Chapter 18

‘Hello-ooo …’

Poppy sounded tentative calling from the bottom of the cottage stairs. Jake steeled himself to meet her. He’d been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t even heard the door open.

‘OK. Just on my way.’

He thudded down the treads to find her in the hallway.

‘Hope it was OK to walk in? Didn’t disturb you, did I?’ she said. He cringed at how hesitant she sounded. That was his fault, of course, rushing off after he’d kissed her. He regretted doing that so much: not because that kiss hadn’t been hot and wonderful … but because he should never have done it in the first place. Neither of them was in the right place to start a new relationship. Poppy was obviously still on the rebound from Dan, and Jake himself had no plans to stick around on St Piran’s long-term. At least, that’s what he kept reminding himself every time he was tempted to kiss her again. God, she even looked gorgeous now: slightly flushed and with her hair falling out of its clip.

‘I was in the bathroom.’

She laughed. Her eyes sparkled, but then she nibbled at her lower lip hesitantly. ‘I don’t like disturbing you when you’ve already done such a lot, but I came to tell you that the artists’ day has gone well. I have stock on its way from Kay, Rowan and even Minty.’

‘That’s great. I’m really pleased for you.’ Jake hoped Poppy would hear the genuine delight he felt at the good news.

‘I wanted to ask about the photos … It really doesn’t matter if you haven’t had time or would rather not. You don’t have to actually provide any. Seeing Minty’s face when you told her was enough. She’s agreed to show her jewellery, though she drives a hard bargain.’

‘She certainly does, but you sound as if you’ve got the measure of her.’ He smiled, hoping, possibly, he and Poppy could put the kiss behind them and move on.

‘Hmm.’ She glanced around her.

Jake’s optimism sank a little and he wondered if Poppy wasn’t giving him the full story. What had Minty been telling her? Not that there was anything he needed to be ashamed of, but who knew how Minty had painted things. Arghh …

‘I should probably tell you that Minty and I went out for a while,’ he said quickly.

‘Hmm. She said as much.’ Was Jake imagining it or had Poppy’s tone hardened a little?

‘It was only for a few weeks when I was here visiting Grandpa in between assignments. It was before I met Harriet.’

She shrugged. ‘It’s none of my business. You don’t have to explain anything.’

‘But I wanted to. I think it’s best you know because what happened between me and Minty might affect your working relationship with her.’

‘Maybe … but you’ll be gone soon and I’m sure things will settle down. I guessed Minty felt disappointed or – or something. It’s really nothing to do with me and I can handle her. Anyway, I didn’t come to talk about her specifically. What I really came to say was that things went well with the other artists.’

‘That’s good … I thought it would be OK though. You’ve done a great job with the studio.’

‘We all have. It was a team effort.’

‘Yes. It was.’

‘I don’t want to push you or pressure you …’ she said.

Jake flinched. Was she going to mention the kiss?

‘But do you need any help with the photographs? I haven’t wanted to interfere, but I was checking if they’d still be ready for the launch and you weren’t having any … problems.’

Jake suddenly hated himself. Her expression and tone were hopeful but wary, as if she expected him to back out of the deal, to disappoint her. He knew what Poppy was hinting at: had he got cold feet and changed his mind, like he had when he’d reached for her and kissed her? He could not – and would not – let her down. Dan had done that and Jake wasn’t going to.

‘Everything’s fine. I’ve chosen the pictures I want and they’re being printed. The canvases should be here in good time for the launch party. I’m sorry I haven’t said that much about them but I needed some time and space to work out the shots I wanted.’

‘OK. I’m glad things are going well – with the pictures, I mean – and I’ll try not to bother you again until the launch. ’

‘No. It’s fine. I have time to help while I wait for the prints. I’m happy to help.’

‘Thanks. I’d better leave you to get on with your work now.’ She sounded cheerful enough and walked out of the cottage with a smile, but Jake sensed that the previous friendly, relaxed tone of their relationship had changed. All because of that damn kiss.