Playmates, NBC, Schaefer Century Theater
Quite a Viking, NN, Hollywood Playhouse
Pride of the Family, ABC series
Pride of the Family, ABC series
“Return of the Dead,” CBS, Public Defender
The Plot Against Mrs. Pomeroy, NN, Studio ’57
I Am a Fool, CBS, General Electric Theater
Alice in Wonderland
Opening Night
Somebody I Know
Life with Luigi
The Wild Bunch, CBS, Four Star Playhouse
Too Old for Dolls, NBC, Ford Theater
The Old Triangle, NN, Mayor of the Town
Heidi, NBC
Feathertop, CBS, General Electric Theater
Miracle at Potter’s Farm, CBS, Studio One
The Wedding Gift, ABC, King’s Row Theater
The Deadly Riddle, ABC, Warner Brothers
Perry Como Show, guest appearance
Carnival, NBC, Kaiser Aluminum Hour
House Party with Art Linkletter
Ed Sullivan, CBS, Modern Screen Awards
Girl on a Subway, ABC, Conflict
The Bob Hope Show (Special), NBC, guest appearance
The Bob Hope Show (Special), NBC, guest appearance
Sinatra Show, ABC, guest appearance
The Bob Hope Show (Special), NBC, guest appearance
Jack Benny Show, CBS, guest appearance with Robert Wagner
The Affair (telefilm), ABC
“The Cruise Ship Murders,” CBS, Switch, guest appearance
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (special telefilm), NBC
A Salute to Bette Davis, CBS
Stars Salute Israel at 80, ABC
From Here to Eternity (miniseries), NBC
The Cracker Factory (telefilm), ABC
Hart to Hart (pilot), ABC (cameo as Natasha Gurdin)
Treasures of the Hermitage (special), NBC
The Memory of Eva Ryker (telefilm), CBS