
Authors work and research alone, but we also work in a community. Through the years of email support loops, I have met some wonderful friends. Together we encourage each other and pray for one another. To thank them as a whole seems like such a small gesture, but I would need to fill a book to mention all of those who have touched my life and blessed my career.

As for the writing of this book, my biggest thanks goes to my first reader and critique partner, Jill Stengl. Thank you, dear friend, for helping me through another story!

Other mega thanks go to my editor, Lonnie Hull DuPont, whom God first put in my life in 1991 as a sneak peek of the fact that He wanted us to work together. It took until 2007 for that to be realized in His perfect timing. Thank you, Lonnie! You’re the best!

And to my line editor, Jessica English. I’m so glad we got to meet and have lunch in person this year! Your style of editing is so uplifting and encouraging! Thank you for making my work look good!

To all of the great people I get to work with at Revell—Twila, Michele, Claudia, Deonne, Robin, Janelle, Jennifer, Lindsay, Cheryl, Donna, Mary—thank you for believing in me and for all you do to support this work. I love you guys!

To Wendy Lawton—I loved getting to know you better at the Books & Such retreat this year. You are a rare gem, and I’m so glad God made us a team.

To Randy, my heart’s true love. I’m so glad I never had to share you like Rachel did her Jacob!

To my California guys, Jeff and Chris, who make me so proud to be your mom! (And jealous of your sunshine!)

To Ryan and Carissa, who will be married by the time this book sees print! I can’t tell you how happy I am to get to love the two of you! I’m pretty happy about having a girl in the family too!

To my mom, whose love of reading got me started in the first place. I’m so glad we still have you here on earth to celebrate the joy of living!

And above all, to the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob—the God who is true and living through all of the struggles of all generations.
