One particular joy of having done this job for so long is the way there are new people to be grateful for, every single time: thank you to Mary Gaule, who was excited about this book from the very beginning, and to Millicent Bennett for taking our girls over the finish line with grace and aplomb.
To Elizabeth Bewley for everything, always.
To everyone at Harper Perennial for your hard work and good humor, especially Liz Velez, Michael Fierro, Megan Looney, Suzy Lam, Kelly Doyle, and Jamie Kerner. To Robin Bilardello and Jessica Brilli, for that stunning cover. To Olivia Burgher and Sanjana Seelam at WME for your enthusiasm and smart ideas.
To my sisters, Jackie, Kate, and Sabina, and all the rest of my family and friends and colleagues. To Tom, Annie, and Charlie for the most beautiful life.