“I’m full as a tick.” Keithe chewed the barely there remnants of his hearty breakfast. There was nothing left of the blueberry pancakes, soft scrambled eggs, and sizzling bacon, which had melted away on his palate.
“Michelle, those cooking classes really have brought out the Southern woman in you.” The forty-three-year-old dabbed his mouth. Placing his paper napkin on the table, Keithe reared back in his chair and patted his growing abdomen while trying to catch his breath.
“Ha-ha. Don’t start none, won’t be none.” Michelle swatted at Keithe. “You act as though I’m just now learning how to cook. I ... cook ... well.” Michelle stood from the table and began clearing her chinaware. Nothing but the best for Mr. Morgan.
Keithe was enjoying his morning. Having fun poking at Michelle, he knew good and well she would pay him back sooner rather than later.
“Dear, you cook ... well ... now! I will give you that,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “But I suffered. I mean, suffered, from waaaaaay back.” He put emphasis on his deep-voiced words while lowering his head and putting a scowl on his face, which spoke volumes.
“I mean, that one time when you tried to cook lasagna from scratch ...” he explained as he shook his shaven-to-the-scalp head from side to side fiercely. “It did such a number on me that I ...” Before he could finish the painted picture of his exaggerated experience, Michelle stood over the man she had exchanged vows with more than sixteen years earlier. Her eyes dared him to continue.
With the barely used dish towel in her hand, Michelle raised the pink and yellow–trimmed material and swatted the man she loved on his shoulder yet again.
“You had better watch it, man! Like I said, don’t start none, won’t be none.” She laughed and belted out a cutesy cry as Keith grabbed her around her firm waist.
Being two years away from the big 6-0, Michelle only shied away from his hold because of the tickles she knew he would be issuing out. There was definitely nothing wiggly, juicy, or lumpy when it came to the judicial employee. And if there was, Spanx were her best friend.
“Stop! Keithe, you’d better stop tickling me. Quit it now,” Michelle half demanded, and half wished he’d continue, as she tried her best to wiggle out of his grip. Kicking her legs frantically, it was a good thing she opted for a cashmere jogging suit for the January weather.
“Oh no! You asked for it, Sister Michelle. You tried to lay hands on a brother,” Keithe continued to joke. By the time he placed Michelle in his lap, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan held a continuous laugh that just wouldn’t stop.
After catching her breath, Michelle decided to remain seated on Keithe’s lap. She figured the womanly weight she’d gained in her fifty-eight-year-old hips wouldn’t dare hurt the hard legs of the forty-three-year-old. Resting the back of her head on his broad shoulders, Michelle’s eyes watered as she wrestled with reality and her undying love for Keithe.
“This feels so right. It just feels so good to be here. Right in this moment. Don’t you agree?” Michelle tilted her head. Taking her free hand, Michelle patted Keithe’s chest and allowed her manicured hand to remain, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt.
Keithe debated if he should respond or allow Michelle a few minutes to wallow in her sensitive moment. He fought against being selfish and released a smooth moan of agreement from his voice box.
When his moan wouldn’t suffice, Michelle whispered, “What about you, Keithe?” Still waiting, Michelle completely turned her head to the left. Close enough for a kiss.
With the layered portion of her bobbed hairdo lying across her right eye, Michelle didn’t dare to move in fear the mood would be lost: the mood she hoped Keithe would become a part of.
There seemed to be no winning but Keithe wasn’t going to allow it to happen again. He wasn’t going to allow Michelle to sulk once more in his presence for the decision they both agreed upon, even if it had been his idea to begin with.
At least once a month Michelle played the “woe is me” card. Keithe thought the last two years would have been enough time for her to heal, to settle with the whole notion of what had happened between them. Obviously it hadn’t.
Through all of the trials and tribulations their relationship had endured, his love for Michelle remained. For all they had gone through, nothing took his love for Michelle in a different direction. His love for the woman who grew him into a man overnight hadn’t wavered. Being in love with her ... that was a whole other issue.
Three years before, their marriage had been turned upside down. Being real with himself, Keithe knew problems had lived in their relationship for quite some time, but with the depth of things that had invaded their marriage, it had only pushed their union to the limit. Even when the end product left Michelle saved and living for God, having reconnected with a daughter that only she had known about, Keithe was still left bothered, unfulfilled, and asking God what the problem was. When it was all said and done, Keithe had asked Michelle for a divorce.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Michelle nudged, still sitting on her ex-husband’s lap, yet waiting for some sort of verbal response.
He cared too much. “Too nice of a guy” was what he’d been told all of his life. At the very moment with Michelle waiting for an answer, Keithe knew he had to stop coming around his ex. But he felt obligated. She hadn’t asked for the divorce, so Keithe felt it was his duty to keep some sort of relationship with her.
With a quick breath, Keithe shared, “Just thinking how much I don’t want to rehash this each time I come to visit. I want you to know that I do love you and always will. But this”—he nudged Michelle from her leaning position so that she could look into his eyes—“we are going to have to stop revisiting.”
When she received divorce papers, Michelle hadn’t put up a fight. For one, she couldn’t deny she hadn’t noticed how Keithe’s demeanor had changed, even when she had finally gotten her act together. She just figured she had been a day late and a dollar short. Michelle knew how emotionally, mentally, and physically disgusting she had been during their marriage and allowed Keithe to leave without so much as a fight.
If anyone ever thought it, Keithe knew for a fact Michelle’s role as his wife had been catty, deceiving, and conniving. She had lied, cheated, and manipulated their marriage. She was even abusive when in actuality it was herself whom she hated. Michelle had taken Keithe for granted in their sixteen-year marriage. And she’d done the ultimate: keeping her past, that she had mothered a child, from Keithe.
Michelle didn’t know what she was thinking. Maybe she hadn’t thought things through when it came to not letting him know she had birthed a child. For a fact, she knew she hadn’t, but that was even years before meeting Keithe.
Having a baby twenty-four years ago really hadn’t been on her to-do list. A quick relationship developed with Stoney’s real father, the Bishop Ky Perry, only after her desires to be with his friend fell through. Confused, devastated, and embarrassed, Michelle pushed her emotions to the side and made the decision she thought was best.
Dropping her baby with her mother, Michelle never looked back. Meeting Keithe years later and with her past out of sight, out of mind, Michelle never felt compelled to share what she had done. Even up until the day she was busted, Michelle had still found it hard to share all of herself with Keithe. Even when all he wanted to do was to love her.
And that was just it. Keithe only wanted to love God and his wife, as Christ loved the church. But finally, after sixteen years of marriage, it had been too late to make up for all of her wrong. Like all other days, today didn’t stop Michelle from trying to show her ex-husband that she still loved him.
“Whoa. Do I need to come back at another time?” Stoney almost lost her footing as she made her way into the country decor–styled kitchen. “I mean, really, Mom?” Stoney gave off a questionable laugh as she placed her hand on her Southern eating–produced hip.
Having been reunited with her mom in the most unusual circumstances, Stoney was now settled in her role as Michelle’s only child, albeit a twenty-four-year-old child.
Raised by her maternal grandmother, Stoney didn’t meet Michelle until she was twenty-one. Even then it was a meeting that almost left Stoney psychotic and Michelle physically battered.
Since she could remember, all Stoney wanted was to know and be with her birth mother: a mother who literally dumped her into the arms of a schizophrenic grandmother. The mental struggle her grandmother, Michelle’s mother, battled with was too much for a young Stoney to deal with on her own, and often pushed her to the edge of giving up. But she had survived.
“Oh hush it,” Michelle said and threw the dish towel, she still held on to, at her daughter.
“Your mom was just getting up,” Keithe said as he slightly pushed Michelle to her feet. “Trying once again to fill me to the rim so I can’t leave.” He patted his extended stomach. Keithe made a joke out of the truth as he stood from the table. Straightening the crease Michelle had inadvertently set in his cargo pants, Keithe stepped behind the chair.
Stoney walked over to her stepdad and stood in a ballerina’s stance, on her toes, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Pops, you leaving so soon?” she asked, adding a sad face she hoped would convince him to stay a bit longer. Adding a sly grin to her lips, Stoney stood waiting for a reply.
Even with twenty-one years apart from her mother, having never laid eyes on her, except for one photograph, Stoney resembled Michelle to a T. With her brownish-caramel complexion, Stoney also held the signature eyes that popped, even without mascara. And with her size twelve, mostly in the hips, Stoney knew she was her mother’s child.
“You two are gonna have to stop ganging up on me. Every month it’s the same old thing.” Keithe was tired of being made to feel bad, as if everything fell into his lap and he had been the bad husband, bad parent.
Two weeks off into the New Year, Keithe really did think it was a good idea to spend time with the two he still loved and called family. Now with all the badgering, he second-guessed himself.
“We wouldn’t have this problem if you still lived here,” Stoney said, tilting her head and allowing her ponytail to lie on her shoulder.
“Or at least in the city,” Michelle chimed in, loving Houston as if it were her birthplace.
Pushing his chair in, Keithe said, “It’s definitely time to go.” Grabbing Stoney, Keithe held her in an embrace.
“Well, I know you only come home once a month now to spend time with your mother, and is it so bad that I want to share in the love?” He held open his arms, not letting on how he had also been overdue for a visit with his parents, who still lived in the city. “Plus, I’m only leaving because I want to leave some time for you two to do all the girly stuff I know you have planned for today.”
“If you say so,” Stoney retorted, always holding on to the ill feeling that she had been the straw that broke the camel’s back in Keithe and her mother’s marriage. In her mind, Stoney felt if she had never gone looking for her missing piece to a scrambled puzzle, her mother would still be happy and her stepfather would have remained her husband. No matter how many times Keithe had told her she had nothing to do with the divorce, Stoney could never be certain. That was one of the reasons Stoney chose to continue her college studies at a school an hour away; she had hoped her mother and stepfather’s time together would fill the space that had grown between the two.
“Stoney, please don’t. Especially since I see you more often,” Keithe reminded Stoney of her visits to Dallas to spend time with her biological father.
“Okay. But you do have my graduation date on your calendar, huh?” Stoney wanted to make sure her stepfather planned accordingly for her graduation ceremony, which was five months away.
Before Stoney had connected with her mother and Keithe, she had gone through countless misfortunes her entire life. Once addicted to prescription drugs, most of the time the medication not being her own, but that of her grandmother’s, Stoney had been labeled schizophrenic. In reality, her heart had been broken from her very beginning.
Wanting to know who she was and who she belonged to had been her main objective in life. Not knowing how to deal with the heartache had been her catapult to self-destruction.
Once connected with her past, Stoney was finally at a point where she knew who she was and where she’d come from. Having lost her focus and desire to do anything with her life, it wasn’t until Stoney was settled with who she was that school had become a priority again. Only months stood in the way of her receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, which she was determined to flip into a master’s degree in no time.
With a side eye, Keithe didn’t even bother to answer what he thought was a crazy and sarcastic question. Of course he would be there for Stoney. Placing another kiss on her forehead, Keithe then walked toward Michelle and made sure he squeezed her extra tight and kissed the cheek she offered.
“Okay, ladies. You have a good rest of the afternoon. I will call you when I make it home safely,” the six-foot attorney assured.
“Really wish you could stay for church tomorrow.” Michelle tried to convince Keithe to prolong his stay with a simple raise of her arched eyebrows.
With his mind set to exit through the kitchen’s door, Keithe placed his hand on the doorknob before rejecting the two people who still meant the most to him.
“You know, if I didn’t have to present this class at church in the morning, I probably would,” he said with light emphasis on the “probably.” Then he silently wondered what her latest beau would think about the invite. Obviously Michelle hadn’t thought about that either.
“Um, huh,” Michelle responded and turned, heading back to the kitchen sink.
“Oh. If you happen to talk to Bishop, don’t forget to tell him I will be down next week.” Stoney referred to her biological father by his title, so as not, she thought, to make Keithe feel lesser in the role he had played in her life. Even in the short amount of time of them being in one another’s life, Stoney looked up to Keithe and happily accepted his role. Waving one last time, Stoney left the kitchen.
“Got it.” Knowing he only spoke with Bishop Ky Perry from time to time, Keithe thought nothing of it and just labeled it as small talk on Stoney’s behalf. With the twist of the knob and a backhanded wave, Keithe was almost home free until Michelle made her move. It was obvious; by the stretching of her neck toward the kitchen’s exit, Michelle made sure Stoney was out of listening range.
With a mumbled sound coming from Michelle, Keithe hated to turn around but replied with, “Huh?”
“Who is she?” Michelle sternly responded once more as she turned to face her ex-husband. “Only a woman can be the inspiration for a man driving all the way out of town one day with him turning right back around, headed home, not even twenty-four hours later.” Michelle looked at her TAG Heuer pearl-diamond polished watch. “Who is she, Mr. Morgan?”
“Ahhh, there you go again,” Keithe responded and took a step, placing one foot back inside of the house. “I told you. When I get serious with someone, I will let you know.” With his body halfway in, halfway out the door, Keithe continued. “And not because you are entitled, but only because you’re nosy. Because guess what, Michelle. We aren’t married anymore.”
Leaning against the kitchen sink, Michelle crossed her arms and squinted her eyes. “Touché. Okay, so you say. But I beg to differ. I’m a woman. Humph.” She smiled. “Who am I kidding? I’m Michelle. I know, I know, I don’t get down like that anymore.” She gave a Super Fly gesture, curving her lips and all. “But I know it’s someone.” She turned back around to her awaiting suds. “Be careful. You know how some church women can be.” She mainly spoke about herself rather than others.
Shaking his head and rolling his eyes, Keithe hoped Michelle hadn’t let her former life cross over into her being born again. He decided to not respond but rather leave gracefully. He figured if he could handle Michelle for sixteen years, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t put up with. Obviously she was gonna give him a run for his money as far as his next relationship was concerned.
Finally easing the door shut, Keithe made his departure, ready to head back to his refreshed life as a single, saved, and searching bachelor.