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The flight to Paris from New York was shorter and Lyla was happy because it meant she had to spend less time with Alex. However, why was she disappointed when she found that she was seated next to Matt and not Alex? The question annoyed her. It is good for you. Remember to stay away from Alex!
Alex sat in the seat in front of her and she could see his face from the gap between the seats. As she settled down in her window seat, her face turned into a frown when she saw a beautiful lady in a sexy red top settle next to Alex. Of course, the delight on Alex’s face didn’t bother her. He was a natural flirt and its natural that he was going to enjoy his time with her...I should be happy, she told herself.
To get her mind off Alex, she made a spirited attempt to strike up a conversation with Matt but he already looked pitifully tired. Within minutes, Matt slipped in to a slumber with his headphones on.
Lyla had nothing to do to distract her thoughts but she knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on their conversation, especially when both seem to be engaged in an interesting conversation. Alex seemed to notice her presence. He looked back at her once in a while and gave her one of his sexy looks that’d turn her on immediately. The intimacy of the morning still lingered.
She decided that she wasn’t interested in watching movies anymore and a nap would be a good idea. She snuggled herself in the seat and slipped into sleep slowly.
“Are you sure about it?” The soft, teasing voice of Alex floated toward her. “Of course...” replied the woman throatily.
Lyla opened her eyes wide with alarm. She could see Alex bending over the woman. At first, she was confused but then as realization dawned on her, her expression changed to rage and shock. How can he kiss her when he just met her? This is so gross! This is outrageous and I won't let it happen. Even before she knew what she was doing, Lyla undid her seat belt hastily and stood up.
“Just stop it Alex! You should be ashamed to do this out in the open!!” shouted Lyla angrily.
Alex looked up taken aback. “What? Repairing a malfunctioning display screen?” asked Alex innocently.
Lyla was dumbstruck. Alex still had his one hand on the screen and was looking up at her, along with the woman who was obviously stunned at her reaction. If that wasn’t enough, everyone was staring at her. Her ears and cheeks had gone red with embarrassment. Why the hell did she have to care what Alex did?
Alex and the pretty woman were still waiting for a reply. She had no idea what to tell them. Alex raised his eyebrows in question.
“I’m sorry...I thought you were...you were doing,” replied Lyla embarrassed.
“Doing what?” asked Alex who looked suddenly more interested in this whole fiasco.
“Doing what? Doing something...” fumbled Lyla.
Alex was amused. Why would she scream like that? It didn’t take him long to figure out why she’d screamed and the answer pleased him. She obviously thought that I was kissing the woman and had panicked! That’s pretty interesting!
“I’m sorry. I just misunderstood...sorry. Please carry on,” added Lyla quickly. “No...I still don’t get it. What did you think we were doing?”
She glumly noted the smug look on his face and knew he was back on his game. “I think I need to take a rest now. Can we talk about this later, Alex?” asked Lyla sternly, hoping it would discourage further questions from him.
“Of course if you say so. I’m very interested to know the reason for such outrageous behavior!” added Alex sounding as stern as she just did. He made an annoying face at her at an attempt to impress the woman.
She shuddered to think how she was ever going to explain the reason to him especially when he was looking so fatally attractive. What was she thinking when she screamed at him? Why does she care what he does? Oh my God, was I feeling jealous? Lyla thought mortified. Her rapidly spiraling and confusing feelings for Alex were giving her a headache. She needed to get a grip and escaped back into her seat ignoring him.
Alex was very amused with Lyla on the flight. Not only was she looking extremely uncomfortable sitting next to Matt, she’d been eavesdropping on his conversation with the woman as well. Whenever he’d turn to get a quick glimpse of her, she looked at him as if she disapproved. Disapprove of what? Of him talking to another woman? Her little drama did point to that conclusion.
It was interesting to see Lyla returning to her old self. Years ago she would’ve probably reacted the same way if he tried kissing another woman ... but he wouldn’t have done that. He had Lyla with him then, every night in his bed, and no other woman could give him what she could. But now there was a hole punched in his life that only Lyla could fill.
Lyla had changed too into a cold woman, hiding that soft woman beneath who, he was sure loved him very much. Why was she so adamant about avoiding him? Why was she so guarded about him or in fact everyone else around her?
He’d noticed how little time she spent with the team outside office, which was very unlike her. She loved spending time with people. Did his betrayal cut so deep that she forgot her real self? He felt an odd pain in his chest. Not of longing but of failing her. He’d do everything to bring back that smile on her face. He wanted his old Lyla back.
Alex was sitting with Lyla waiting for others to join them for dinner in the hotel restaurant. Lyla wore a white cotton gown with very light make-up and looked more like an innocent eight-year-old girl than a twenty-six year old woman. The moment she walked in, he couldn’t stop but feel the pride within him. She looked simply beautiful. She was also looking wary of him.
“So, are you going to tell me now what got hold of you in the flight?” Alex asked softly to Lyla.
The moment he asked the question, an alarm went off in Lyla. She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Why can’t he just forget about it? “I told you. It was a misunderstanding,” replied Lyla tersely.
Alex was enjoying the conversation. She was clearly feeling nervous by stating the obvious. Alex smiled. “What did you misunderstand? You thought I was kissing that woman?” drawled Alex. He didn’t receive a reply. Lyla was playing with the fork on the tablecloth. “Would you prefer that I don’t kiss another woman? Or do you want me to kiss only you?”
Lyla looked up to meet his keen eyes only to find disturbing passion. She looked down immediately blushing. There was something in his eyes that triggered a chain of reactions in her body. “I don’t want that and why should I care if you are kissing any woman! It’s your lips and you’re free to do whatever you want with them!” Lyla replied curtly.
“Right...then I want to understand why you screamed?” insisted Alex.
Anger rushing through her, she looked straight at him and said, “I told you didn’t I?
What exactly do you want? If you are going to...” but before she could finish Carl and Stella had joined them with Carl holding Stella around the waist. They both looked extremely happy and relaxed.
The charm of new love. And then the inevitable heartbreak. Lyla took in the radiant Stella as she sat by her side. Both looked very much in love and didn’t notice the awkwardness between Alex and Lyla.
The memory of Alex’s photo in her mobile came back to her. Why was he on Stella’s wallpaper when she obviously looks so happy with Carl? A frown spread on her face as she mulled over her unexpected discovery.
“What a beautiful city!” exclaimed Stella. “We’re just back from a walk around the hotel and it was absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to visit more places here! Oh, how I wish we had more time for sight-seeing!” said Stella disappointed.
“Well, we can extend our stay one more day over the weekend, if everyone agrees.
It’s a lover’s city and we should all get to experience the passion. What do you think, Lyla?” asked Alex pointedly.
Lyla was taken aback. Carl and Stella were looking at her expectantly and she had no idea what to reply. Should she reply that it would be interesting to experience the passion? Lyla felt her ears go warm. “Yes, we should extend our stay if everyone agrees,” Lyla said sounding as agreeable as possible.
Stella squealed with happiness and hugged Alex. Lyla winced at how intimate they looked but quickly turned away as Alex noticed her. Stella turned to Carl to discuss the places they could cover with one extra day.
Alex moved closer to Lyla and whispered concerned, “Are you alright?” “Of course.”
“Then answer the second part sweetheart...shouldn’t we all get to experience passion in this city?” he muttered teasingly low enough so that only she could hear.
Lyla felt so enraged with all the tension building up inside her that when she turned her face to answer him, she found him too close. She could feel his warm breath and felt caged by it. She wanted to move away but the sensation of being so close to him was extremely intoxicating that she was still for a moment.
If it wasn’t for Matt who entered with continuous complaints of starvation, Lyla could have ended up kissing Alex. Such was the intensity of her closeness with Alex that her heartbeat refused to slow down. She was extremely attracted to him and she loathed herself for it.
The dinner went well and everyone returned to their rooms for their much needed sleep. The rest of the week was to be very busy and Lyla didn’t want any more adventures to spoil her mood further!