
Abrahamson, Lenny
Ahern, Bertie: adaptability/ opportunism; fundraising; Irish economy and; personal finances; political values of; proposed salary rise; public image; relationship with Charles Haughey; speech by
Ahern, Cecelia
Ahern, Georgina
Allied Irish Bank (AIB)
Americas Society
Andrews, David
Anglo Irish Bank
Ansbacher scam
Ardagh, Seàn
Asgard II

Bacall, Lauren
Bailey, Mick
Bailey, Tom
Bank of Ireland
banking regulation ; see also Central Bank, IFSRA
Barry, Sebastian
Benson, Mary
Bradshaw, Lar
Bruton, John
Burke, Ray
Byrne, Adrian
Byrne, Nicky

Carr, Marina
Catholic Church; sexuality/reproductio n and
Cato Institute
Cayman Islands
celebrity culture
Celtic Tiger; creation of; decline of; economic growth and; legacy of
Celtic Tiger, The (dance show)
Central Bank: as regulator of banking system
Christina O (yacht)
Clarke, Michael
Colley, George
Commitments, The (film)
Common Agricultural Policy
Conlon, Jerry
construction industry
Corruption Assets Bureau
Coughlan, Mary
Cowen, Brian
Cromien, Seán
Culliton, Jim

debt, levels of: personal public
Delors, Jacques
Depfa (Deutsche Pfandbriefanstalt)
deprivation, cycles of
Desmond, Dermot
DIRT (Deposit Interest Retention Tax)
Doherty, Pat
Donovan, Terry
Douglas, Roy
Drumm, David
Dunlop, Frank
Dunne, Ben
Dunne, Sean: plan to develop Ballsbridge, Dublin

economic competitiveness
economic forecasts
economic growth
economic miracle
El Tigre Celta: Modelo Irlandes de Desarrollo
English, Barry
Enright, Anne
enterprise, encouraging
EU (European Union)
Eurofood; see also Parmalat
European Commission
Fahy, Michael
false economy
Farrell, Pat
female sexuality, controlling
Fianna Fáil ; power of; sexuality/reproductio n and
Financial Times
Fine Gael
Finnegan, John
Fitzgerald, Niall
Fitzgerald, Scott
Fitzpatrick, Seán
Flatley, Michael
Flood tribunal
foreign investment: US; Netherlands
Fox News
Free market ideology
Friel, Brian
FSI (Financial Services Ireland)

Gallagher, Paul
GE Capital Real Estate
global ideology, Irish habits and
Gogarty, James
Good Friday agreements (1998)
Gramm, Phil
Gross Domestic Product (GDP); decline of; EU level of
Gross National Product (GNP)
Guinness and Mahon (G&M) Bank

Hanafin, Des
Haran, Paul
Harney, Mary
Harris, Pino
Haughey, Charles
Hely-Hutchinson, Mark
Heraty, Anne
Heritage Foundation; Irish model and
Honduran National Business Council
Houldsworth, John
Hurley, John

IDA (Industrial Development Agency)
IFSC (International Financial Services Centre)
IFSRA (Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority)
ILP (Irish Life and Permanent)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
income taxes, cutting
infrastructural developments
Irish Bankers Federation
Irish economy; collapse of; growth of
Irish habits, global ideology and
Irish Life and Permanent
Irish model; enthusiasm for
Irish Nationwide
Irish Independent
Irish Times
IT projects

James Hardie

Katona, Kerry
Keane, John B.
Kelly, Anto
Kelly, Christine
Kelly, Kevin
Kelly, Morgan
Kelly, Paddy
Kenny report (Report of the Committee on the Price of Building Land)
Kerrigan, Gene
Keynes, John Maynard
Kilroy, Thomas

land prices
Latvia First
Latvia’s Way
Lawlor, Liam
Le Monde, on Ireland
Leahy, Pat
Lee, Joe: on national income
Lenihan, Brian
Lithuania in the World
Lobo Sosa, Porfirio
Lowry, Michael

McAteer, Willie
McCain, John
McCann Fitzgerald
McCaughey, Gerry
McCracken tribunal
McCreevy, Charlie ; credo of; tax cuts and
McDowell, Michael
McFadden, Brian
McGann, Gary
McKeown, Hugh
McKillen, Paddy
McManus, J. P.
McNamara, Bernard
Magnier, John
Mahon tribunal
Mansergh, Martin
manufacturing jobs; decline of; as engine of growth
Martin, Micheál
Mitchell, Daniel
Morgan Stanley Real Estate
Moriarty tribunal
Mulryan, Sean
Murphy, Tom
Murray, Charles

NAMA (National Asset Management Agency)
National Competitiveness Council
national income
National Irish Bank
National Spatial Strategy
Neary, Pat
New York Times
non-residents, tax avoidance by, see DIRT

O’Brien, Denis
O’Brien, Eugene
O’Brien, Henry
O’Brien, Justin
O’Callaghan, Owen
O’Connell, Maurice
O’Connor, Pádraic
O’Dea, Willie
O’Dolan, John
O’Donoghue, John
O’Faoláin, Seán
O’Farrell, Brian
O Grada, Cormac
O’Grady-Walshe, Timothy
O’Halloran, Mark
Ó hEithir, Breandán
O’Leary, Michael
O’Reilly, Joe
O’Reilly, Liam
O’Reilly, Tony
O’Reilly-Hyland, Ken
O’Rourke, Kevin
Obama, Barack
Orwell, George

Parlon, Tom
political ideas
political power
population growth
populist politics
poverty; levels of consistent
Powell, Benjamin
Progressive Democrats
property boom; see also construction industry
Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
public services
public spending, cuts in

Quinlan, Derek
Quinn, Ruairi
Quinn, Seán

Recks, Declan
Redmond, George
Reddy, Tony
Richardson, Des
Robinson, Mary
Ronan, Johnny
Ross, Seamus

Salmond, Alex
Scanlan, Gerry
Slattery, William
Smurfit, Michael
social ambition, poverty of
social democracy
social goals
social partnership
social services
Spollen, Tony
sports stadium
Stephenson, Sam
Stewart, Jim
Sunday Independent
Sunday Tribune
Sutherland, Peter
Swift, Jonathan

tax avoidance/evasion; see also DIRT
tax cuts
tax incentives
Teahon, Paddy
TNCs (transnational corporations)
Tóibín, Colm
transport policies
Traynor, Des
Trinidad government, seminar by

Ulster Bank
US News and World Report
US/Uruguay chamber of commerce

van der Kamp, Henk

Wall Street Journal, The: Irish economy and
Wall Street Journal/Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom, The
Washington Speakers Bureau
William Fry
Women’s liberation movement