
Chapter 6

Beliefs about

As you walk your path, you may encounter information that sends you on a detour. Intellectually focused teachers or friends who insist their information is correct can send you down a blind alley if you listen to them over yourself. This chapter covers some commonly held beliefs and provides an alternate perspective on them.

As you read, please remember one caveat: There is no single truth. Each human is different and has a unique life experience, information, and perspective. There are no mistakes. You can travel far on a belief until you discard it and choose a different one. You only have to look at the placebo effect to see that. The best way to approach this chapter is to remain open, yet retain your own unique perspective. Please accept only what is correct for you. After all, this is my unique perspective at the time of writing. My beliefs change over time with new information and so do yours.

Keep all this in mind as you read the following beliefs about intuition, intuitive people, and ways of accessing intuitive information.

Belief: You Must Wait for Insights to Come to You

Sudden flashes of insight are how most untrained people experience intuition. This can be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that makes a great story at dinner or a more frequent event. Either way, most people believe they can’t control intuition, so they wait for it to happen to them. There are well-respected professionals and famous mediums who believe this is how intuition works.

Beginners and experienced psychics alike do not always realize they can consciously access intuition at will. Yet by learning a few key principles, everyone can control their intuition. You can develop your intuition so you can tune in anytime you wish. Using the methods presented in Part Three, you can develop it to the degree that you can get information about whatever you want whenever you want. Flashes of insight may still occur, but you won’t have to passively wait for it anymore. Once you can consciously work with your intuition, new possibilities open for you. From then on your inner guidance is at your fingertips.

Belief: You’re Not Always Connected to Your Intuition

Your soul is always communicating with you through your higher consciousness. You are constantly connected to its information flow. It is the stream of consciousness that you are projected from. You are part of it. You may not always be consciously aware of it, however, as your physical senses, intellect, emotions, and other body aspects may dominate your consciousness instead. This is a necessary part of being in a physical body. How else could you navigate the physical world? But it can cause you to lose sight of your intuition.

Tuning out external influences can help you tune in to your internal world. This is why meditation and intuition development are intricately connected. Intuition works in different ways for different people. Understanding your unique intuitive style can help you connect and consciously work with it.

Belief: Intuition Is Always Clear

Some people believe they are not intuitive because their experiences of intuition have been vague and fleeting. In truth, intuition is subtle for most people who have not been trained to recognize it. It can be a cloudy image that momentarily flashes across your mental screen, or a faraway voice floating on the wind. It can be a gut feeling or a vague sense of knowing. If you are not practiced at using your intuition, your mind may be busy with many voices. Your mental screen might be overloaded with images from your day or the movie you just watched. Before you even recognize an insight, it’s gone. Even if you do pick up the quiet voice of your intuition, you may analyze it through your logical mind and lose its essence.

Meditation can help you identify and develop your intuition. It helps you calm down and clears your mind so you can access intuition despite the veil of the intellect and physical senses. The more you focus on intuition, the clearer it becomes. It can be helpful to have a teacher to start. A mentor can teach you how to consciously access your intuition faster than you might figure out on your own. Plus, he or she can validate when you really are using your intuition.

Belief: Intuition Always Makes Sense

Intuition does not necessarily always make logical sense. Sometimes it can be in conflict with your mind. Let’s say you meet a new guy and your intuition says, “Stay Away!” On the surface, he is charming, polite, and treats you well. He has a good job, a house, and says he is looking for commitment. Your logical mind would set you up with him in an instant. But what if there is something he isn’t telling you? Maybe he is lying. Perhaps he is a criminal and you’re in danger. Your intuition might be warning you through a strong gut instinct or inner knowing that this person is not for you.

Intuition doesn’t work like a machine or a math problem. It is information emerging instantly without logic. Sometimes it brings a different message to your mind. But it is the voice of your higher being and offers trusted guidance. Of course, you have the choice to listen to logic or intuition. Either way, you will create new life experiences to learn from.

Belief: Intuition Can Be Wrong

Wrong! Your intuition is always right for you! Someone else’s intuition could be wrong for you, and your intuition could be wrong for them. We don’t always see things the same way, even when operating intuitively. But if you are tuning-in correctly, accepting the information as is and not passing it through your intellectual, emotional, or sexual filters, then it is giving you good guidance.

If you listen, trust, and act on your intuition, then it is always in your best interests. What’s more, your intuition can help you see why this is a good idea and how even a seemingly painful choice is in your best interest. If you believe you followed your intuition and something turned out badly, then it may not have been your intuition.

Belief: Women Are Better at Intuition

There are more practicing female psychics than male. This relates more to social influences than a difference in ability. Women and men are born with the same gifts but receive different cultural programming. Society gives permission to women to practice “women’s intuition.” Men are given the message that they must be strong, rational, and realistic. This mental training makes men lose touch with their inner wisdom.

Even when we acknowledge intuition in both sexes, there are different stereotypes. Men have permission for gut feelings and business instincts. They can be visionaries or futurists. They can intuitively decode technology and find directions. Women can have women’s intuition and a mother’s instinct. Female intuition is mysterious, goddess-like, illogical, and to be feared. So while women have more permission to be intuitive, they can also be invalidated because of it.

Everyone has intuition. Whether you are male or female, one of the most valuable things you can do is to learn to receive and follow your intuition. Whether you want to use it in the boardroom, ballroom, or ballpark, intuition can support your life journey. As spirit, we are genderless. There is a frequency difference between female and male bodies, because of the energy it takes to conceive, gestate, and birth another person. This higher vibration can aid those in a female body to access their intuition.

Belief: Only Special People Have Intuition

Some psychics perpetuate a myth that they have special and mysterious gifts that are inaccessible to ordinary folk. They may say it runs in their family, they are the seventh son of a seventh son, have been initiated into a special group, or anointed as the chosen one in a long line of gifted gurus. Their argument is that people need to go to them for answers. Everyone is intuitive and can receive their answers directly from source. Of course, not everyone chooses an intuitive path. Some people are happy focusing on the physical experience. However, anyone who wants to can learn to access their intuition directly without giving their power away.

Belief: Psychics Are Evil

The words psychic, medium, intuitive, gifted, sensitive, empathic, and extra sensory perception are used for people with intuition. Each word comes with an energy charge depending on how it is being perceived and judged. Some religious factions perceive psychic to mean you are engaged in the work of the devil. Medium is more accepted as it is believed to mean that you are at least trying to help people by talking to dead relatives or solving a crime.

Sensitive and empathic people are perceived as emotionally unstable. Gifted people are special but abnormal outliers. Those with extra sensory perception perform black ops for the government.

If you are intuitive, you are gifted but not so much to be scary. I use the word intuitive as it seems less likely to cause affront, and yet describes what I do. People with intuition are not evil. They are conscious individuals who can perceive nonphysical reality. Because being intuitive is still taboo in many circles, some hide or avoid their gifts for fear of other’s judgment and misperceptions.

Belief: The Labels Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal,
and Starseed Children Apply to Different Generations

We have given labels to different generations depending on their collective purpose and perceived sensitivities. As a consequence, many people are confused about their identity. They wonder if they are really an alien from another planet, an angel, a fairy, or a new species of human.

While it is true that as spirit you create in many realities, the aspect of you that is in this body is human. Your unique spark of consciousness is meant to experience this reality. By focusing on aspects of yourself in other realities or the fantasy of not being human, you miss the opportunity this life presents. Humanity is evolving. Each generation learns and grows and paves the way for the next. Some of the new kids have parents who are more open to intuition so they don’t receive the same limits as previous generations.

Our planet is at the forefront of the expansion of consciousness because of its density and polarity, and we are in a planetary cycle of rapid growth and change. So we are an attraction for all beings who want to experience rapid expansion. While there are individuals here in human bodies from other planets, they are now equally human. Being from a “more evolved world” doesn’t mean it will be easy when you put on your human body and walk among the earthlings. We are all divine energy beings birthed from stars and source energy. Every single one of us can choose to access our intuition, regardless of the other realities we all create in.

Belief: The Power Is in the Object

The classic notion of a psychic is a gypsy who uses tarot cards, a crystal ball, or another ritual object to predict the future. This has given the impression that the power of intuition comes from the object, not the reader. Such objects can be great tools for stimulating intuition. Cards can help you bypass the intellect, as the images can stimulate the imagination. But if you memorize the manual that came with the cards, you are relying on your memory and intellect for meaning and not your intuition.

A skilled reader may use objects to help them focus, stimulate intuition, or draw the client’s energy away enabling them to read more clearly. While it might appear that it’s the object that is special, intuition is the genuine information source.

Belief: The Future Is Predetermined

Most people don’t want to take responsibility for their lives. They certainly don’t wish to hear that they create their reality as that means they are responsible for their past, present, and future life creations. They visit psychics to find out when they will meet their next lover, if they will be successful in their job interview, or when they will get that financial windfall they are counting on.

There are infinite possibilities projecting like branches from where you are now in time or space. Every possibility you want and don’t want lies before you somewhere in this tree. The path you take is shaped by your consciousness. Any prediction of your future is based on the most likely probability given your current intentions, beliefs, and desires.

I rarely predict the future for people as I believe in free will and your ability to consciously create your preferred reality. On the rare occasion I do, I assign a likelihood to it. Predicting your future could disempower you, limit your creativity, or prevent you taking responsibility for your life.

Belief: The Third Eye is Solely Responsible for Intuition

There is a misconception that the sixth chakra governs all forms of intuition. This is not true. All your chakras are involved in spiritual communication, although working through your sixth chakra is unbelievably helpful for operating consciously as spirit in a body. The third eye is a powerful determinant of conscious awareness. Located in the pineal gland in the center of your sixth chakra, it helps you be neutral, be accepting, and have great clarity about yourself, others, and your life creations. Your sixth chakra is the channel for abstract intuition and clairvoyance. Sitting in your third eye helps you see energy, interpret symbols, and become aware of out-of-body beings.

However, as you have learned in this book, the other main chakras are also involved in spiritual communication. Your crown center helps you connect with your wisdom. The throat center channels your inner voice, telepathy, clairaudience, and pragmatic intuition. Your heart center guides you through the magnetic attraction of affinity and the interconnection of all things via the aspect of oneness. The solar plexus helps you channel your energy through creations on Earth and in other dimensions. Your sacral center confers emotional intuition. The root center connects you to your survival instinct.

There are many forms of intuition to explore. Your third eye gives you the neutrality you need to deal with what comes up as you use intuition to know yourself and others better.

Belief: Your Aura Is One Fixed Color

I am amused when someone asks me, “What color is my aura?” or tells me they were told their aura color years ago so they know what it is. They say things such as it is blue because I am a healer or orange meaning I am passionate. They may well have those tendencies, but the aura is not one color that you retain for life.

Your energy field is dynamic, multilayered, multicolored, and is always changing. Today, your first chakra might emanate red as you channel the life force needed to run a triathlon. Tomorrow, it might channel blue as it heals the body from the torn ligament and muscle strains from the day before. Last week, your heart chakra might run gold energy as you just had a new baby and are opening to the love of being a parent. Next week, it might run a green vibration as you learn how to take care of your new baby.

Belief: Chakras Must Be Specific Colors

You may have been taught that your chakras are certain colors. To be healthy, they should always be red (first), orange (second), yellow (third), green (fourth), blue (fifth), indigo (sixth), and violet (seventh). If they are not these colors, then something is wrong.

This system for teaching about chakras uses the rainbow colors that emerge when clear light is split by a prism to show the elevation in frequency as you move from the first to the seventh. The first, being associated with the material world has the lowest frequency. The crown, as the gateway to spirit, has the highest frequency.

Your chakras are a dynamic system. To my clairvoyant vision, the colors are always changing. You channel different energy frequencies through them as you respond to changing circumstances. From my personal experience, any chakra or layer of the auric field can appear to be any color. The colors reflect what is being experienced in your life now. I believe there is not one correct color for them, but many colors. These colors change as you face life challenges and process life experiences.

Belief: You Must Open Your Chakras

Some spiritual seekers believe that to become enlightened, you must open all your chakras. Opening a chakra is not the same as unsealing the wisdom it contains. Chakra mastery is more about being aware of your chakras and the information you stored in them, and the ability to modulate them to achieve the states of consciousness you wish. This comes with experience and observation of what happens when chakras are more open or closed or by following the guidance of a good teacher to help you avoid the pitfalls.

Here are some examples to help illustrate the point. If your crown chakra is narrowly opened, you can access all your information and channel source energy in a way that relates to you and your life. If it is wide open, you can access the entire universe and beyond, which includes information that makes no sense to people on this planet. If your throat chakra is narrowly opened, you can access your inner voice and tune out all the other voices. If it is more open, you will hear many signals from all manner of physical and nonphysical beings.

In a general sense, if your third chakra is more open, you will own your power. If it is more closed, you might be in fear and feeling disempowered. So the question is really, “What experience of reality do you wish to have?” You can modulate your chakras to accommodate it. If you want to enter a trance state to do intuitive readings, that requires a very different chakra configuration than if you want to play baseball or tennis.

Belief: Channeling Is the Highest Form of Intuition

Channeling is the ability to bring a spirit or entity through the physical body. When a medium channels another being, she is using trance-mediumship. She leaves her physical body and allows the entity to take possession. Famous channels include J. Z. Knight, who channeled Ramtha; Jane Roberts with Seth; Esther Hicks with Abraham; Darryl Anka with Bashar; and Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, who was not present in his body when he gave his readings.

There are many degrees of channeling as well. Some mediums channel other aspects of themselves. Others share energy with a spirit without giving up complete control of their body. Lee Carroll channeling Kryon is an example of this.

All of these channels have brought us important information about our growth. The myth about channeling is that it is the best or only way to retrieve higher information. This isn’t true because you can communicate with other beings without inviting them to take over your body.

Some people are attracted to channeling because they believe it will bring power, status, fame, and fortune. They attempt it without the proper preparation for the body or discernment regarding who they are allowing into their space. If you first choose to prepare your body through meditation, develop your own intuition and channel your higher self, you can make an informed decision about whether this is for you.

Belief: Mediumship Is a Specific Ability

People often think of mediumship as a specific skill in itself. While trance mediumship is the ability to channel spirit, many people we call mediums are actually using other intuitive abilities to access their information. A spiritual medium is a communication conduit between the spirit world and physical reality. Typically, they contact deceased loved ones or spirit guides; although in the popular TV series The Medium, the star was able to see remotely through dreams and visions.

There are many ways mediums receive messages. A friend training to be a medium uses her clairsentience, so she often says, “I am feeling …” Some mediums use clairvoyance and say, “I am seeing …” Others use their clairaudience, “I am hearing …” Still others “know” and are using knowingness. Some mediums use several psychic senses simultaneously to receive their messages. Some are not using psychic senses but are actually experiencing entities directly stimulating their physical senses.

Belief: Clairolfaction Is a Psychic Ability

Clairolfaction is perceived by some psychics to be an aspect of the first chakra, which governs the limbic system and deals with the physical sense of smell, survival, emotions, and long-term memory. Some spiritual mediums allow their sense of smell to be stimulated as a way to receive and communicate information. This actually isn’t a true spiritual sense. In our noncorporeal form, we don’t smell. Yet a medium smells cigars and deduces she is speaking to your grandfather, who loved cigars. You smell baking and assume Auntie Nellie, who always baked fresh bread, is visiting. As there is no physical source of the smell, spiritual smelling is assumed to be a genuine intuitive gift. So what is going on?

Spirit is stimulating the physical sense of smell. A true spiritual sense is not being accessed through one of your chakras. This imbalance in body spirit communication can cause issues because foreign energy is entering the energetic system of the medium. If she doesn’t clear it out, it will impact her reality. If you experience a smell that will not go away, you might accuse a friend of smoking in your car, believe you stink, or become paranoid. You might even believe you are ill. Your doctor might look for a brain tumor, cyst, infection, seizures, stroke, head trauma, Alzheimer’s, migraine, or epilepsy. When no physical cause is found, they could surgically modify your olfactory bulbs or prescribe psychiatric drugs, when all you need to do is own your space through meditation.

Belief: Clairgustance Is a Psychic Ability

Some mediums allow their taste buds to be stimulated to communicate information. For instance, a healer might taste herbs or a special diet for a patient. The information is seemingly coming through the taste buds, even though there is no physical substance on the tongue or in the mouth. Because the second chakra governs taste and emotions, some psychics claim clairgustance is an ability of that chakra. Instead, spirit is stimulating the sense of taste. You are not accessing a spiritual sense via a chakra.

If you unconsciously allow spirit to interfere by stimulating unreal tastes you might seek medical help. Conditions that can cause a “bad taste” are zinc deficiency, constipation, menopause, side effects to hypertension drugs, chemotherapy, and pesticide and heavy metal poisoning. In fact, some people diagnosed as schizophrenics have taste hallucinations and can’t distinguish real from phantom tastes. I believe it is possible to be diagnosed with a mental illness or develop depression or an eating disorder when what is actually happening is a miscommunication between body and spirit.

Belief: Clairsentience Is a Sense of Touch

A man feels pressure in his chest. He later discovers a loved one had a heart attack. A spirit guide touches the top of a woman’s head to let their presence be felt. A medium feels symptoms of an illness and uses it to identify who she is communicating with. A boy has a bad feeling; the next day he is in an accident.

I have heard all of the above be referred to as experiences of clairsentience. None of them really are and here is why. Clairsentience relates to the emotions and its purpose is body-spirit communication. Some people believe it includes physical sensations. However, when a physical sensation is felt, spirit can be stimulating the sense of physical touch.

The man is experiencing his loved one’s reality because they are in each other’s energy field. The being has invasively attached to the woman’s crown chakra. Spirit has entered the medium’s space and she is partially channeling this being. The boy is having a premonition.

This is not to say that you cannot feel the energy. You can feel the energy with your hand chakras. You can sense energy entering, leaving, and flowing through your energy field. The more you use your intuition to know and heal your space, the more sensitive you become to your energy, foreign energy, and energy shifts. I have also heard clairsentience called clairtangency. This term means clear touching and is another word for psychometry. Since childhood, I touched things using my invisible hands. I later came to call them my psychic healing hands. Eventually, I realized they are the hands in my astral body, which is another way you might feel energy intuitively.

Belief: Spirits Have Emotions

Some intuitive readers attribute emotions as belonging to spirit guides and deceased loved ones. Deceased Auntie Mary is angry because you married the wrong husband or Chief Wakanaka is disappointed you didn’t take his advice. Disembodied beings do not have emotions. Only bodies have emotions. Once you die you no longer experience lower-vibration human emotions, though you do experience the higher vibrations such as love.

So when a medium perceives she feels an emotion from a spirit, it’s because the being has entered her energy field and has stimulated her emotions. This could happen if the deceased wants to express how they were feeling when they died but do not yet know how to communicate respectfully as spirit. Or perhaps a malevolent spirit is deliberately being disruptive and manipulative. It could even be that the medium is not neutral and is projecting her emotionality onto the reading.

Belief: Synesthesia Is a Psychic Ability

Synesthesia is a medical condition where one sense is muddled with another, such as being able to smell or taste what you see and hear. A synesthetic person might read a recipe and taste what they see. Or they may watch television and smell what’s in a show although it isn’t physically present. I have heard it implied that having synesthesia makes you psychic. Yet this is a neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. While we do make spiritual communications conscious and relevant to our reality by translating them using the brain, they do not need to be scrambled through multiple neural pathways. The idea of an apple could be intuited by knowing it, seeing it as a vision, or hearing spirit say “apple.” If you taste and smell an apple when you see it, that may result in a richer experience of apple, but this is not necessarily an experience of intuition.

Identify Your Intuition Beliefs Exercise

Take a moment to reflect on this chapter and make some notes on what you learned. List all of the beliefs about intuition that were busted for you. Next to them, write down whom or where the belief came from. Notice if there are specific people who have impacted you; these are some of your key influencers. You will work with them in Part Three.

Also make a note of when your information differed from mine. Give yourself permission to be unique, operate from free will, and access your own information.
