Praying Feets

Praying Feets

I ordered my boy York to dance. The Indians seem
amazed that a man so large is so light on his feet.

—William Clark

Something like leaving happens

when I be ordered to dance.

Not the pack up camp an go kinda leave

but how things might be if my mind

weren’t shackled inside my head

like dreaming but not being asleep.

I might take a puff a tobacco, tie on

a piece a red cloth an wave my hatchet

’round my head to get my mind right.

An once I gets good an loose, I starts

to feel lighter an lighter ’til soon

I hardly weighs nothing at all.

I spends as much time in the air

as on my feet an after a while it’s like

my soul be dancing to drums that thunder

an I be a small child on the ground watching

my body follow the music, catch it

then leave it to make its own.

My captain think it make him look more powerful

to order a man such as me to dance

but the Indians see my body move by its own spirit

an not by a white man’s hand

raise they voices, sing nothing but praises

an join me in the air.