yourself.

Each auric layer relates to a different aspect of you and your life experiences such as survival, relationships, energy focus, connectedness, communication, clarity, and higher wisdom. All of your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions relating to your life experiences are stored in your aura as structured units of electromagnetic energy. An experienced clairvoyant can read these units, which may look like symbols, images, pictures, and videos. Your aura reflects everything about you. Its energy components and frequencies indicate your present state of being, including whether you are healthy, your emotional state, and the concepts and beliefs you are operating from.

So long as the energy of your aura is moving there is health. If the energy field is bright and clear, there is physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A dark and cloudy aura indicates issues. To my clairvoyant vision, white can sometimes indicate fear; grey, being caught in the past; dark red, anger; and black, emotional pain or even hatred. These lower vibrations can cause a disturbance in your reality on an emotional or mental level. If stored in your system for a long time, they can manifest as physical illness. Disease happens when the flow of energy through your body does not run smoothly. This can be caused by unsupportive beliefs, low vibration emotions, and stored pain. It is possible for you to intuitively communicate with and heal your body at the systems, organ, and cellular level. Developing awareness of your aura allows you to see what you wish to alter. When you understand the true state of your being, you can change anything you need to.

Being Aware of Your Aura

If you have ever had an experience where a stranger was uncomfortably close, or there was an uncomfortable distance between you and another person, then you are already aware of your energy field. To consciously tune in to it, close your eyes, feel it around you, and sense the boundaries of your personal space. A comfortable distance is usually about an arm’s length. It could be farther out or in; your space can expand or contract depending on where you are, how you feel, and who you are with. Be still, and with your eyes closed be aware of circumstances where you naturally have your energy field spread out, and when you pull it close in.

When alone or speaking to a group, your personal energy bubble might fill the room. When you drive it may encompass the car, or when you are outdoors it might be expanded to experience the joys of nature. When you are in a busy shopping mall, you may keep your energy close so as not to be overwhelmed. When you enter a crowded elevator or train, you might contract it to avoid the other energy bubbles. We all expand and contract our personal space naturally. Yet the norms in certain groups differ. High population cities and cultures, where people live in close quarters, can result in a narrow personal space bubble.

All things on Earth, including people, animals, and inanimate objects, have an energy field around them. You can use your intuition to sense your creative space and distinguish it from that of another. If you own your personal space and do not allow other people’s energy to stay inside your bubble, you will be able to fulfill your higher purpose and share your message. If you do not dilute your energy by invading the space of others, you will have everything you need to shine brightly. If you are invasive to others, or a host to some foreign energy, you will find it more difficult to fulfill your purpose as you won’t have access to all your energy and potential.

Ideally, your energy bubble goes all around your body and encases you like an eggshell. It defines the limits of your personal space. Everything inside it is your creative universe. All that is outside it is someone or something else. You are meant to preside over your personal sphere of reality. Other people have their own personal energy bubble to create through. It is imperative for each to be self-contained energetically and to respect the integrity of others. Otherwise, chaos and confusion will reign. Intuition can help you see when you are out of integrity so you can pull your energy back to you and release foreign energy. You can use intuition to communicate with the higher aspects of yourself and line up with your higher purpose.

The Aura and Reality Creation

If you are not new to the spiritual path, you might be aware of “the law of one,” meaning that ultimately we are one and all separation is illusion. Though we are all one, we also experience ourselves as individuated consciousness. In the oneness, all our creations exist simultaneously and desire is not separated from the result. Here on Earth we experience the results of creativity reflected back as cause and effect, and through the mirroring of others whom appear separate from us. We purposefully step out of oneness, into the realm of duality, time, space, and separation, so that we can make choices, focus on the results of our actions, and grow by creating change and exploring our preferences. Each human is a fragment of divine consciousness with its own reality creation field. To fully engage in the physical reality game and see our creations in action, we need to each own our individual energy field.

You create your reality through the energy that you are. This happens unconsciously when you are not self-aware, but can happen consciously when you develop your intuition and heal yourself through meditation. Everything inside your aura is meant to be you. When you own this space, you create your reality through your own energy and intentions. If you don’t own it, you will create through other energies present. The other energies in your aura may include the energy of others, and programming from cultural influences. This foreign energy can cause you to lose touch with your own beliefs, and live according to someone else’s. If you have stored pain, you will look out through pain, and this is what others will see when looking at you. If you are full of hate, fear, jealousy, or other low vibrations, they will color your reality. Because you exist within your own energy field, the world sees you through this veil of energy. You also see the world through this filter.

Learning to read your aura using your intuition is the ultimate in self-awareness. Reading your energy field is like reading the book of you. Healing your aura is like editing and writing the book of you. By being conscious of its contents, you can see what is, release what you don’t want, and create what you do.

Your Intuition and Your Aura

In a world where everyone is in tune with their intuition, the aura is the ultimate communication device. It would not be possible to be in denial or lie, because everyone would see you exactly as you are in any given moment. Our civilization would be different if we operated from our intuition. We would not live in fear and denial. Instead, we would see and appreciate each person for their unique beauty and truth. Most people only use a fraction of their intuition so the limits of the intellect and the facades of the ego prevail. This has led to a false projected reality and masking deeper insights about who we are and what we are doing as a species.

The aura is the window to your soul. It is also the window you perceive reality through. If you own it, then your window is clean and you can perceive reality clearly. If it is full of unsupportive energies, then your window is dirty and your view is blocked. If you wish to actualize your higher purpose on Earth, it is helpful for you to heal yourself at the same time as you develop your intuition. Then you will see clearly through your reality filter. You will view the world through a clean window and consciously connect with your life goals.

Healing Your Aura to Unlock Your Intuition

As a child you were open to possibilities. You were free to use your imagination without limits and envision yourself to be anything you wanted. When I was eleven, I knew I was here to serve as a spiritual teacher. However, I believed this meant I must live like a nun and give up the chance to be wealthy or have a relationship. So I buried this realization and lived in accordance with the expectations of family, culture, and society. I became a PhD microbiologist then a business executive. I traveled the world, chased money and status. One day, I was sitting on the front step of my house when I noticed a bee enjoying a nearby flower. That bee woke me up. I realized that for many years I had not had the time to do a simple thing like appreciate the beauty of a flower. I wondered what had happened to the young child with a realization of her mission and to the grown woman without the time to appreciate nature.

My sudden realization propelled me into an intense period of spiritual growth that transformed my life. I now appreciate that there were three key influencers in my life. Having assisted many others, I am aware the same three things impede us all in the pursuit of happiness and purpose. They cloud your perception like fog. The three influencers are expectations, life challenges, and self-limiting beliefs. Your aura contains a record of the expectations governing your behavior, the beliefs limiting you, and the life challenges that cemented those beliefs. They form your perceptual window that may be cloudy or clear. They are the signal that you transmit to the universe resulting in the life you are living now.

Expectations Impact Your Energy

Expectations can cause you to lose a conscious connection with your unique path. They can come from family, friends, peers, teachers, culture, even religion. When you are being yourself, you are not appreciated. When you behave as they wish, you are validated. When you meet the expectations of others, you are congratulated and encouraged, so you aim to live up to them. You become governed by criticism, judgment, and responsibility, internalizing them and using them to build a false made self, called the ego.

The film Billy Elliot is a great example of the pressure we can be under to become someone we are not. In this film, the hero is a little boy who wants to be a ballet dancer. He lives in a mining town where men, including his father, are tough. Billy keeps his true self hidden until it can no longer be contained, and then he must struggle to hold onto himself. We all have a version of the Billy Elliot story inside. Even those who impose expectations on others, like the father and miners in the film, have lost the freedom to accept and be true to themselves.

Life Challenges Affect Your Reality

Life on Earth is a balancing act. From the moment you are born you experience constant cycles of growth and change. You are immersed in a matrix of opposites. If you stray too far to one side of any dichotomy, eventually you will seek to reestablish equilibrium; especially if you feel pain. Emotions, like pain, provide a feedback mechanism. Lower vibration emotions indicate your body is saying you are out of alignment with source. Higher vibration emotions let you know you are aligned with source and on track with what you prefer, and that you are getting along with your body. When in pain, you can believe you are the pain and feel lost. If when facing a challenge, you perceive a threat, you may get stuck in fear and be unable to move forward. You store the pain, fear, and unpleasant experiences in your body and aura.

The original experiences that led to the hate, fear, and pain become embedded in your belief structures. They block the flow of inspiration so that you no longer experience the true light of spirit. It is like living in a house with dusty vents. Ultimately, we create our reality through our beliefs. When we create beliefs that life is difficult, we re-create more painful experiences and our vents get even dustier. Worse, when we have children we pass on our beliefs about a painful limited world to them. The character of Billy Elliot suffered pain from the loss of his mother, the harsh environment in his town, and the financial scarcity and suffering of his family and peers. His clue out of the pain was that dancing made him happy and lifted him above the harsh reality of home.

Your struggle could be relationship problems such as separation, divorce, or never finding a partner. You might need to get your finances sorted out before facing bankruptcy. You might suffer from a chronic and debilitating illness. Perhaps you face challenges such as career uncertainty or job loss or feeling purposeless so you don’t know what to do. You crave a vocation that allows you to make a difference but your path seems blocked. You also may be carrying wounds from earlier times when you were abused, bullied, or taunted.

Everyone experiences painful feelings, emotions, and thoughts. There is no person on this Earth who doesn’t. Even enlightened spiritual masters experience pain. The difference between them and you is that they have a way of being, or a spiritual practice to ensure that low vibration energy does not stagnate or accumulate. The windows and vents in their houses are kept so clean they see with clarity.

Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back

Self-limiting beliefs cause you to veer from the path of your highest potential. Again, they can originate from family, friends, peers, teachers, culture, and religion. You take on their beliefs to fit in and belong in the group. But if they are not beliefs that are right for you then they hold you back. If Billy Elliot had taken on the macho beliefs of his male role models, he would never have succeeded in performing in the National Ballet. Being a ballet dancer was his true path. Wanting to dance did not make him effeminate or weak. It made him strong, masculine, and free to express his unique essence.

Here are some typical examples of beliefs that hold you back: People like us only ever get so far; I have to work hard for everything I get; I can only have so much; I don’t deserve to have what I want; I am unworthy; I have to do everything myself; nobody loves me; there must be something wrong with me.

Knowing what makes you tick is an important step on your path of developing intuition and self-awareness. The early years of life are crucial for the development of your understanding of the world, and the formation of your personality. According to scientists, a newborn brain is 24 percent the size of an adult brain. By age three, it is 80 percent. By five, it is 90 percent. The first three years of life involve rapid growth and learning. Every new experience lays down a neural pathway in the brain. Recurring experiences reinforce and strengthen specific pathways, such as whether you are loved or abused.

Your childhood environment heavily impacts your neural development and your gene expression. From what language you learn to what religious beliefs you hold, early childhood is the time when most behaviors and beliefs are programmed. The biggest influencers are caregivers such as parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. They as adults are already programmed. Their environment has led to a set of beliefs about how to behave to stay safe in the world, and they teach these values to you. They already know the surrounding culture and help you orient to their beliefs about religion, social status, country, region, politics, and how to behave correctly. As you get older, you are also influenced by siblings, peers, authority figures such as teachers, and the different groups you get involved in, whether ballet, scouts, or a street gang.

The Process of Getting Unblocked

To be truly yourself you need to break out of your limits. If you cultivate self-awareness by developing your intuition, you will be able to see how you prevent your authentic self from shining through. You can let go of the expectations, challenges, and beliefs that do not serve you. You can validate yourself, what you want and what is possible for you. Intuition opens you to the world of energy. Once you are aware of what you wish to change in your energy field, you can change it using your intentions.

Your intuition will show you who influenced you most strongly through different stages of your life. Then you can let go of their vibrations and replace them with yours. For most of us, this process is like peeling an onion—there are many layers to address. To do it all at once would be overwhelming. Taking your time makes it more comfortable for your body. After all, it took until now to create it! Still, you can clear it faster than you built it up. Developing an intuitive awareness of your aura gives you a framework to follow, because each layer emanates from a different chakra and relates to a different aspect of your life.

Your chakras channel your information and process your life experiences. When stuck, you can move energy through them and clear your blocks. Like jet engines, the chakras fuel your progress and help you head in a certain direction. They allow higher guidance and energy to flow to you from your source. When life challenges restrict the flow of energy through your chakras, you can feel cut off from source, not on your path and out of alignment. Meditation is an effective tool to support you in creating change in your chakras and energy body. It can help you bypass the intellect and emotions that get hijacked by the ego. By learning to be intuitively aware of and work with the energy flowing through your aura and chakras, you can reclaim your power and use your spiritual gifts to create the life you want!
