The Ultimate Book of Business Forms, Second Edition delivers the must-have forms—and then some—that small business owners need to operate whether in the office, offsite, at home, or online. Since the original title was published, the small business owner has evolved in conjunction with technology, the working environment, and economy. The new edition is structured to support a business owner’s progression and is organized in a in a logical fashion that is consistent with the natural evolution of a small business.
The second edition is the forms book for the modern entrepreneur who’s just started his or her business or is adapting existing operations to succeed in a highly digital and regulated world. Each chapter serves a distinct purpose in terms of providing the essential forms business owners can use to operate more efficiently and resourcefully, ultimately saving time and money.
Supporting Web Site
Every small business is unique. Therefore it’s essential to have business forms that are customizable depending on your business’s needs. The forms included in this book can be found online at Forms will be available in the following formats: Word, Excel, and PDF and can be completely customized to match your business’ brand, processes, and culture.
This book can be used as your reference guide as you work with each customizable form. Refer to the book to understand when and how to use the forms. Balance your budgets, file for tax rebates, and even determine if your Twitter and Facebook accounts are impacting your bottom line. There are hundreds of forms at your disposal, and each one serves a specific purpose that will help streamline business processes and maximize time.
Finding the forms online is easy. Simply visit the site,, select the appropriate forms category, and download as many forms as you need from each. There’s no cost or special code required to access and customize these forms for your business.