I dedicate this book to the many students who have inspired and goaded me to look more deeply and to go further in both my own personal practice and in my teaching.

‘OM sa-ha naa-va-va-too
Sa-ha nau bhun-ak-too
Sa-ha veer-yam ka-ra-vaa-va-hai
Maa vid-vi shaa-va-ha’i
OM shanti shanti shanti’

Shanti Mantra, Katha Upanishad

‘OM. May the Divine Consciousness protect us as we play our parts as teacher and students.
May we be nourished with knowledge as we work together with vigour to understand the true meaning of the teachings.
May our learning be brilliant as we walk the path together harmoniously.
May we find new ways of communication and not quarrel with each other OM, peace, peace, peace.’