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Ackland, Valentine, 247—8, 250, 252; Whether a Dove or a Seagull (with Sylvia Townsend Warner), 250

Ackroyd, Peter: Blake, 12, 14—15; Dickens, 14

Acworth, Dr James, 93

Aiken, Conrad, 189

Alain-Fournier (Henri Alain Fournier), 305—10, 354; Colombes Blanchet, 306; Le Grand Meaulnes, 305, 306—7; translated as The Lost Domain by Frank Davison, 305, 309—10

Albert, Stephen, 529

Aldington, Richard: enlists, 161; Images, 165

Allen, Walter, 52

Allston, Washington, 19

Amis, Sir Kingsley: correspondence with Larkin, 375, 377

Amory, Mark, 331

Andrews, Henry Maxwell, 315—17

Angier, Carole: Jean Rhys: Life and Work, 318—19

Annan, Noël, Baron, 277

Anscombe, Elizabeth, 356

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 167

Arbuckle, Roscoe (‘Fatty’), 467

Arkell, David: Alain-Fournier: A Brief Life, 1886—1914, 305, 308

Arnim, Elizabeth von, 149

Arts and Crafts movement, 129—33

Ashbee, Charles Robert: biography by Fiona MacCarthy, 129—33; From Whitechapel to Camelot, 129

Ashbee, Henry Spencer, 130

Ashbee, Janet (née Forbes), 131

Askwith, Betty: Two Victorian Families, 76

Asquith, Anthony, 327

Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, 188

Atherton, Gertrude, 229

Athill, Diana, 318

Atlantic Monthly, The, 24

Auden, Wystan Hugh: influence on MacNeice, 347, 352; John Lehmann publishes, 341; MacNeice travels with, 348

Augustine, St, 313

Austen, Jane: final illness, 5; on romantic imagination, 395; Emma, 5—11; Northanger Abbey, 10; Persuasion, 506—7

Austen-Leigh, James E. (Jane Austen’s nephew): memoir of Jane, 10

Austin, Alfred, 104

Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, 44n

Bacon, Leonard, 169

Baker, Michael: Our Three Selves: A Life of Radclyffe Hall, 253—8

Balcombe, Sussex, 468, 486—90

Baldwin, Louisa (née Macdonald), 105, 115, 137

Balfour, Arthur James (later 1st Earl), 145

Banks, Leslie, 483

Barbera, Jack and William McBrien (eds): Me Again: Uncollected Writings of Stevie Smih, 358—63

Barrie, Sir James Matthew: on attempting to grow up, 306; on Mrs Oliphant, 511; and Peter Pan statue, 189; visits dying Mrs Oliphant, 72; Peter Pan, 213

Basire, James, 13

Batemans (house), Sussex, 142

Batey, Mavis, 84

Batten, Mabel (‘Ladye’), 255—8

Battiscombe, Georgina: Christina Rossetti: A Divided Life, 97—100

Bawden, Edward, 168

Bayley, John, 502

Beach, Sylvia, 168

Beardsley, Aubrey, 139, 177

Beardsley, Mabel, 140

Beauman, Sally, introduction to Ada Leverson’s The Little Ottleys, 233—5

Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, 315

Beck, Ian, 310

Beckett, Samuel, 414, 505, 525

Bedford College, London, 173—4

Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke of, 453

Beerbohm, (Sir) Max, 233

Bell, Clive, 281, 283

Bell, Julian, 283, 338

Bell, Quentin, 275, 277, 289

Bell, Vanessa, 280—4, 289, 291

Bellow, Saul: Henderson the Rain King, 424; Ravelstein, 424—6

Benda, Simone, 306, 308; Sous les nouveaux soleils, 307

Bennett, Alan, 215

Benson family, 280

Benson, Arthur, 73, 75, 196

Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury: biography by Geoffrey Palmer and Noel Lloyd, 73—8; and loss of eldest son, 281

Benson, Frederick, 73, 75, 280

Benson, Hugh, 73, 75—6, 280

Benson, Maggie, 73, 75

Benson, Martin, 75

Benson, Minnie (née Sidgwick), 73—5

Benson, Nellie, 73

Benson, W.A.S., 138

Bernhardt, Sarah, 139

Besant, Annie, 118

Bethlehem, 459

Betjeman, Sir John, 346, 445

Biala, Janice, 295

Blackwood, John (publisher), 32, 38, 40, 58, 67

Blackwood, Major (publisher), 40

Blackwood, Miss (John’s sister), 52

Blackwood, William, 61

Blackwood’s Magazine: Mrs Oliphant writes for, 40, 43, 57, 67, 70

Blake, Catherine (née Boucher; William’s wife), 13—14, 16

Blake, James and Catherine (William’s parents), 12—13

Blake, William, 12—16, 313, 358; ‘Schoolboy’, 168

Bloomsbury group, 277, 289

Blunden, Edmund, 354

Blunt, Anthony, 346, 348

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen: on Charlotte Mew, 178; on William Morris, 107; Love-Lyrics & Songs of Praise, 124

Boer War (1899—1902), 245

Boll, Theophilus, 179

Booker Prize, 477—9

Boos, Florence, 104

Bottomley, Gordon, 150

Bourget, Paul, 235

Bowen, Stella, 295

Bowra, Sir Maurice, 99

Boylan, Clare (ed.): The Agony and the Ego: The Art and Strategy of Fiction Writing Explored, 507

Brenan, Gerald, 289

Bridges, Robert, 166

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): John Lehmann at, 342; MacNeice works for, 349, 351; Penelope Fitzgerald works for, 472—5

Brittain, Vera, 253

Brontë, Charlotte: Villette, 66

Brontë, Emily, 98

Brooke, Rupert, 157

Brooke-Rose, Christine: Amalgamemnon, 506—7

Brown, Ford Madox, 294

Brown, Frederick, 289

Burnand, Francis, 208

Burne-Jones family: at The Grange, 133—4

Burne-Jones, Christopher, 134

Burne-Jones, Sir Edward: death, 142; decline in popularity, 141; exhibits, 137—8; fears de Morgan’s wife, 126—7; at The Grange, 136—40; illustrates Kelmscott Chaucer, 124, 141; indulges granddaughters, 141; infatuation with Helen Gaskell, 141—2; Kipling visits, 101; liaison with Mary Zambaco, 108—9, 135, 145; marriage, 108—9; Mary Nicholson keeps house for, 117; meets George Eliot, 36; resigns from Academy, 139; stained glass, 137, 146; supports William Morris, 124; tours Italy, 137; watercolours reviewed (1993), 143—7; Golden Stairs, 138; ‘The Merciful Knight’, 144—5; Phyllis and Demophoön, 136, 145

Burne-Jones, Georgiana, Lady (née Macdonald): on Edward’s ‘The Merciful Knight’, 144; at The Grange, 135, 140—1; in local politics, 118; marriage, 108—9; on Morrises’ marriage, 117; on servant problems, 92, 139; settles in Rottingdean, 142; William Morris’s dependence on, 119

Burne-Jones, Margaret see Mackail, Margaret

Butler, John, 529

Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, 115

Butts, Thomas, 14

Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 19—20

Cage, John, 529

Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal): exhibition (New York 1990), 450—6

Cannan, Gilbert, 166

Carlyle, Thomas, 21

Carpenter, Edward, 130—1, 242—3

Carr, James Lloyd: The Harpole Report, 380, 386; A Month in the Country: Introduction to, 380—7

Carrington, Dora, 288—91

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson): biographies of, 80—6; deaconate, 193; Alice in Wonderland, 83; Sylvie and Bruno, 85; Through the Looking Glass, 83

Cartwright, Julia, 140, 142

Cather, Willa, 25

Cecil, Lord David, 327

Chalmers, Martin, 432—3, 436

Chang, Jung see Jung Chang

Chapbook (Harold Monro’s periodical), 160, 166—8, 170

Chapman, John (publisher), 37—8

Charles I, King, 446

Chaucer, Geoffrey: Kelmscott Press edition, 123, 141

Chelsea Bookshop, 162

Chelsea Broadsides, 162

Chipping Campden, 129, 131—2

Christ Church, Oxford: Lewis Carroll at, 81

Christian, John, 146

Christ’s Hospital (school), 19

Clarke, Revd James Stanier, 6

Cobden-Sanderson, Annie, 118

Cockerell, Kate, Lady, 182

Cockerell, Sir Sydney, 124, 171, 181—2, 188

Cohen, Morton N.: Lewis Carroll: A Biography, 80—5

Coldstream, Nancy, 348

Coleridge, Mary, 188

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 17—21; Biographia Literaria, 20; Notebooks, 20; Remorse (play), 19

Collins, Wilkie: The Woman in White, 57, 134

Coltman, Ella, 187—8

Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy, 505

Connolly, Cyril: edits Horizon, 341 Conrad, Joseph: friendship with F.M. Ford, 295—6

Constable, John, 482

Conti, Italia see Italia Conti

Cooper, Barbara, 343

Cooper, James Fenimore, 21

Cornford, Frances: Monro publishes, 165; ‘To a Fat Lady Seen from a Train’, 170

Corvo, Baron see Rolfe, Frederick

Cottle, Joseph, 19

Coulton, Barbara: Louis MacNeice in the BBC, 349

Cournos, John, 272

Cox, Michael, 192

Craig, Edward Gordon, 167

Crane, Walter, 146

Crawford, Alan, 129

Crispin, Edmund see Montgomery, Bruce

Cronwright-Schreiner, Cron, 241, 244—5

Cross, John, 37, 39

Cuala Press, 227

Dahl, Roald: biography by Jeremy Treglown, 371—3; Boy, 371

D’Arcy, Ella, 177

Dartmoor, 446—9

David, Elizabeth: A Book of Mediterranean Food, 342

Davies, W.H., 149—50, 161, 277

Davin, Dan, 344

Dawes, ‘Toddy’, 380—1

Delafield, E.M.: Consequences, 268; Late and Soon, 260; Thank Heaven Fasting: afterword, 259—70

de la Mare, Elfrida (née Ingpen; Walter’s wife), 187—9

de la Mare, Florence (Walter’s daughter), 189

de la Mare, Jinnie (Walter’s daughter), 189

de la Mare, Walter: appearance, 184; and Edward Thomas, 148, 150; and Naomi Royde Smith, 189; poetic qualities, 251; readings at Poetry Bookshop, 184, 277; reputation, 277; supports Charlotte Mew, 182; Theresa Whistler’s biography of, 184—90; ‘Arabia’, 169; ‘The Huntsmen’, 170; The Listeners and Other Poems, 188; Memoirs of a Midget, 189; ‘The Old Man’, 189; Peacock Pie, 184, 188—9, 488; A Portrait, 189

de la Pasture, Mrs Henry, 260

Democratic Federation, 139

de Morgan, Mary Evelyn (née Pickering), 126—8

de Morgan, William: biography by Mark Hamilton, 125—8; Alice-for-Short, 128; Joseph Vance, 128

Denman, Gertrude Mary, Lady (née Pearson), 489

De Quincey, Thomas, 19

Derby, Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of, 87

Dick, Kay, 360

Dickens, Charles: Angus Wilson and, 371; death, 36; dialogue in, 505—7; fictional plots, 497; on lesbianism, 253; not admired by Mrs Oliphant, 57, 64; sets final novel in cathedral city, 45; William Morris cites, 106; A Christmas Carol, 46

Dickinson, Emily, 358

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 130

Dickinson, Patric, 359

Digby, Kenelm: Broadstone of Honour, 112

Disraeli, Benjamin, 85, 205

Dodds, E.R., 344, 348

Dooley, Maura (ed.): Novelists at Work, 517

Douglas, James, 253

Doyle, Roddy: The Commitments, 406; The Snapper, 406; The Van, 406—10

Drabble, Margaret: Angus Wilson: A Biography, 367—71

Drinkwater, John, 157

Duffy, Maureen, 99

du Maurier, George, 206—8

Dun Emer Press, 168

Dunn, Douglas, 379

Dunn, Jane: A Very Close Conspiracy: Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf, 280—4

Dürer, Albrecht: The Knight, Death, and the Devil, 112

Eastbourne, 491—2

Egoist, The (magazine), 179

Eliot, George: Georgiana Burne-Jones seeks advice from, 136; Karl’s biography of, 36—9; on Methodism, 54; Mrs Oliphant on life of, 70; Mrs Oliphant’s Salem Chapel attributed to, 58; on position of women, 31; on working in remote past, 525; Adam Bede, 38, 54; Autobiography, 70; Middlemarch, 28—35, 38, 115, 525; The Mill on the Floss, 31—3; Romola, 39; Scenes of Clerical Life, 44; Silas Marner, 38—9, 46, 511

Eliot, T.S.: edits Criterion, 167; on learning to care, 98; Monro rejects, 165—6; Pound promotes, 166; proposes toast to John Lehmann, 343; publishes MacNeice’s poetry, 348; reads to Oxford University Poetry Society, 354; takes French lessons from Alain-Fournier, 308; ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, 401; The Rock, 285; The Waste Land, 166, 304, 354

Ellerbeck, George: Literary Award, 380

Ellis, Henry Havelock, 242—3, 257

Ellman, Richard: James Joyce, 529

Elton, Oliver, 217

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 21, 239

Emma, Queen of the Sandwich Islands, 93

English Review, 295

Enright, D.J., 376

Epstein, (Sir) Jacob, 160 ‘Etherton, George’, 177

Eton Rambler (magazine), 194

Evans, Isaac (George Eliot’s brother), 37

Fairfield, Letitia (Lettie), 311

Farjeon, Eleanor: early happiness, 98; and Edward Thomas, 148; readings at Poetry Bookshop, 170, 184, 277

Farrell, J.G.: biography by Lavinia Greacen, 363—7; A Girl in the Head, 365; The Lung, 365; The Man from Elsewhere, 365; The Siege of Krishnapur, 366; The Singapore Grip, 366; Troubles, 365

Faulkner, Charles, 120

Fellowship of the New Life, 242

Felpham, Sussex, 13—14

fiction: plot in, 494—8; speaking and dialogue in, 498—507

Fields, Annie, 24

First, Ruth and Anne Scott: Olive Schreiner, 241

Fitzgerald, Edward, 95—6

Fitzgerald, Penelope: background and career, 467—80; childhood, 481—93; on writing, 508—19; At Freddie’s, 479; The Beginning of Spring, 480; The Bookshop, 476, 499; The Gate of Angels, 500, 511—19; Human Voices, 474—5; Innocence, 480; The Means of Escape (collection), 472n; Offshore, 478

Flaubert, Gustave, 84

Flint, Frank, 156, 159—60, 166—7; Cadences, 165

Flying Fame rhyme sheets, 168

Foote, Samuel, 203

Ford, Ford Madox: biography by Alan Judd, 294—8

Forster, Edward Morgan: accompanies Elizabeth von Arnim on caravan tour, 149; on Lydia Lopokova, 291; plot surprises, 399; and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, 284; writes pageants, 285; A Passage to India, 498; A Room with a View, 268

Fortescue, Chichester, 89

Fouqué, H. de la Motte: Sintram, 112 & n

Fournier, Henri Alain see Alain-Fournier

Fowles, John, 310

Fraser, Lovat, 168—70, 180

Freud, Sigmund: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 312

Friend, The ( journal), 18

Frost, Robert: Alida Klementaski detests, 153, 166; at Poetry Bookshop, 160; and Edward Thomas, 149—52; reads Ralph Hodgson’s ‘Eve’, 168—9; North of Boston, 151

Fry, Roger: death, 289; friendship with C.R. Ashbee, 130; Post-Impressionist Exhibition (1910), 289

Futurists, 155, 165

Gardner, Stanley, 15

Garnett, David, 249, 288, 290

Garnett, Edward, 150

Garrett, Tony, 369—70

Gaskell, Helen, 141—2

Gaudier-Bržeska, Henri, 158

George VI, King, 473

George, Prince Regent (later King George IV), 6

Georgian Poetry (series), 153, 157—8, 164, 166, 188

Georgian poets, 155, 165, 167

Gertler, Mark, 289—90

Gerzina, Gretchen: Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893—1932, 288—91

Gibson, Robert, 310

Gide, André, 188, 309, 529

Gilchrist, Anne, 95

Gillman, Dr James and Ann, 20

Giorgione: Europa and the Bull, 137—8

Girton College, Cambridge, 31

Gladstone, Catherine (née Glynne), 93

Gladstone, William Ewart: on accepting future, 33; on death of Edward White Benson, 78; indulges granddaughter, 84, 141; as Lewis Carroll’s Unicorn, 85; praises Minnie Benson, 75

Glasier, Bruce, 118

Gleeson, Evelyn, 227

Glendinning, Victoria: Rebecca West: A Life, 310—17

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 496

Golding, Sir William: Lord of the Flies, 364

Gollancz, Sir Victor, 272

Gonne, Maud: correspondence with Yeats, 219—25

Goodman, Elizabeth, 173

Gordon Riots (1780), 13

Gore-Booth, Constance (later Countess Markievicz), 224

Gore-Booth, Eva, 224

Gosse, Sir Edmund, 91

Grace (Thames barge), 477—9

Graham, Frances, 137

Graham, William, 137

Grahame, Kenneth, 215

Grange, The, North End, Fulham, 133—42

Grant, Duncan, 289

Graves, Robert, 165

Gray, Tony: A Peculiar Man: A Life of George Moore, 228—32

Greacen, Lavinia: J.G. Farrell: The Making of a Writer, 363—7

Green, Arthur Romney, 156, 159, 163

Green, Roger Lancelyn, 82

Green, Romney, 130

Greene, Graham, 332

Greener, Amy, 174

Gregory, Augusta, Lady, 217, 219

Grigson, Geoffrey, 347

Grossmith, George and Weedon: The Diary of a Nobody, 208

Grosvenor Galleries: Burne-Jones exhibits at, 137—8

Guild of Handicrafts, 129—30, 132—3

Guthrie, James, 153

Guy, Revd F.B., 111

‘Gyp’ (i.e. la comtesse S.G.M.R. de Martel de Janville), 235, 500

Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 297

Haight, Gordon, 36—7

Hall, Radclyffe (‘John’): Michael Baker’s biography of, 253—8; Adam’s Breed, 255; Unlit Lamp, 255; The Well of Loneliness, 253—4, 258

Hallam, Arthur, 92

Hamilton, Ian, 149

Hamilton, Mark: Rare Spirit: A Life of William de Morgan, 125

Hampstead, 471—2, 481—6, 490—1

Hardwick, Joan: The Yeats Sisters: A Biography of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats, 226—8

Hardy, Florence, 18, 173, 182

Hardy, Thomas: fictional plots, 497; promotes Charlotte Mew, 173, 178, 182, 184; Jude the Obscure, 527—8; Under the Greenwood Tree, 115

Harland, Henry, 176—7

Harman, Claire (ed.): Sylvia Townsend Warner: Collected Poems, 246, 250—2

Harrison, Lucy, 173—5, 177

Hart, Ruth, 217

Hart-Davis, Sir Rupert, 258; Hugh Walpole, 370

Hartley, Enid, 327

Hartley, George, 375

Hartley, Leslie Poles: biography by Adrian Wright, 326—9; on F.W. Myers, 320; praises The Well of Loneliness, 253; The Go-Between, 329, 525

Hartley, Norah, 326—7

Heaney, Seamus, 378

Heath-Stubbs, John: Hindsights, 343

Heeley, Wilfred, 134

Herbert, George: ‘Hope’, 393

Hersey, John, 205

Hicks family, 470

Hicks, Edward Lee, Bishop of Lincoln (Penelope Fitzgerald’s grandfather), 91, 470

Hill, Miranda (‘Andy’), 280

Hill, Octavia, 31, 79—80, 173, 280

Hill, Polly and Richard Keynes (eds): Lydia and Maynard: Letters Between Lydia Lokopova and John Maynard Keynes, 1918—1925, 288, 291—3

Hitchman, Janet: Such a Strange Lady, 271

Hodgson, Ralph: ‘Eve’, 169

Hogarth Press: John Lehmann works at, 338, 340, 342; publishes Eliot, 166

Holliday, Catherine, 17

Holmes, Richard: on the Apocrypha, 194; Coleridge: Darker Reflections, 1804—1834, 17—21

Holroyd, Michael: Lytton Strachey, 277; Unreceived Opinions, 380

Holt, Charlie, 328

Holy Land, 456—61

Hone, Joseph: edits J.B. Yeats letters, 216; life of George Moore, 228

Honour, Hugh, 451

Hood, Thomas: Song of the Shirt, 205

Hooton, Harry, 150

Horizon (magazine), 341

Housman, A.E., 190, 201; Last Poems, 190—1

Housman, Laurence, 132

Howard, Rosalind, 109

Howell, Charles Augustus, 135

Hueffer, Ford Madox see Ford, Ford Madox

Hughes, David, 342

Hughes, Ted, 352, 378

humour, 202—3

Hunt, Violet, 295

Hutchinson, Sara, 18

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 198

Hyde, Douglas, 230

Hynes, Samuel, 311

Iles, Frank, 126

Imagists, 155, 165

Inklings (Oxford group), 355

Ionides, Constantine, 108 & n

Irving, Edward, 55

Isherwood, Christopher: relations with John Lehmann, 339, 341, 343

Ishiguro, Kazuo: A Pale View of Hills, 502—3; The Remains of the Day, 421; The Unconsoled, 420—2

Italia Conti (theatrical school, London), 479

Jackson, Moses, 190

Jacobs, W.W., 513

James, Henry: on Ada Leverson, 234; on Charles Keene and George du Maurier, 206—7; and dialogue, 505; on E.W. Benson’s ghost account, 78; visits The Grange, 139; The Aspern Papers, 456; The Awkward Age, 269, 500

James, Montague Rhodes: life, career and writings, 192—3, 195; Eton and King’s, 193, 198; The Haunted Doll’s House and Other Stories: Introduction, 192—200

James, William, 12

Jameson Raid (1895), 244

Jameson, Storm, 189, 310—11

Jammes, Francis, 306

Jay, Elisabeth: Mrs Oliphant, ‘A Fiction to Herself’: A Literary Life, 69—72

Jeffares, A. Norman, 221, 224

Jeffrey, Francis, 68

Jerusalem, 457—9

Jewett, Sarah Orne: background and career, 22—4; death, 27; novels and stories, 22—7; A Country Doctor, 23; ‘Miss Tempy’s Watchers’, 26; The Country of the Pointed Firs, 22, 24—6

Jews: in Nazi Germany, 432—8

John Lehmann Ltd, 341—2

Jones, David, 168

Jones, Jo Elwyn and J. Francis Gladstone: The Red King’s Dream, or Lewis Carroll in Wonderland, 80, 85—6

Jones, Monica, 374—5

Jowett, Benjamin, 94—5

Joyce, James: on art, 222, 530; epiphanies, 208; and Ford Madox Ford’s liking for women, 298; and language, 529; on romantic imagination, 395; Finnegans Wake, 529; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 222, 405, 414, 516; Ulysses, 286, 497, 527

Joyce, Stanislaus, 527

Judd, Alan: Ford Madox Ford, 294—8

Jung Chang: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, 427—31

Kafka, Franz, 314; The Trial, 501

Kallin, Anna, 358

Karl, Frederick R.: George Eliot, Voice of a Century: A Biography, 36—9

Katzman, Charles, 348

Kauffer, McKnight, 162—3, 168

Keats, John: on Coleridge, 21; in Hampstead, 471, 482—3

Keats, Tom, 482

Keble, John, 98, 111

Keene, Charles, 206—8, 212—13

Kelman, James, 407

Kelmscott Manor House, 107, 134, 528

Kelmscott Press, The, 122—5, 141

Kendall, H.E., 172

Kennedy, Richard: A Boy at the Hogarth Press, 284

Kermode, Frank, 30, 38

Keynes, John Maynard, Baron: correspondence with Lydia Lopokova, 288, 291—3

King, Cecil, 342

King, Edward, Bishop of Lincoln, 77

King, Francis: Yesterday Came Suddenly, 370

King, Gunning, 208

Kingsley, Charles, 86

Kingsley, Henry, 86

Kipling, Alice, 135

Kipling, Rudyard: Angus Wilson and, 371; with Burne-Joneses at The Grange, 136, 140, 142; meets William Morris, 101—3, 136; praises Sarah Orne Jewett’s Country of the Pointed Firs, 26; Something of Myself, 136

Klementaski, Alida (Mrs Harold Monro): and Charlotte Mew, 180—2; and Poetry Bookshop, 153, 158—9, 161—7, 170

Klemperer, Eva (née Schlemmer), 432, 435, 437

Klemperer, Victor: I Shall Bear Witness (transl. Martin Chalmers), 432—8

Knox family, 469

Knox, Dillwyn (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 469

Knox, Revd Edward (Penelope Fitzgerald’s grandfather), 469

Knox, E.V. (Penelope Fitzgerald’s father): on difference between journalism and literature, 202, 495; edits Punch, 201, 209, 468; homes and family life, 468, 482, 486, 491; writes for Punch, 201—2, 468, 471, 482, 486; In My Old Days: foreword, 210—12

Knox, Rawle (Penelope Fitzgerald’s brother), 468, 485, 488—9; The Work of E.H. Shepard, 214

Knox, Monsignor Ronald (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 333, 469—70

Knox, Revd Wilfred (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 469—70

Kocmanova, Jessie: The Maturing of William Morris, 104

Lamb, Charles, 19

Lane, Allen, 341—2

Lane, John, 177

Lanza, Clara, 229

Larkin, Philip: The Less Deceived, 375; Selected Letters, 1940—1985 (ed. Anthony Thwaite), 374—9; ‘The Whitsun Wedding’, 377

Latham, David and Sheila, 102

Lawrence, D.H.: dialogue in, 504—5; lives in Well Walk, 482; at Poetry Bookshop, 160; Rebecca West and, 313; The Captain’s Doll, 504; Kangaroo, 504; Sons and Lovers, 417, 503; Women in Love, 504

Lear, Anne (Edward’s sister), 87

Lear, Edward, 93—4; Excursions in Italy, 87—8

Leavis, F.R., 36, 152

Lee, Alice, 174

Lee, Hermione: Virginia Woolf, 275—9, 338

Leech, John, 206

le Gallienne, Richard, 235

Legrand, Edy, 168

Lehmann, Beatrix, 337

Lehmann, Helen, 337

Lehmann, John: biography by Adrian White, 336—44; ‘A Dream of Winter’, 341; In the Purely Pagan Sense, 337, 340; The Whispering Gallery, 340

Lehmann, Rosamond: place in family, 337; relations with brother John, 342; on Rose Macaulay, 299; Dusty Answer, 253, 338

Lehmann, Rude, 337

Leighton House, London, 126

Lemon, Mark, 204—5

Leonard, Mrs (medium), 256

Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa, 450

lesbianism: Radclyffe Hall and, 253—7

Lessing, Doris: The Golden Notebook, 364

Leverson, Ada: The Little Ottleys, 233—8

Leverson, Ernest, 233—4, 236

Levi, Peter: Edward Lear: A Biography, 86—90

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 496

Lewes, George Henry, 36—8

Lewis, Clive Staples: biography by A.N. Wilson, 353—7; A Grief Observed, 357; Surprised by Joy, 356

Lewis, George, 140

Lewis, Joy (née Davidman), 355

Lewis, Katie, 84

Lewis, Warren Hamilton (‘Warnie’), 354—6

Lewis, Wyndham, 146

Liddell, Alice, 82—4

Liddell, Henry George, Dean of Christ Church, 82

Liddell, Lorina (née Reeve), 82

Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon of St Paul’s, 81

Lincoln, Bishops of see Hicks, Edward Lee; King, Edward

Links, J.G., 452

Lissine, Alexis, 342—3

Locke, John, 20

Loize, Jean, 308

London Magazine, 342—3

London Mercury, The (periodical), 167

Longfellow, Alice, 24

Lopokova, Lydia: correspondence with J.M. Keynes, 288, 291—3; effect on Bloomsbury, 291

Lowell, Amy, 169

Lucas, Miss (later Green; teacher), 483, 485

Lushington, Frank, 89

Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 444—6

Mac Liammoir, Micheál, 220

Macaulay, (Dame) Rose: convictions, 310; on poetry intoxication in 1920s, 162; The World My Wilderness: Introduction to, 298—305

MacBride, John, 221—2

McBryde, James, 193

McBryde, Jane, 193

MacCarthy, Fiona: The Simple Life: C.R. Ashbee in the Cotswolds, 129—33

MacDonald, George: Phantastes, 85

Macdonald, George (church minister), 55

McGahern, John: Collected Stories, 403—5; Introduction to J.B. Yeats letters, 216—18; The Dark, 405; The Leavetaking, 405

McGibbon, James, 361

Mach, Ernst, 512

Mackail, John W. (‘Jack’), 106—7, 110, 116, 139

Mackail, Margaret (née Burne-Jones), 134, 139, 141—2

Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton), 333

MacNeice, Dan, 348

MacNeice, Elisabeth, 345

MacNeice, Hedli (née Anderson), 350

MacNeice, John, Bishop of Belfast, 345, 347, 352

MacNeice, Louis: biography by Jon Stallworthy, 344—53; Autumn Journal, 349, 351; ‘The Casualty’, 350; ‘Charon’, 352—3; ‘Memoranda’, 353; ‘The Taxis’, 352; ‘Valediction’, 348

MacNeice, Marie (née Ezra; Louis’ first wife), 347—8

MacNeice, William, 345—6

Malta, 17—18

Manet, Édouard, 229

Mann, Thomas: ‘Death in Venice’, 456

Mansfield, Katherine, 486

Mao Zedong, 425—6, 428

Marinetti, Emilio Filippo Tommaso, 165

Markievicz, Constance, Countess see Gore-Booth, Constance

Marsh, Sir Edward: and Edward Thomas, 153; and Georgian Poetry, 153, 164—5, 188; and Harold Monro, 157

Martin, Francis, 74

Masefield, John: and Ashbee, 132; standing, 277; supports Charlotte Mew, 182

Maurice, Frederick Denison, 86, 96

Maxwell, William (ed.): Sylvia Townsend Warner: Letters, 246—52

May, Phil, 206, 213

Men and Women’s Club, 243

Meredith, George, 241

Merriman, John Xavier, 245

Methodism, 54

Mew, Anne (Charlotte’s sister), 182—3

Mew, Charlotte: appearance and personality, 171—2, 176—7, 181; Civil List pension, 181; death, 183; early happiness, 98, 172—3; early writing, 176; homosexuality, 180; influences on, 175; life and works, 171; Monro publishes, 165; poetry, 177—8; and Poetry Bookshop, 161—2, 180—1; ‘The Changeling’, 170; Collected Poems and Prose (ed. Val Warner): reviewed, 171—84; ‘The Farmer’s Bride’, 178, 180—1; The Farmer’s Bride (collection), 161, 180; ‘Fin de Fête’, 173, 179; ‘In Nunhead Cemetery’, 171, 175, 178; ‘Ken’, 175; ‘On the Asylum Road’, 178; ‘Passed’ (story), 176; The Rambling Sailor, 183; ‘Saturday Market’, 178; ‘The Shade Catchers’, 182

Mew, Fred (Charlotte’s father), 172, 174, 176

Mew, Mrs Fred (Charlotte’s mother), 176—7, 182

Mew, Freda (Charlotte’s sister), 175

Mew, Henry (Charlotte’s brother), 175

Mexico, 494

Mill, John Stuart, 239

Millais, Sir John Everett, 86

Millevoye, Lucien, 219—20, 222

Milne, A.A., 209, 214

Milton Abbot, west Devon, 241—7

Minton, John, 342

Mitford, Nancy, 332

Mizener, Arthur: The Saddest Story, 296

Modern European Library (published by John Lehmann), 341

Monro, Alida (Harold’s wife) see Klementaski, Alida

Monro, Harold: and Alida Klementaski, 158—9; Alida recites Charlotte Mew’s ‘Farmer’s Bride’ to, 180; background and career, 154—5, 157; commissions illustrators, 168; death, 164; disavows Georgians, 165; drinking, 163—5; and Edward Thomas, 153; in First World War, 162; homosexuality, 159; launches second Bookshop, 163—4; marries Alida, 162; pessimism, 344; and Poetry Bookshop, 154, 156—60, 170; publishing, 160, 165—70; Collected Poems, 166; One Day Awake, 167—8; ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh’, 170

Monroe, Harriet, 166

Montgomery, Bruce (Edmund Crispin), 375

Monthly Review, 187

Moore, George: biography by Tony Gray, 228—32; and Yeats’s relations with Maude Gonne, 220; Esther Waters, 228—30

Moore, Janie (née Askins), 355

Moreau, Gustave, 235

Morgan, John and Mary (née Brent), 19—20

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 181, 328

Morris, Isabella (William’s sister), 119

Morris, Jane (née Burden): D.G. Rossetti and, 107, 109n, 120; disturbed by handicapped daughter, 117; embroidery, 117; on Mackail’s life of William Morris, 116; marriage relations, 119—20; and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, 124

Morris, May, 118, 126, 227

Morris, William: death, 142; as designer, 117—18; finds solace in work, 110; at The Grange, 103, 136—7, 141; health problems, 122, 124, 141; inspires Guild of Handicrafts, 130; and Kelmscott Press, 122—5; on power of art, 530; rages, 110; relations with Burne-Jones, 139, 142; religious inclinations, 111; sexual attitudes, 107—8; and woman question, 116—21; Child Christopher, 105; The Defence of Guenevere, 103; A Dream of John Ball, 119; The Earthly Paradise, 103—4, 106, 112, 115—16; Fair Goldilind, 105; The Golden Legend, 124; Killian of the Closes, 105, 108; Love is Enough, 110; News from Nowhere, 107—8, 118—19, 528; The Novel on Blue Paper (unpublished): Introduction to, 105—16; The Pilgrims of Hope, 119; Poems by the Way, 124; Sigurd the Volsung, 104; Songs of Proteus, 124; The Story of the Glittering Plain, 104; The Well at the World’s End, 113

Mosley, Diana, Lady, 334

Motion, Andrew, 374, 379

Muggeridge, Malcolm: on A.A. Milne, 214; edits Punch, 209

Murdoch, Dame Iris: The Bell, 364

Murphy, William M.: Family Secrets: William Butler Yeats and His Relations, 226—7

Murray, Gilbert, 303

Myers, Frederic William, 319—20

Myers, Leopold Hamilton: The Root and the Flower: Introduction to, 319—26

Nash, John, 168

Nash, Paul, 167—8, 289

Nash’s (magazine), 496

National Trust, 79

Nazism: and persecution of Jews, 432—8

Neal, Patricia, 372

Neame, Mrs (of Southwold), 476

Neo-Pagans, 149

Nerval, Gérard de, 496

Nevinson, C.W., 289

New Signatures, 339

New Verse (magazine), 347

New Writing see Penguin New Writing

New Yorker, The (magazine), 204—5, 209, 246, 251

Newbolt, Sir Henry: domestic and married life, 187—8; Monro publishes, 166; publishes Walter de la Mare’s poetry, 187; as Theresa Whistler’s grandfather, 185

Newbolt, Margaret, Lady (‘Lad’), 187

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 66, 111

Nicholl, W. Robertson, 54

Nicholson, Mary, 117

Nicholson, William: Shadowlands, 355

Nicolson, Benedict, 286

Nightingale, Florence, 31

Nightingale (secretary of Sanderson’s wallpapers), 30

Noakes, Vivien: Edward Lear: The Life of a Wanderer, 86—7

Noble, James Ashcroft, 149

North End, Fulham see Grange, The

Norton, Charles Eliot, 137

O’Donovan, Gerald, 299, 301

old age: and writers, 525—9

Old Watercolour Society, 136, 143—5

O’Leary, John, 219

Oliphant, Francis (Margaret’s husband and cousin), 42—3, 44n

Oliphant, Frank (Margaret’s brother), 43

Oliphant, Maggie (Margaret’s daughter): death, 67

Oliphant, Margaret: biography by Elisabeth Jay, 69—72; life and career, 40—2, 52—3, 510—11; literary earnings, 57—8, 67; nature of writings, 43—4, 47, 52, 57, 65, 68; on organized religion, 44—5, 47, 54—5, 58—9, 61—6; travels, 67; writes in instalments, 67; ‘Chronicles of Carlingford’ (series), 41 & n, 44—69, 71; The Doctor’s Family, 41n, 48—52, 61, 70; ‘Eleanor and Fair Rosamond’ (story), 71; ‘The Executor’, 41n; Hester, 51; Margaret Maitland, 68; ‘The Mystery of Mrs Blencarrow’ (story), 71; ‘The Open Door’ (story), 51; The Perpetual Curate, 41n, 61—9; Phoebe Junior, 44; The Rector, 41n, 46—8, 51, 54, 61, 64, 69; Salem Chapel, 41n, 48, 52—61, 67, 69; ‘Sensation Novels’ (article), 57

Oliphant, Willie (Margaret’s brother), 42—3

Olson, Stanley, 315

Ormrod, Richard: Una Troubridge, 258

Orwell, George: on Housman, 190; and Stevie Smith, 361; ‘Shooting an Elephant’, 341

Owen, Wilfred, 160, 344

Oxford Movement, 45, 111

Packer, Lona Mosk, 99

Palestine see Holy Land

Palmer, Geoffrey and Noel Lloyd: Father of the Bensons, 73—8

Pasternak, Boris, 527

Pater, Walter, 104

Paulin, Tom, 408

Pear Tree Press, 153, 154—70

Pearson, Karl, 242—4

Pearson’s (magazine), 496

Péguy, Charles, 167

Penguin New Writing (earlier New Writing), 340, 342

Peterson, William S.: The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris’s Typographical Adventure, 122—5

Pissarro, Camille, 309

Plomer, William, 169

Poetry Bookshop, 153, 154—70, 180, 277, 471

Poetry and Drama (magazine), 157, 160, 166—7

Poetry Review, 157

Poetry Society, 157

Pollexfen family, 226

Polunin, Oleg and Anthony Julian Huxley: Flowers of the Mediterranean, 457

Polyanthus, HMS, 349—50

Poor Folk Upon the Moors (society), 447

Post-Impressionist Exhibition (1910), 289

Potter, Beatrix, 215

Pound, Ezra: on Ford Madox Ford, 294; influence in England, 155; prints Charlotte Mew poem, 179; promotes Eliot, 166; Des imagistes, 165

Powell, Anthony, 333

Prentis, Terence, 167

Prickett, Miss (governess), 84

Pringle, Alan, 376 printing: William Morris and, 122—5

Pritchett, Sir Victor S., 480

Pryce-Jones, Alan, 309

Punch (magazine): E.V. Knox works for and edits, 201—2, 209, 471, 482, 486, 491; history and character of, 201—10

Purnell (company), 341—2

Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 98

Pym, Barbara: Larkin encourages, 379; A Few Green Leaves, 393—8; Jane and Prudence, 395; Less Than Angels, 398; No Fond Return of Love, 396; Quartet in Autumn, 395; The Sweet Dove Died, 395

Quièvrecourt, Yvonne de, 305, 308

Quinn, John, 217

Rackham, Arthur, 215

Re, Arundel del, 155—6, 158, 162

Reeves, James (ed.): Georgian Poetry, 186

Reid, Forrest: Illustrators of the Eighteen-Sixties, 206

Repton, Humphry, 448

Reynolds, Barbara: Dorothy Sayers: Her Life and Soul, 271—4; The Passionate Intellect, 271

Rhodes, Cecil, 243—5

Rhys, Jean: biography by Carole Angier, 318—19; Ford Madox Ford and, 295; Good Morning, Midnight, 319; The Wide Sargasso Sea, 318—19

Ricardo, Halsey, 127

Richards, Grant, 165, 190; Memories of a Misspent Youth, 234

Richardson, Samuel, 134

Richmond, George, 14

Ricks, Christopher, 94

Ridley, Revd Roy, 273

Rive, Richard (ed.): Olive Schreiner: Letters, Vol.1: 1871—1899, 238—45

Rivière, Alain, 308

Rivière, Isabelle (née Fournier), 305, 307—9

Rivière, Jacques, 307—9

Roberts, Michael, 338—9

Robertson, Graham, 137; Time Was, 36, 138

Rolfe, Frederick (‘Baron Corvo’), 177, 455—6

Rooke, Thomas, 137, 140—1, 143

Ross, Alan, 342

Ross, Harold Wallace, 204—5

Ross, Robert H.: Georgian Revolt, 211

Rossetti, Christina: biography by Georgina Battiscombe, 97—100; ‘Goblin Market’, 98—9, 280

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: on Christina, 99; at Kelmscott Manor with Morris, 107; paints in watercolours, 103, 143—4; relations with Jane Morris, 107, 109n, 111; temperament, 98; Golden Head by Golden Head (drawing), 280

Rossetti, Maria, 98—9

Rossetti, William Michael, 95, 98

Rottingdean, 140, 142, 146—7

Rushdie, Salman: Haroun and the Sea of Stories, 422—3

Ruskin, John: Ashbee on, 131; and C.A. Howell, 135; on Canaletto’s Venice paintings, 453, 455; helps Burne-Jones’s admission to Old Watercolour Society, 143; influences Edward Hicks, 470—1; on Octavia Hill’s dowdiness, 80; and small girls, 84; on women’s education, 119; Of Queen’s Gardens, 119

Rutherford, Ernest, 1st Baron, 512

Rutherston, Albert, 168

Rylands, George (‘Dadie’), 343

Sackville-West, Edward, 327

Salinger, J.D.: The Catcher in the Rye, 501

Sambourne, Linley, 206

Samurai (movement), 154

Sarzano, Frances, 413

Sassoon, Siegfried, 237

Saurat, Denis, 309

Saxton, Nathalie, 189

Sayers, Dorothy L.: biography by Barbara Reynolds, 271—4; ‘The Haunted Policeman’, 271; The Man Born to Be King, 272; The Mind of the Maker, 273; The Nine Tailors, 273

Schelling, Friedrich, 20

Schiller, Friedrich, 496

Schreiner, Gottlob, 239

Schreiner, Olive: Letters, Vol.1: 1871—1899 (ed. Richard Rive), 238—45; The Story of an African Farm, 240—1, 243—4

Schreiner, Theo, 239

Schreiner, Will, 243—4

Scott, Ann see First, Ruth and Ann Scott

Scott, Gilbert, 45

Scott, William Bell, 42, 99

Scott-James, R.A., 152

Seaman, Sir Owen, 208—9

Sellwood, Revd Henry, 92

Shakespear, Olivia, 223

Shakespeare & Co. (bookshop), 168

Sharp, Evelyn, 177

Shaw, George Bernard: on William de Morgan’s novels, 128; on William Morris, 107, 110

Shepard, Ernest Howard, 212—15, 346

Shepard, Graham, 346—7, 349—50

Shields, Carol: Mary Swann, 417; The Republic of Love, 415; The Stone Diaries, 414—20

Shrimpton, Ivy, 272

Sinclair, Andrew: My Friend Judas, 364

Sinclair, May: and Charlotte Mew, 178—81; on genius, 313; and Rebecca West, 312; The Combined Maze, 179

Sitwell, Dame Edith, 182

Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 167, 170

Skelton, Robin, 351

Smith, Agnes, 279

Smith, Constance Babington: Rose Macaulay, 303n

Smith, Leslie Tilden, 318

Smith, Logan Pearsall, 158

Smith, Naomi Royde, 189

Smith, Stevie: Scorpion and Other Poems, 359; Uncollected Writings, 358—63

Smyth, Dame Ethel, 76

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: Matyona’s House, 382

Somerville, Edith Oenone and Martin Ross (Violet Florence Martin), 226

Souline, Evgenia, 257—8

Southwold, Suffolk, 475—6

Spark, Dame Muriel: The Abbess of Crewe, 399—400; The Ballad of Peckham Rye, 399; The Comforters, 398; The Girls of Slender Means, 399; Memento Mori, 399; The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, 399—400; Reality and Dreams, 398—402

Sparling, Henry Halliday, 123

Spencer, Herbert: and George Eliot, 36; First Principles, 239

Spender, Sir Stephen, 279, 339, 341

Squire, Sir John C., 167

Stallworthy, Jon: Louis MacNeice, 344—53

Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Dean of Westminster, 86

Stannard, Martin: Evelyn Waugh: The Later Years, 1939—1966, 330—5

Stead, William Thomas, 244

Steer, Philip Wilson, 289

Stephen, Julia, 282

Stephen, Sir Leslie, 278—9, 281

Stern, G.B., 180

Sterne, Laurence, 203

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 139, 297, 330

Stirling, Wilhelmina (née Pickering), 127—8

Stone, Reynolds, 250

Stoppard, Sir Tom: The Invention of Love, 190

Strachan, W.J. (ed. and transl.): Henri Alain Fournier: Towards the Lost Domain, Letters from London 1905, 305, 309

Strachey family, 277, 280

Strachey, Lytton: and Dora Carrington, 288, 290; on M.R. James, 193

Strand, The (magazine), 496

Strang, Patsy, 376

Stravinsky, Igor, 332

Stuart, Daniel, 19

Stucley, Peter, 259

Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 255

Sunday Express, 253

Sutton, Jim, 375, 379

Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels, 500

Swinnerton, Frank, 288; The Georgian World, 273

Sykes, Christopher, 331

Syrett, Netta, 177

Tanner, Robin, 123

Tate Gallery: Burne-Jones watercolours exhibition (1993), 143

Tate, Sir Henry, 143

Tavistock, Devon, 443, 445—9

Taylor, Martin, 337

Tenniel, Sir John, 85

Tennyson family, 81

Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron: marriage, 92—3, 95; qualities as poet, 90—1; Idylls of the King, 103

Tennyson, Emily, Lady (née Sellwood): life by Anne Thwaite, 91—6

Tennyson, Hallam, 91, 94—5

Tennyson, Lionel, 94—5

Terry, Ellen, 84

Thackeray, William Makepeace: and Punch, 201, 203, 205—6

Thirkell, Angela (née Mackail): Three Houses, 140

Thirkell, Lance, 137

Thomas, Dylan, 351

Thomas, Edward: army service, 152—3; character and behaviour, 148—9; Monro rejects, 165—6; poetry, 151—2; reputation, 277; and Walter de la Mare, 186, 188; works for Monro, 166; Selected Letters, ed. R. George Thomas, 148—55

Thomas, Helen, 148—50, 153, 166; As It Was, 152

Thomas, R. George, 148—50, 152—3

Thomas, R.S., 378

Thompson, E.P.: William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary, 102, 119

Thwaite, Anne: Emily Tennyson: The Poet’s Wife, 91—6

Thwaite, Anthony (ed.): Selected Letters of Philip Larkin, 1940—1985, 374—9

Ticehurst, Mrs (of Balcombe), 487, 489

Times Literary Supplement, The: on Radclyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness, 253

Tolkien, J.R.R., 355—6

Tolstoy, Lev, Count: Resurrection, 526—7, 530; War and Peace, 502

Tompkins, Joyce M.S.: William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry, 101—5

Tonks, Henry, 229, 289

Tractarians, 62, 111

Transatlantic Review, The, 295

Treglown, Jeremy: Roald Dahl: A Biography, 371—3

Tremain, Rose, 370

Trevelyan, G.B.: Victorian Devotional Poetry, 100

Trevor, William: Excursions in the Real World: Memoirs, 410—14; The Old Boys, 413; Two Lives, 412

Trollope, Anthony: Mrs Oliphant compared with, 68, 71; on organized religion, 45; Can You Forgive Her?, 68; Framley Parsonage, 61n; He Knew He Was Right, 68

Troubridge, Admiral Sir Ernest, 256, 258

Troubridge, Una, Lady, 253, 256—8

Truro, Cornwall, 77

Tschaikovska, Vera, 170

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 96

Twain, Mark, 497

Untermeyer, Louis, 161

Uzzell, Dad, 149

Vaughan, Keith, 342

Velázquez, Diego de Silva y: Hilanderas, 452

Venice: Canaletto pictures of, 450—6

Victoria, Queen: Emily Tennyson meets, 95; and Mrs Oliphant, 41

Vorticists, 155

Wain, John, 342

Walker, Emery, 122, 124

Ward, Stephen, 314

Wardle, Thomas, 117

Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 169, 246—52; Collected Poems, 250—2; Lolly Willowes, 246—7; Whether a Dove or a Seagull (with Valentine Ackland), 250

Warner, Val: ed. Charlotte Mew: Collected Poems and Prose, 171—84

Warrell, Ian, 145

Watts, Mary (née Fraser Tytler; G.F. Watts’s second wife), 91

Waugh, Evelyn: biography by Martin Stannard, 330—5; plot surprises, 399; Brideshead Revisited, 330, 332; Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox, 333; The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, 331; Put Out More Flags, 332; Sword of Honour (trilogy), 332

Waugh, Laura, 331—2, 334

Wavell, Field Marshal Archibald Percival, 1st Earl: Other Men’s Flowers, 165n

Webb, Beatrice and Sidney (Baron and Lady Passfield), 132

Wedd, Nathaniel, 199

Well Walk see Hampstead

Wells, Herbert George, 296, 314—15

West, Anthony, 325

West, Dame Rebecca: biography by Victoria Glendinning, 310—17; on May Sinclair and Charlotte Mew, 179; on Olive Schreiner, 238; Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, 313, 317; The Meaning of Treason, 313, 316; Return of the Soldier, 312—13; The Thinking Reed, 313—14

Westminster Review, 38

Whistler, James Abbot McNeill, 144, 451

Whistler, Theresa: Imagination of the Heart: The Life of Walter de la Mare, 184—90, 277

White, Adrian: John Lehmann: A Pagan Adventure, 336—44

White, Anna and A. Norman Jeffares (eds.): ‘Always Your Friend’: The Gonne-Yeats Letters, 1893—1938, 219—25

White, Ethelbert, 167

Wickham, Anna, 161, 165

Wilde, Oscar: friendship with Ada Leverson, 233—4; rows Katie Lewis on Thames, 84; The Importance of Being Earnest, 238

Wilkinson, Mrs (servant at The Grange), 139

William Morris Today exhibition (1984), 121

Wilson, A.N.: C.S. Lewis: A Biography, 353—7

Wilson, Sir Angus: biography by Margaret Drabble, 367—71; Anglo-Saxon Attitudes, 368—9; Hemlock and After, 368, 370; The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot, 368; The Wild Garden, 370; The Wrong Set, 368

Wilson, T.P. Cameron: Magpies in Picardy, 5

Wimbush, Mary, 351

Windsor, The (magazine), 496

Winzer, Charles, 168—9

Withers, Percy, 188

women: William Morris’s views on, 116—21

Woodcock, Dr Patrick, 329, 370

Woolf, Leonard: at Rodmell, Sussex, 530; childlessness, 284; in Hermione Lee’s biography of Virginia Woolf, 276; and John Lehmann at Hogarth Press, 338, 340, 342; publishes Eliot’s poetry, 166; on Radclyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness, 253; Beginning Again, 248

Woolf, Virginia: on Arundel del Re, 155; at Hogarth Press, 338, 340; biography by Hermione Lee, 275—9; and Charlotte Mew, 178, 181; childlessness, 284; on Christina Rossetti, 99; and critics, 531; on Lydia Lopokova and Keynes, 291; on old age, 526; on power of art, 530; publishes Eliot’s poetry, 166; and Vanessa Bell, 280—4; and visual art and artists, 283—4; Between the Acts, 285—7, 530—1; Freshwater (play), 95; Mrs Dalloway, 292; A Room of One’s Own, 278—9; Three Guineas, 278—9; To the Lighthouse, 278, 282—4, 286; The Waves, 287

Woolmer, Howard J.: The Poetry Bookshop: A Bibliography, 170

Wordsworth, Tom, 19

Wordsworth, William, 19—20

Wright, Adrian: Foreign Country: The Life of L.P. Hartley, 326—9

Wyatville, Sir Jeffry, 448

Wycombe Abbey (school), 492

Wylie, I.A.R.: Life with George, 256

Wyndham, Francis, 234, 318

Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet (‘Lolly’), 216—18

Yeats, George (née Hyde-Lees; WBY’s wife), 218

Yeats, Jack, 216

Yeats, John Butler: and Maud Gonne, 220; Letters to His Son W.B. Yeats and Others, 1869—1922 (ed. Joseph Hone), 216—19

Yeats, Susan Mary (‘Lily’), 216—17

Yeats, Susan (née Pollexfen), 216

Yeats, William Butler: correspondence with Maud Gonne, 219—25; letters from father, 216—17; poetry, 189; readings at Poetry Bookshop, 162; on walking naked, 347; on women in politics, 118; Reveries over Childhood and Youth, 218

Yellow Book: Ada Leverson writes for, 234, 236; publishes Charlotte Mew story, 176

Yevtushenko, Yevgeni, 359

Yonge, Charlotte Mary: Heir of Redclyffe, 111—12, 114

Yugoslavia: Rebecca West writes on, 317

Zambaco, Mary, 108—9, 135—6, 145