Note: Page numbers in bold refer to photographs; page numbers in bold roman numerals refer to photographs in the insert.
16 Mile House, VIII, 35–43, 187, 189, 244
16 Mile House fire brigade, 43
20 Mile area, 41
70 Mile General Store, 197, 208, 211, 214–15
70 Mile House, IX, X, 48, 205–15, 254
70 Mile House Volunteer Fire Department, 211
99 Mile House, 209
100 Mile Free Press, 53, 55
100 Mile House, 9, 12–14, 44–59, 93, 105, 107, 111, 197, 208–11, 214, 229–30, 241, 242, 247
100 Mile House Fire Department, 45, 46, 47, 58
103 Mile House, 48–51
105 Mile House, 12, 47–48, 57
108 Mile House, I, 12, 47–49
108 Mile House Fire Department, 45, 49
140 Mile House, 6, 95
150 Mile House, 48, 64, 104
Abbotsford, 175
Abbott, George, 125, 161, 247
Aie, Heather, 247
Aie, Steve, 19–20
Alex Fraser Forest, 6
Alexis Creek, 49, 96, 155
Alfaro, René, 6
Alicia, 214
Alkali Lake, 88, 116, 120–21, 124, 162
Alkali Lake Indian Band. See Esk’etemc First Nation
Alkali Resource Management, 88, 116
Alkali Unit Crew, 119, 121–22
Allen, Darby, 54
Anaheim, 49
Anderson, Alexander, 224
Arikado, Lyn, 246
Arrhenius, Svante, 261
Arrow Lakes, 233
Ashcroft, 9, 15–22, 28, 170, 186, 192, 195, 242, 246–47
Ashcroft First Nation, 16, 24, 29, 33
Ashcroft Journal, 217
Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department, 16, 21
Atlin, 3
Attfield, Dave, 107, 111, 113–14
Azpiri, Jon, 41
Bains, Harry, 4
Balding, Dave, 246
Barkerville, 78, 185
Barrett, Dave, 254
Barriere, 14
BC Conservation Officer Service, 66, 200, 220, 243
BC Cowboy Hall of Fame, 31, 140
BC Fire Chiefs Conference, 54
BC Forest Service (formerly BC Forest Branch), 4, 62, 137
BC Freedom of Information and Protection Act (FOI), 203–6
BC Legislature, 4, 203
BC Ministry of Citizens’ Services, 203
BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, 192
BC Office of the Fire Commissioner, 203, 245
BC Parks, 61, 62, 63–64
BC RCMP Headquarters, 111
BC Wildfire Parattack Unit, 80, 83
BC Wildfire Service, 1, 4, 12–13, 17–19, 28–32, 45, 51, 58, 81, 88, 108, 118–30, 158, 161–70, 180–81, 187–92, 203–6, 219–21, 230–34, 239
Bear (stuffed toy), 212–15
Bear River Mercantile, 71
Beaver Valley Feeds, 96
Becher, Fred, 157
Becher Ranch, VIII, 157–58, 159, 160–66, 244
Becher’s Dam, 164
Becher’s Prairie, 164
Beddow Tree webcam, 237
Begbie, Matthew, 223–24
Begbie Trail, 223–24
Bella Coola, 155
Bennett, Ryland, 84
Big Creek, 130
Big Rock, the, 140
Big White, 171–72
Bigg, Dawn, 248
Blackwater Unit, 83–85, 103, 245
Blocks R Us, 124
Bonaparte Canyon, 20
Bonaparte First Nation, II, 24, 29, 30, 31–33, 36–40
Bonaparte River, 169, 171, 217
Bonaparte Valley, 185
Bonner, Lynn, 141
Bosche, Kim, 174–76, 177
Bosche, Morgyn, 174–76, 177
Boston Flats Trailer Park, 20
Bougie, Brandon, 45
Boundary District, 3
Bowron Lake, 78
Bowron Lake Provincial Park, 1, 62– 63, 71, 72, 79, 249–50
Bowron Lake Provincial Park Campground, 79
Boyd Bay, 218
Bradner Farms, 19–20
Brassington, Ashley, 73, 75
brents desk, 235–36
Brewer, John, 111, 112, 114
Brigade Trail, 112
Briggs, Trevor, 103–4
Brooke, Wesley, 6
Brown, Chris, 10, 14, 229, 230–35, 238–40, 263
Bukowski, Charles, 244
Burgess, Glen, 1, 5, 25, 110, 171, 188, 204–5, 219–20, 245
Burns Lake, 115
Bush Fire Act (1874), 4
Cache Creek, 1, 12–17, 23–34, 180, 192
Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department, 24, 32
Cade, Helene, 186
Campbell, Gordon, 4
Campsall, Mitch, 51, 52–57
Canadian Armed Forces, X, 165, 213–14
Canadian Fire Service, 30
Canadian Press, 30
Canim Lake, 49, 249
Canoe River, 3
Cariboo, 3, 5, 48, 104, 112, 178, 185, 209, 227, 250, 256
Cariboo Bethel Church, 113, 244
Cariboo Community Church, 113–14
Cariboo Emergency Notification System, 230, 249
Cariboo Fire Centre, 6, 61–62, 73, 81, 84, 87, 89, 103–4, 124–25, 149
Cariboo Gold Rush, 45, 78
Cariboo Highway, 14, 178
Cariboo Mountains Provincial Park, 61–62
Cariboo Regional District (CRD), 47–50, 98, 105, 160, 181
Cariboo River, 73–74
Cariboo Wagon Road, 24, 185, 224
Cariboo-Chilcotin, 117, 252
Cariboo-Chilcotin Plateau, 6
Carlson, Terri, 73, 77
Cassiar, 3
Cassidy, Clayton, 17
Castlegar, 233
CBC News, 98, 177
Century Ranch Award, 184
Chapman, Maureen, 125, 161, 247
Charge-Pacific Region Training Centre, 106
Charlie (cat), 13
Chase, 187
Chasm, 236, 254
Chasm Sawmill, 26, 186, 211–13
Chelsea, Glen, 118, 119, 120–21
Cherry Creek Ranch, 249
Chetwynd Zone, 81
Chilco Lake, 4
Chilco Ranch, 129–30, 131, 132, 133, 134–35, 177, 244
Chilcotin, 103–5, 119, 135, 153, 256
Chilcotin Lodge, 146, 147, 148, 155, 157, 162
Chilcotin River, 130, 135
Chilcotin Towing, VII, 139, 142, 163
Chilliwack, 106, 150, 151, 252
Chipman, Blake, 120–21, 127, 142, 244
Chipman, Gord, 88, 116–27, 163
Christianson, Amy, 30
Class, Jesaja, 145
Class, Roland, VI
Class, Udette, VI
Classmates (band), 217
Clayoquot Sound, 253
Clearwater, 204
Clinkenmaillie, Catherine, 248
Clinton, 13, 41, 168–93, 204–6, 210–11, 218, 247, 248, 249
Clinton Shell Gas and Budget Foods, 175–81, 182, 247
CN, 21
Cobb, Walt, 105–6, 126
Columbia River, 3
Columbia Valley, 249
Columeetza Secondary School, 109
Comox Fire Department, 200, 205
Conair Air Tractor 802 Fire Boss, I, XIII, XIV, 245
Constantia Resources, 38
Coquitlam, 203
Cornwall, Claudia, 9–14, 129, 137–38, 146, 157, 175, 184, 208, 217, 226–31, 249
Cornwall, Gordon, 9–14, 129–30, 137–38, 146, 157, 175, 184, 208, 217, 226–31, 242, 249
Cornwall, Talia, 11, 227
Cornwall, Tom, 10–11, 228
Cranbrook, XIII
Critical Mass Pop-Up Gallery, 241
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, 33
Cultus Lake, 249
Dan, Dave, 118, 119
Daniels, Lori, 6
Dawson Creek, 162–63
Day, Chief Ryan, 29, 30, 31–34
Deadman’s River, 177
Deep Creek, 62, 65–66
Delta, 189–90
Delta Fire Rescue, XI
Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, 33
Dirks, Wren, 84
Donaldson, Doug, 192
Donne, John, 264
Dorward, Carson, 234–35, 238
Dougherty, Chuck, 186
Dougherty, Edward, 184–85
Dougherty, Elizabeth, 185
Dougherty, Kenny, 184, 185, 186–93
Dougherty, Ray, 41, 186
Dougherty, Teri-Lyn, 41, 184, 185, 186–93
Dragon Mountain, 1, 81, 83
Drive BC, 13
Dunn Lake, 12
Dusty Rose Pub, 215
Dyck, Cory, 164, 244
Eden, Ron, 243
Eldorado Log Hauling, 122, 123, 124–25, 163
Elephant Hill, IV, XV, 1, 19–24, 25, 34, 41, 169–71, 181, 187, 204–5, 214, 217–19, 226–27, 233, 240, 242, 245
Emergency Operations Centres, 235
Environment and Climate Change Canada, 173, 253
Esk’etemc First Nation, 88–90
Facebook, 37–43, 93–99, 155, 179–84, 207, 214, 221–22, 232, 238–39, 250
Farwell Canyon, 157
Federation of BC Woodlot Associations, 105
Filmon, Gary, 4–5, 255
Fire Behaviour Forecast, 219
Fire Centres, 235
First Call protection unit, 204–5
First Nations, 3, 7, 24, 30, 33, 154, 258
First Nations Policing, 111
Fisher, Jane, 9–13, 201, 228–30, 242
Forest Carbon Initiative, 260
Forester, Max, 80–91
Forestry Act (Sweden, 1903), 261
Fort McMurray, AB, 54
Fort St. James, 254
Fort St. John, 1, 80
Fountain Flat Trading Post, 182
Fox Mountain, 62–63, 94, 98, 105
Fraser Canyon, 13, 195
Fraser River, 1, 3, 81, 86, 106, 122, 242
Fraser River Bridge, 139
Fraser-Nicola electoral district, 203
Fuller, Brian, 148, 149, 150, 152
Fuller, Evan, 157, 159, 164
G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre, 177–78
Gahan, Ryan, 233, 235
Gall, Peter, 53
Gang Ranch, 161
Ghost Lake, 61, 63
Global TV, 41
Globe and Mail, 209
Gold Mountain Restaurant, 178
Golden, 246
Gorrell, Heather, 61, 62, 63–69, 73–74, 244
Gray, Robert, 252–57
Green Lake, XIV, XV, 208–24, 233, 235, 241. See also North Green Lake; South Green Lake
Green Lake Provincial Park, 218
Green Mountain, 103
Gregory, Mac, 272n27
Grier, Jordan, 130–32, 133, 136–37
Grier, Justin, 130–32, 133, 134–37, 177
Gustafsen Lake, 12, 46, 51, 58, 93
Hanceville, VI, VII, 96
Hanceville-Riske Creek, 1, 128–67
Handsworth, 116
Harcourt, Mike, 254
Harnden, Shelly, 121
Harry, Brett, 118, 119
Hart Ridge, 173, 176–77
Hart-Chief, 69
Hawkins Lake, 49
Hidden Life of Trees, The, 260
Highway 1, 26, 117, 205
Highway 5, 107–8
Highway 20, VII, 118–20, 130, 139, 148–50, 155, 165–66
Highway 24, 13–14, 54, 107, 112, 198, 211–13, 230, 234
Highway 97, XI, 9, 13, 26, 32–33, 38, 51–54, 67, 103, 106, 108, 113, 117, 181, 187–88, 213
Highway 97C, 117
Highway 99, 13, 117, 181, 205
Hihium Lake, 205
Hollander, Roger, 45, 46, 54, 55–58, 247
Holzapfel, Andra, 1, 71, 72, 73–79
Holzapfel, Jack, 71, 72, 73–79
Holzapfel, Rick, 71, 72, 73–79
Holzapfel, Tom, 71, 72, 73–79
Horn, Gus, 241, 242, 243–44
Horn, Helen, 242
Horse Council of BC, 102
Horse Fly, 248
Horse Lake, 217, 221, 224
Hudson’s Bay Brigade Trails, 112, 224
Hudson’s Bay Company, 3, 112, 224
Hui, Ann, 209
Husky Energy, 113
Hutchinson, Tom, 84
Hutchison Lake, 221
Hutchison Road, 220–23
Hytest Timber, 141, 163–64
Ilnicki, Tom, 158
Ilnicki Ranch, 158
Indian Act, 33
Indigenous Services Canada, 33
Indoor Rodeo, 94
Indy (horse), 152
Initial Attack Unit, 87
Interior (BC), 4, 108, 249
Interior Health Authority, 52
Interlakes area, 11
Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department, 216
Isaac Lake, 73–74
Jack Frost Lake, 231, 241
James, Malcolm, 249
Jasper, Connie, 162, 167, 250
Jasper, Delmer, 140, 144
Jasper, Leland, 140, 165
Jasper, Lorraine, 140
Jasper, Mike, 139–40, 162, 167, 250
Jasper, Pat, 140, 165–66
Jasper, Wes, 140, 166
Jim, Jenny, 112
Jim, Kam, 108, 112
Jim, Pam, 108, 112–13, 247
Jim Lake, 204
Jim’s Food Market, 108, 112, 247
Johnsen, Torbjörn, 255
K Division Tactical Unit (RCMP, Alberta), 107–8
Kamloops, 1, 2, 4, 19, 29, 52, 107–8, 110, 113, 115, 169, 217, 222, 246
Kamloops Fire Centre, 1, 6
Kamloops Lake, 24
Kamloops Reception Centre, 246
Kane, Pat, 11, 227
Keener, George, XII, 125
Keller, Keith, 31
Kelowna, 254
Kim, Jinwoo, 175, 179–81, 182, 183, 247
Kim, Sang, 180, 183
Kleena Kleene, 163
Kootenay River, 3
Kurosawa, Akira, 158
Kurz, Werner, 250, 260
Kuzyk, Brian, 43
Lac La Hache, 48, 60–69, 209
Laceese, Chief Francis, 1, 2, 250
Lake, Ryan, 169–72, 173, 174–75, 177–78, 181
Lamb, Brian, 49, 51
Lamb Creek, XIII, XIV
Lanezi Lake, 75–76
Langley, 197
Leduc Fire Services (AB), 201
Lee’s Corner, VI, 129–30, 150
Legault, Michel, 106, 107–15
Lewis, Brent, 235–37
Likely, 61, 63
Lillooet, 13, 45, 182
Lillooet Highway, 193
Little Fort, I, 9, 12–14, 54, 107–8, 112, 248
Little Green Lake, 230
Little Hoover Commission (USA), 256
Little Horse Lake, 230
Lone Butte, 180, 209
Lone Butte Volunteer Fire Department, 45
Loon Lake, 14, 41, 187–88
Loon Lake Road, 187
Lorentz, Unni, 198–99
Lorentz, Wayne, 198–99
Loring, Hugh, 165, 167
Loring, Shelly, 165, 167
Lost Valley Road, 206
Lower Similkameen Indian Band, 111
Lyon, Dale, 18, 22
Lyon, Maggie, 18, 21
Mack, Jessica, 104
Mackenzie, 80, 254
MacMillan, H.R., 3–4, 261–62
Magnussen Road, 234
Maiden Creek, 41
Maiden Creek Ranch, 184, 185, 186–91
Maple Ridge, 195, 254
Marshall’s 150 Mile Store, 61
Mayer, Alena, 141, 143
McDonald, Ed, 139–41, 142, 143–45, 163, 166
McDonald, Jason, 139–45
McDonald, Noreen, 139–41, 142, 143–45, 166
McDonald Summit, 112
McGregor Mountains, 81
McLean, Don, 46–47
McLeary Lake, 73–74
McLeese Lake, 49, 103
McLeod, Sandra, 9, 12
McNaughton, Brian, 105, 108, 111, 115
McNulty, Old Man, 243
Meldrum Creek, 140
Merriman, Cheryl, 200
Midgley, Allen, 38
Milk Ranch, 140
Miller, Dean, 129–30, 131, 132, 133, 134–37, 244
Miller, Janet, 132
Miller, Lorraine, 129–30, 134, 136
Minnabarriet, Marie, 31
Minnabarriet, Percy, 31
Minton, Mike, 129
Mitchell, Leanna, 11–12, 29, 228
Mr. Twister (bull), 177
Moe, Tom, 24, 26–28
Mountain House, 66
Murray, Gordon, 255
Nath, Carl, 242–43
Nath, Sarah, 243
National Forestry Commission of Mexico (CONAFOR), XII
National Research Council Interactive Infrared Map, 237
Natural Resources Canada, 250, 260
Nazko, XIII, 103
Nelson, 171
Nemiah Valley, 145
News 1130, 30
Nielsen, Svend, 46, 47, 48–59, 107–8, 111, 251
Noah (Bible), 67
North Bonaparte Road, 213
North Green Lake, 214
North Vancouver, 235, 237
North West Company, 3
Number Two Lake, 237, 263
Nyman, Greg, 188
Old Cariboo Road, 36
Old School, 121, 148, 149, 155
Old Soda Creek Road, 99
Otter Lake, 1, 81
Owens, Rick, 204
Pacific Fire Centre, 250
Paradise Bay Resort, 229, 230–31, 238–39
Parallel Wood Products, 93
Parminter, John, 3
Paulokangas, Anita, 195
Paulokangas, Annikki, 195–97
Paulokangas, Niilo, 195, 196, 206
Paulokangas, Ray, 195, 196, 197–99, 202, 206–7, 214
Paulokangas, Seija, 195
Pauls, Jeremy, 73, 75
Pavilion, 206
Pavilion Road, 181
Pederson, Heather, 203–4
Pemberton, 13
Perry Ranch, 37
Peterson Contracting, 163
Piesse, Logan, 100
Pinchbeck, Bridgette, 125
Pioneer Log Homes of BC, 216
Pioneer Logging, 64
Plateau Complex, 1–2
Platt, Nancy, 228–30, 239
Poffenroth, Bryan, 157–58, 159, 160–67, 244, 250
Poffenroth, Raylene, 1, 157–60, 161, 162–67, 244, 250
Polanski, Alicia, 198–203, 206, 236
Polanski, Tim, 198–99, 201
Port Coquitlam, 236
Port Moody, 111, 210
Potter, Brad, 216–18, 219, 220–24, 231
Potter, Gail, 216–17, 221–23, 231
Pressy Lake, 194–211, 220, 236, 241
Prince George, 52, 69, 88, 106–8, 248, 254
Prince George Agriplex, 96–102
Prince George Fire Centre, 81
Pugh, Trevor, 232
Quesnel, XIII, 1–2, 70–91, 103, 245, 254, 256
Quesnel Regional Airport, 83, 85
Radium, 4
Rankin, Rita, 165, 167
Ranta, John, 1, 24, 26–27
Raven Lake, 158
RCMP, 16, 20, 26–27, 30, 36–40, 46, 47, 48–68, 85, 98, 106–7, 108–11, 112, 113–14, 134, 139–40, 151–52, 160–63, 171, 179–81, 197, 211–14, 220, 223, 230, 244, 251
Reid, Marcel, 49
Riske, L.W., 118
Riske Creek, III, VII, VIII, XVI, 1, 118–46, 147, 148, 149, 150–58, 159, 160–65, 250
Rivett, Jim, 180–81
Roach, Jean, 6
Rock Creek, 245
Rocky Mountaineer, 21
Roe Lake, 242
Rolf, Tim, 93, 96
Royce, 96
Rudy Johnson Bridge, 106
Safeway, 96, 114
Sage & Sands Trailer Park, 28
Salmon Arm, 155
Sandman evacuation centre, 107
Sanson, Jeff, 264
Save-On Foods, 114
Schreiner, Gord, 204–5
Schwartz, Don, 238
Scotty Creek, 41
Secwepemc First Nation, 216
Severin, Val, 48, 56, 246
Sheridan Lake, V, 7, 8–14, 46, 51, 191, 200, 202, 226–51
Sheridan Lake Road West, 263
Sheridan West Forest Service Road, XVI, 263
Shields, Lana, 93–102, 248
Sieb, Jeremy, 1, 81–85, 90
Siegel, Ethan, 25
Sierra Club BC, 256
Simard, Suzanne, 261
Simpson, Roy, 38
Sims, Jennie, 203
Skeetchestin, 206
Skookumhorse Ranch, 174–75, 248, 249
Skrepnek, Kevin, 188
Slater Mountain, X, XI, XII, 117, 122–26
Smith, Cathy, 236
Smith, Court, 93
Smith, Lorne, 200–206
Smolen, Samantha (“Sam”), 116, 117, 118, 119, 120–27
Soda Creek, 105, 242
Soda Creek Road, 124
South Cariboo Search and Rescue (SAR), 48, 49, 55–56, 246
South Green Lake, 49, 210–17
South Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department, 198, 217
Sperling, John, 209
Spokin Lake, 62, 104
Stack Valley Road, 149
Stewart, Nathan (“Stewy”), 84–86
Stone, Todd, 6
Sugar Cane, 67, 97, 105
Surrey, 111
Sweden, 253–55, 261, 264
Tatla Lake, 163
Taylor, Jeff, 162
Taylor, Mark, 73–74, 77, 79
Tegart, Jackie, 203
Terrace Fire Department, 142, 145
Tete Jaune, 3
Thain, Cat, 20
Thomas Lake, 241
Thompson, Steve, 4–5
Thompson River, 3, 169
Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD), 170, 181, 187, 201, 210–11, 246
Three Corners, 10
Thuya Lake, 12
Timber Kings, 216
Tin Cup Lake, 197–198, 202, 214
Todd, Lee, III, 122, 123, 124–27, 158–63
Tolko Industries, 109
Toosey First Nation, 1, 2, 120, 148–49, 250
Torch (dog), 241, 242
Travers, Ray, 253–55
Tsilhqot’in language, 250
University of British Columbia, 261
University of Victoria, 253
Valley Drive, 171–72, 175
Van Ember, Brenda, 146, 147, 150, 155
Van Ember, Chris, 147–50, 151, 152–56
Van Ember, Kurt, 1, 146, 147, 148–57
Vancouver, 114, 169, 177. See also North Vancouver
Vancouver Island, 189–90, 258
Vavenby, 254
Venables Valley, 17
Vernon, 199–202
Victoria, 4
Vieira, Hannah, 210–11, 212, 213, 215
Vieira, Krista, 208–11, 212, 213–15
Vieira, Makayla, 210, 215
Vieira, Miguel, 208–13
Vogt, Jeremy, 113–14, 244, 251
Volunteer Firefighters Association of BC, 272n27
Walch, Jason, 118, 119
Wallach, Chelsea, 96–97, 102
Watch Lake, 230–31, 241
Watson, Sally, 210
West Fraser Mills, 205–6, 254
West Fraser Road complex, 81–82, 90, 245
West Fraser Timber, 109
Western Horse Review, 132
Whistler, 13
White, Josh, 16, 17, 18–21
White Lake, 105–6, 109
White Rock, 68
Wholesale Club, 114
Wieting, Jens, 256–58
Wildwood, 49, 62, 66, 88, 94, 104–5
Williams, Bob, 254
Williams Lake, II, X, 1, 7, 12, 25, 48, 57, 61–63, 67, 69, 81–82, 87–88, 92–127, 130, 139–40, 147, 157, 162–63, 171, 190, 210, 213, 244, 248
Williams Lake Airport, IV, 62, 80, 104–5, 110–13, 245
Williams Lake City Hall, 109–13
Williams Lake Fire Department, 154
Williams Lake Stampede, 93–99, 105, 146
Wilson, Craig, 84–90
Wind and The Pillows, The, 216, 219, 223, 237
Wohlleben, Peter, 260–61
Wood Pellet Association of Canada, 255
Woodburn, Barb, 36–43, 187, 189, 244
Woodburn, Rob, 36–43, 187, 244
Yale, 178, 242
Young Lake, 201–2, 205–6
YouTube, 235–36