A year and three months had passed from the chaotic day at the church; the day that was supposed to be Mercy and Grant’s wedding day. Instead it was an abrupt end for some and the beginning for others.
In the year, things were progressing for Mercy. Her healing process took a toll on her at first, but realizing she still had Grant Jr. to take care of, Mercy used her energy to be the best mother she could be.
For a while, and unfortunately for her son, Grant had disappeared all together. Not wanting to counsel to at least remain friends in order to be the family unit Grant Jr. was used to, the senior Grant decided he wanted to live his life by his own terms, saying he’d deal with his child in his own way and time. At first Mercy thought that was just that. But God was still working behind the scenes.
Under what he thought were his own terms, Grant found his way back to church, back to God, and eventually back into the arms of his son. There wasn’t much he wanted to talk about of his personal life; he just knew he couldn’t leave his son behind no matter the cost. Much prayer, much power was what Bishop and Kendra had poured into Mercy, with the results being evident.
Stoney had been the best sister and godmother to Grant Jr. With one graduation under her belt, Stoney was less than another year away from graduating from the master’s program that would put her in clinical. Accepted in a program in the area of Houston where home was, Stoney was able to spend even more time with her mother and Deek in between her own blossoming relationship. It seemed as if her time would be coming soon.
On her trips back to Dallas to visit with her dad and stepmother, Stoney always made it a point to drop in and visit with her other father figure, her pops, Keithe, and his wife, Kenya. From the smiles that always preceded them, Stoney could tell the two were still honeymooning.
It hadn’t taken them long to know they wanted and needed one another in their lives. It was just that simple. Just as soon as Keithe brought up marriage, the proposal wasn’t far behind. Keithe then put his condo on the market and the two hadn’t looked back. During the coming weeks leading up to their nuptials, the two had closed on the home of their dreams. Because he wanted and needed to let Kenya know that she was indeed pure in his eyes, before they moved in together, they asked Pastor Peters if he’d do the formalities and marry them in his office. The wedding was just the icing on the cake.
“Happy birthday, honey.” Keithe walked in with a tray full of breakfast goodies for his wife of almost a year.
“Aww, Keithe.” Kenya eased up in bed. “Honey.” She perched her lips so that her husband’s lips would have a smooth landing.
Rolling her pajama top sleeves up, Kenya picked up a piece of bacon and bit into it. “I would say you didn’t have to, but I’m starved.” She giggled and took another bite. “Want some, before you go?” she offered.
“No. I drank a glass of orange juice. I wanted to save my appetite for breakfast with Stoney.”
Nodding her head, happy she’d get to sleep in a bit longer, Kenya didn’t know if she should give Keithe the news she had for him now or later.
“I’m surprised she wants me to meet this joker who calls himself crushing hard on her.” Keithe pulled his polo-styled shirt over his head.
“Be nice, dear. She’s excited about him. He might be the one.” Kenya loved love.
Turning around while fastening his watch, Keithe said, “You’re right. Just like I was the right one for you.” He walked in close for another kiss. “I love you,” he said. “And I love you too.” He placed his large hand on Kenya’s protruding stomach.
They had wasted no time in starting their family. The day Kenya came home with the news she was with child, the two had only been married for five months.
“I love you too, honey,” Kenya said. Then she decided to give him his present now, rather than later. “Your son loves you too, Keithe.”
“Oh, I know. I can’t wait ...” Keithe stopped in his tracks and turned back to his wife. When he did, Kenya held out the sonogram for him.
“Here you go,” she said in a beautiful hush, handing her husband what she was sure would add brightness to his day.
Slowly taking the thin paper from his wife, Keithe held back tears.
God knew his heart’s desire. He wanted a child with his wife. A child born from him; a male child.
“You sure?” Keithe asked as Kenya pointed to the details. A tear fell as he looked through blurry eyes at the 3-D photo. “Yep, that’s my boy.” Keithe laughed, wiping his eyes.
With an overwhelming feeling of love for his wife, Keithe placed the photo on the nightstand and removed the breakfast tray as fast as he could.
At that very moment, Keithe wanted, no, needed to hold his wife.
Over the last few years, God had allowed him to be used in some of the most unusual circumstances he had ever encountered.
His journey was for an appointed purpose of helping Michelle, his ex-wife, to receive her child she had once abandoned. But most of all, he was there to help lead her back to Christ.
Keithe was able to be the true friend his best friend Mike had wanted and needed. Even with their views on Mike’s homosexual lifestyle, Keithe was able to love Mike unconditionally with no plans of ever leaving his side.
And with Kenya, God had moved him from Houston to Dallas to find a wife. With her own bout of confusion and running from what God had already ordained, Keithe was right where he needed to be: able to stand and wait for God’s purpose, his purpose, to be revealed in her life.
And in all of that, God had not forgotten him.
By being a Christian, a believer, though not perfect, Keithe was simply ... redeemed.