Get Paid: Credit, Billing, and Collection Tools
THE FORMS PRESENTED IN THIS CHAPTER ARE signed to help your company receive payment for the goods and services your company provide. The forms include credit application forms, credit terms documentation, past due reminder and demand letters, and invoices/statements.
Your company will have an easier time with the challenges of billing and collections if it formalizes its credit application process and consistently applies the credit application process for every customer who comes knocking. When a new customer appears, you should begin by asking the customer to complete the Authorization to Release Credit Information. This authorization form gives your company the authority to make inquiries with credit reporting bureaus without fear of consequence. Never submit a credit inquiry to a credit-reporting bureau without written authorization. You’ll also ask your new customer to complete either the Business Credit Application or, if the customer is an individual, the Personal Credit Application. These credit application forms are invaluable. Not only do they help you evaluate your customer for creditworthiness, but also they serve to obtain information that can make the collection process easier in the event that your customer defaults on the credit arrangements. The Credit Approval Form is an internal tracking mechanism that collects certain information gleaned from the credit inquiry process and ensures that all necessary staff authorize the approval of credit for each customer.
Once your organization has agreed to extend credit to a customer, you should document the credit terms by having your customer submit a signed copy of the Credit Terms Agreement. This is powerful protection that can give you significant leverage if a customer defaults on those credit terms.
Naturally, you can increase the speed at which your customers pay and the reliability with which they pay if you make it fast and easy. The EasyPay Automatic Payment Agreement is a notice and agreement signed by your customer that enables you to make automatic withdrawals from either your customer’s bank or your customer’s credit card. Once this agreement is in place, your customers are far more likely to pay on time and in full.
The Response to Request for Adjustment of Account is a letter that your credit or collections department would send to a customer who has formally requested an adjustment to his or her account.
The next four forms in this chapter address the unfortunate but all-too-common circumstance of a late-paying or nonpaying customer. The four letters escalate both in tone and consequences. The Credit Terms Reminder Letter is a bland and polite reminder for the habitually late-paying customer. We have included two Past Due Reminder Letters, which you should promptly issue when a customer fails to pay after 30 and 45 days, respectively. You should always endeavor not to let your receivables age: studies show that uncollected customer balances are far less likely to be collected if they are allowed to age beyond 60, 90, and 120 days. A third collection letter is the Past Due Demand Letter. This is your last resort when handling a nonpaying customer; the letter terminates the credit privileges of the errant customer and threatens legal and collection action.
It’s important to recognize the difference between invoices and statements. Invoices are individual billing notices; typically, one invoice is delivered to a customer for each order. Statements are billing summaries; typically, a statement is delivered to a customer periodically. The statement summarizes billing and payment activity and references individual invoices. If you invoice your customers, you should issue monthly statements, as well. We have included two forms of invoices. Use the Job Invoice when you provide both materials and labor to your customers; use the Customer Invoice when you provide only goods or only services. Use the Customer Statement to advise your customers of billing and payment activity.
The Request for Payment form is a simple invoice best used for a one-time customer for whom you do not wish to set up a full-blown account. Use the Short Pay Inquiry Form when a customer fails to pay the full amount of an invoice.
135. Authorization to Release Credit Information
Thank you for your recent interest in establishing credit with our company. Please sign the authorization to release information agreement below and complete the enclosed form. Then send them to us with your most recent financial statements. We will contact your credit and bank references. Then we will contact you regarding your credit terms with our company.
Thank you.
Credit Manager
We have recently applied for credit with __________________________________. We have been requested to provide information for their use in reviewing our creditworthiness. Therefore, I authorize the investigation of me and my firm, __________________________________, and its related credit information.
The release in any manner of all information by you is authorized whether such information is of record or not.
I do hereby release all persons, agencies, firms, companies, etc. from any damages resulting from providing such information.
This authorization is valid for 30 days from the date of my signature below. Please keep a copy of my release request for your files. Thank you for your cooperation.
Signature __________________________________Date __________________________________
136. Business Credit Application
137. Personal Credit Application
138. Credit Approval Form
139. Credit Terms Agreement
I, the “Applicant,” hereby agree to the following credit terms agreement in connection with my application for credit terms from __________________________________ (“Company”). I, Applicant, agree as follows:
1. Applicant represents that the information supplied with the credit application and all associated documentation is in all respects complete, accurate, and truthful. Applicant agrees to notify Company promptly, in writing, of any substantive changes in the information Applicant has provided.
2. Applicant agrees to pay in full for goods and services rendered (without deduction or setoff) on or before the earlier of the 30th day of the month following the date of billing or the due date started on each billing to the order of Company. Any amounts not paid when due shall be assessed a service charge at the rate of __________% per year (___________% per month) or the highest rate allowed by law.
3. If Applicant’s account is placed or given to an attorney for collection, Applicant shall pay any and all expenses of collection and attempted collection, court costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees in addition to other amounts due. The failure of Company to charge interest on Applicant’s account or pursue any other remedy available to it shall not constitute Company’s waiver of any rights.
4. The acceptance of this application by Company does not constitute an agreement to extend credit to Applicant or to provide services to Applicant. Company, in its absolute discretion, may set and/or modify credit limits from time to time or terminate credit, with or without notice to Applicant.
5. In the event Applicant or any affiliate of Applicant (i.e., a company or other entity under common control) defaults in the payment of any sums due to Company, all other amounts due from Applicant or any affiliate shall be immediately due and payable, including any amount due for freight in transit. Also, in the event of such default, to the extent allowed under applicable law, Company is hereby authorized by Applicant to take possession of any freight then being shipped by Applicant and hold the same until payment is made, with all the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code, as applicable in the State of Company’s headquarters.
6. Applicant agrees that Company may set off against monies due it from Applicant or any affiliate any monies owed by Company to Applicant or any affiliate. Applicant agrees that he/she will not set off against any amounts due Company or claimed to be due to Applicant from Company.
7. If any one or more of the above terms becomes invalid or illegal in any respect, such term or terms shall be waived and the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected.
8. All disputes related to underlying charges must be submitted to Company no later than 30 days following date of billing. Any billing not challenged within 60 days will be deemed accepted and it is agreed will not thereafter be subject to dispute by Applicant. Adjustments must be submitted to Company in writing. All adjustments must reference either an invoice number or an air waybill number, or both numbers, for which the adjustment is being made.
9. I have read, I understand, and I accept the above terms, and I have provided true information to the best of my knowledge. I understand you will rely on the information provided herein in determining whether to extend credit and the limits thereof and that you may wish to periodically update the information given herein. For the purpose of obtaining credit from Company, Applicant hereby authorizes Company or its agents to investigate the Applicant’s personal, partnership, or corporate credit and financial responsibility.

140. EasyPay Automatic Payment Agreement
Here’s How It Works:
When you enroll in EasyPay, we deduct funds automatically from your local checking account or credit card account to pay your bill. Your bill will be paid for you on time and automatically. You won’t have to worry about missing a payment if you are away on a business trip or vacation. You’ll continue to receive your monthly statement and you’ll have 15 days from the billing date to review it before your bank pays the amount due. If you feel there is a problem with your bill, simply call us at ________________________. Of course, you can always dispute a bill with us even if the bill was paid automatically—we are always here to listen. You can notify us if you wish to discontinue EasyPay at any time.
It’s Easy to Start EasyPay:
Simply complete the attached form and return it with your next payment. Enclose an original check marked “Void” or a photocopy of a check from the checking account you wish to have debited or, if you wish to have your credit card account billed automatically, just fill out the form below. Your next bill will show “No Payment Due” and your financial institution will show the appropriate debit on your monthly statement.
Why wait? Just fill out the form and send it in with your next payment.
EasyPay Authorization Agreement
I hereby authorize __________________________________ (“Company”) to deduct funds from my checking account/credit card account listed below to pay my Company bills. I understand that these automatic payments may be cancelled if I notify Company in writing prior to the next billing date.
To Charge a Bank Account: please attach an original check on which you’ve written “VOID” or a photocopy of a check from your checking account and return it along with this form with your next payment. Deposit slips cannot be accepted.
To Charge a Credit Card: please fill out the following:
141. Response to Request for Adjustment of Account
Thank you for writing us regarding an error or adjustment to your account with our firm.
We have received your request and are currently researching your account and its history. We should complete our research shortly and make any necessary adjustment on your next statement. Understand that the accuracy of your account is of vital importance to us and that we will give this matter our highest attention.
Yours truly,
142. Credit Terms Reminder Letter
Thank you for your recent order with our firm. As a reminder to your Purchasing and Accounts Payable Departments, our credit terms are as follows:
____________________________________. If you have any questions about your credit terms or our policies, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for adhering to our credit policy. We hope our business relationship is a long and prosperous one.
Thank you again.
143. Past Due Reminder Letter (30 Days)
Please take note that your account is still past due in the amount of $ ____________________________________. We sent you a statement a short time ago, which was not acted upon by you. Please submit payment immediately to avoid further charges to your account. We want to continue our relationship with you, but we need your cooperation and your payment to do so.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
144. Past Due Reminder Letter (45 Days)
Please take note that your account is still past due in the amount of $ ____________________________________. We sent you a statement a short time ago, which was not acted upon by you. Please submit payment immediately.
Your failure to pay the amount due on your account is a violation of the terms of your credit agreement with us. We therefore will suspend your account in seven days from the date of this letter if we do not receive payment. Once we suspend your account, it is unlikely that we will reactivate credit terms on your account.
We sincerely hope that you submit payment in full.
Thank you.
145. Past Due Demand Letter
This matter requires your immediate attention. Please take note that your account is still past due in the amount of $____________________________________. We sent you a statement a short time ago, and several reminders, upon which you have not acted. This is our final request for payment and we ask that you submit payment immediately.
We had sincerely hoped that we could continue to do business with you, but your failure to pay your outstanding bill has made that impossible. We have suspended your credit privileges with our company.
Furthermore, if we do not receive payment immediately, we will turn this matter over for collection to a collection agency or attorney, or both. Please review your credit agreement. We will be seeking interest and we may also seek court costs and fees and attorney’s fees to the extent permitted by law.
We sincerely hope that you submit payment in full to avoid the course of action that we have outlined here.
Thank you.
146. Job Invoice
147. Customer Invoice
148. Customer Statement
149. Request for Payment
We have received your order and promptly processed the order according to your instructions. Please send the amount listed below immediately. Payment is expected in the form of a check, money order, VISA, or MasterCard. Please place the reference number on your payment. We appreciate your interest in our product /service and your prompt attention to this matter.
Thank you.
150. Short Pay Inquiry Form
We recently received payment from you for our invoice # ____________________________________. Thank you.
However, the amount that you submitted fell short of the amount of the invoice. We were unable to determine why. Below please tell us the reason for the short pay so that we may review our records and determine if the short pay is acceptable.