
Special thanks to my research assistant/partner/wife, Michaele L. Pride. Thanks for the feedback and eyeballs of Mitchell Douglas, Jim Minick, Parneshia Jones, Drew Dillhunt, James Holmberg, CX Dillhunt, Tim Seibles, Greg Pape, Debra Magpie Earling, and Vivien Ara. Thanks to Cheryl Floyd-Miller for the brilliant, probing questions. Thanks to Diane Malikan, Allen Pinkham, Jeff Guillory, and the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce Nation) for welcoming me to the Rez, Lapwai High School, and the sweat lodge. Thanks to Roberta Conner, Pam Steele, Brian Conner, the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Great Falls, Montana, and the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Thanks to Laurel Lightner for light. Thanks to the Cave Canem family for continuing to raise the bar and to the Affrilachian Poets for holding up their end. Thanks, Faith, for your continued presence and blessings, and the Lannan family in Santa Fe, and Marfa for the generous support and encouragement to find these poems, and the wonderful staff at the University Press of Kentucky and Deborah Meade for carving this collection into a book. Aché.