The authors would like to acknowledge the encouragement and support of our agents, Frank Weimann of the Literary Group and Mickey Freiberg of Acme Talent and Literary Agency. We also very much appreciate the enthusiasm of our editor, Rick Wolff, who was able to recognize this unusual project and gently lay upon us a steel glove to help us along, as well as the many people at Warner Books who were always there with a welcoming smile.

David Fisher would especially like to acknowledge the never-ending support and encouragment of his wife, Laura Stevens. He would also like to thank Jerry Stern of Columbus, Ohio, and Tom Jones of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for the kind use of their cyberspace storage depot, which proved far superior to his own refrigerator, and Karen Greenfeld for making cyberspace appear. He is also very grateful to George and Kathy Hicker for putting up with him—or, actually, putting him up. And of course Belle Stevens, who was right there behind him—right behind him—the whole way.

Bill Bonanno would like to acknowledge the culture and tradition from which he comes, that gave him the strength and guidance to enter into and complete such an unusual collaboration. No man can rid himself of his heredity and his environment, as well as the accident of birth that preordained his destiny. It has been an extraordinary voyage of calm and stormy seas, but the sun has always shined on him. For that, he would truly like to acknowledge all those people who traveled this road before, carrying with them their ideals, and created a well-worn path.

Joe Pistone would like to acknowledge the long and deep friendship and support of all those individuals with whom he has long and valued relationships. They know who they are. And finally,

Hiya Gailie!